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1 Furse, Cynthia M.Mixed-signal reflectometer for location of faults on aging wiringLocation of faults on aging cables is of great interest to maintainers of aircraft, cars, power distribution systems, communication systems, etc. One class of methods for locating faults is frequency domain reflectometry (FDR), using sine waves as the forcing function. A new frequency domain method...Mixed signal reflectometer; Fault location; Aging wiring; Nondestructive evaluation; Reflectometry2005-12
2 Furse, Cynthia M.Noncontact probes for wire fault location with reflectometryThis paper describes an approach to locate wire faults using reflectometry without physical contact with the wire conductor. This noncontact method is capable of locating faults on both dead and live powered wires with today's reflectometry technologies, and it does not require any modification or ...Wire fault location; Noncontact probes; Reflectometry; Capacitive coupling; Inductive coupling; Aging aircraft wire2006
3 Furse, Cynthia M.; Christensen, Douglas A.Problem and treatment of DC offsets in FDTD simulationsThis paper discusses the causes of and some solutions to the commonly observed problem of dc field offsets in finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations. DC electric and magnetic field offsets are shown to be valid calculated responses of the modeled systems, resulting from interaction betwee...FDTD simulations; Finite-difference time-domain; DC offsets2000-01-01
4 Furse, Cynthia M.Optimization of a buried microstrip antenna for simultaneous communication and sensing of soil moistureImbedded microstrip antennas have been previously demonstrated for use either as sensing elements or as components of a wireless communication system. This paper presents a method and dual use designs for simultaneous sensing of soil moisture and communication from the buried antenna to an external...Finite-difference time domain; FDTD; Automatic sprinkler control systems2006-03
5 Furse, Cynthia M.Stochastic FDTD for analysis of statistical variation in electromagnetic fieldsThis paper describes a new stochastic finite difference time domain (S-FDTD) method for calculating the variance in the electromagnetic fields caused by variability or uncertainty in the electrical properties of the materials in the model. Details of the 1D derivation using truncated Taylor series a...2012-01-01
6 Mathews, V. John; Varner, Michael W.; Clark, Edward B.Robust estimation of fetal heart rate variability using doppler ultrasoundAbstract-This paper presents a new measure of heart rate variability (HRV) that can be estimated using Doppler ultrasound techniques and is robust to variations in the angle of incidence of the ultrasound beam and the measurement noise. This measure employs the multiple signal characterization (MUSI...2003
7 Varner, Michael W.; Clark, Edward B.; Fernando, Kumari L.; Mathews, V. JohnRobust estimation of fetal heart rate variability using Doppler ultrasound.This paper presents a new measure of heart rate variability (HRV) that can be estimated using Doppler ultrasound techniques and is robust to variations in the angle of incidence of the ultrasound beam and the measurement noise. This measure employs the multiple signal characterization (MUSIC) algori...Prenatal Ultrasonography; Fetal Heart Rate; Blood Flow Velocity; Algorithms2003-08
8 Furse, Cynthia M.Capacitance and inductance sensor circuits for detecting the lengths of open- and short-circuited wiresThe length of an open- or short-circuited wire is linearly proportional to the capacitance or inductance of the wire, respectively. Several types of simple and inexpensive circuits are introduced to measure these values. Open-circuited (capacitance) measurements are very effective. Short-circuited ...Aging aircraft wire; Capacitance sensors; Fault detection; Inductance sensors2009-08
9 Normann, Richard A.; Johansson,Torbjorn; Abbasi, Masoud; Huber, Robert J.Three-dimensional architecture for a parallel processing photosensing arrayA three-dimensional architecture for a photosensing array has been developed. This silicon based architecture consists of a 10 x 10 array of photosensors with 80 microns diameter, through chip interconnects to the back side of a 500 microns thick silicon wafer. Each photosensor consists of a 300 x 3...Retina; Optics; Silicon; Photosensing1992
10 Furse, Cynthia M.Learning to teach in the flipped classroomThe flipped classroom has gained tremendous recent popularity. This paper reports on a new faculty training program for helping and mentoring faculty to learn to teach with the flipped classroom. Several modules were piloted in 2013-2014, including active teaching, how to create video lectures, cont...2014-01-01
11 Furse, Cynthia M.Multicarrier reflectometryA new reflectometry method called multicarrier reflectometry (MCR) for fault location in cables is proposed. MCR combines a weighted set of sinusoidal excitations into a signal that is sent down the wire. The reflected signal from the cable under test is analyzed in order to determine the length of ...Multicarrier reflectometry; MCR; Fault location2006-06
12 Simpson, Jamesina J.Introducing a new method for FDTD modeling of electromagnetic wave propagation in magnetized plasmaComputational investigations of electromagnetic wave propagation in the upper atmosphere are important for studying space weather hazards, such as geomagnetically induced currents (GICs). GICs are currents generated in gas/oil pipelines, railroads, and electric power networks due to solar storms and...2014-01-01
13 Furse, Cynthia M.Scaling the response of nanocrescent antennas into the ultravioletWe investigate the scaling of nanocrescent antennas for applications at UV wavelengths. These antennas have been extensively studied at infrared wavelengths due to their relative ease of fabrication [1] and tunability [2] via nanosphere template lithography. Their response at UV wavelengths, however...2014-01-01
14 Mathews, V. John; Clark, Edward B.Mean frequency estimation of narrowband signals and its application to doppler ultrasound blood velocity waveform estimationABSTRACT Many applications involving Doppler signals require the accurate estimation of the power-weighted mean frequency over short durations of the signal due to it's nonstationarity. This paper presents a novel algorithm for estimating mean frequencies using the eigenstructure of the covariance ...2002
15 Mathews, V. John; Clark, Edward B.A mathematical basis for the application of the modified geometric method to maximum frequency estimationAbstract-The application of ultrasound in assessing the fetal cardiovascular system often requires the accurate estimation of maximum blood flow velocity waveforms using Doppler measurements. The modified geometric method estimates the maximum Doppler frequency as the frequency at which the vertica...2004
16 Furse, Cynthia M.Feasibility of spread spectrum sensors for location of arcs on live wiresSpread spectrum methods are an important emerging class of sensors that have the potential to locate small, intermittent faults on energized aircraft power circuit wires. Previous work has demonstrated the use of these methods for hard faults (open and short circuits). This paper extends that work ...Spread spectrum sensors; Wire fault location; Live wires2005-12
17 Myers, Chris J.CMOS analog map decoder for (8,4) hamming codeAbstract-Design and test results for a fully integrated translinear tail-biting MAP error-control decoder are presented. Decoder designs have been reported for various applications which make use of analog computation, mostly for Viterbi-style decoders. MAP decoders are more complex, and are necess...2004
18 Simpson, Jamesina J.A stochastic FDTD model of electromagnetic wave propagation in magnetized ionospheric plasmaCommunications, surveillance, and navigation capabilities rely heavily on accurate knowledge of electromagnetic (EM) signal propagation characteristics through and reflected by the Earth's ionosphere. Satellite communications, over-the-horizon radar, and target direction finding are a few example ap...2013-01-01
19 Simpson, Jamesina J.Super-enhanced optical energy concentration through a subwavelength aperture using a photonic nanojetOptical transmission through resonant subwavelength apertures in optically thick metal films have received an explosion of interest for their ability to overcome the diffraction limit of light and concentrate light efficiently into a subwavelength volume. This achievement has attracted the use of su...2014-01-01
20 Furse, Cynthia M.Broadband and multiband antenna design using the genetic algorithm to create amorphous shapes using ellipsesA method is demonstrated for generating compact, broadband and multiband antennas using ellipses to create new amorphous shapes with greater bandwidth and less return loss that previously demonstrated. Four designs are presented including a tri-band patch antenna optimized for low reflection loss a...Broadband antenna design; Multiband antenna design; Ellipses2006-10
21 Furse, Cynthia M.Manufacturing considerations for implantable antennasDesign of implantable antennas poses a unique set of challenges since antennas need to be small, biocompatible, and operate in the highly lossy environment of the human body. A recent review identified miniaturization challenges and how they have been managed in a variety of designs. [1] It also not...2013-01-01
22 Furse, Cynthia M.Prof. James R. wait and mining production technology--an appreciationProf. James R. Wait examined electromagnetic (EM) wave propagation in many situations of interest to mining production, including propagation in tunnels, propagation along extended conductors such as cables and drill stems, and propagation in coal seams. This work remains relevant, both to the mini...James R. Wait; Electromagnetic wave propagation; Geologic measurements; Mining industry2000-09
23 Mathews, V. JohnMassively parallel algorithm for vector quantizationThis paper is concerned with the parallel implementation of a vector quantizer system on Maspar MP-2, a single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) massively parallel computer. A vector quantizer (VQ) consists of two mappings: an encoder and a decoder. The encoder assigns to each input vector the inde...1995
24 Furse, Cynthia M.A tutorial on Stochastic FDTDThe Stochastic FDTD (S-FDTD) method provides a way to determine the mean and variance of the electric and magnetic fields in a model where the electrical properties (conductivity and permittivity) vary stochastically, from a single S-FDTD simulation. This method is a realistic and more efficient alt...2014-01-01
25 Furse, Cynthia M.Predicted MIMO performance in intra-vehicle channelsWireless sensor networks inside vehicles face particularly harsh multipath and shadowing constraints. The closed or semi-closed metallic structure functions much like a reverberation chamber, but with some regions shielded from other regions. Vehicles (particularly aircraft) often have extremely hig...2008-07
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