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1 Holzner, Claudio A.; Jameson, Kenneth P.; Maloney, Thomas N.; Abebe, Berhanie; Lund, Matthew; Schaub, KristenEconomic impact of the Mexico-Utah relationshipThis study began during the Summer of 2005 and set out to examine the complexity of the globalized relation between Utah and Mexico, concentrating on broadly defined "economic linkages." It was designed to build upon earlier similar studies done in Arizona and in Texas on those states' relations wit...Economics, Utah; Migration; Immigration; Mexico; Undocumented immigrants2006-03-10
2 Waitzman, Norman J.For cost-reducing technologies, knowing markets is to change themSponsored research from a NSF Foundation/Whitaker Foundation initiative on cost-reducing technologies brought together faculty from engineering, medicine, and social sciences to link economic and policy assessments to engineering design. The technology under development is to be an inexpensive, e...Cost-reducing technologies; PKU monitors2003
3 Maloney, Thomas N.Ghettos and jobs in history: neighborhood effects on African American occupational status and mobility in World War I-era Cincinnati, OhioThis article examines how residence in racially segregated neighborhoods affected the job prospects of African American men in the late 1910s. The analysis focuses on one northern city-Cincinnati, Ohio.The evidence comes from a new longitudinal dataset containing information on individuals linked...Economic outcomes; Residential segregation; Black urban neighborhoods2005
4 Maloney, Thomas N.Living standards in black and white: evidence from the heights of Ohio prison inmates, 1829-1913The use of height data to measure living standards is now a well-established method in the economic history literature. Moreover, a number of core findings are widely agreed upon. There are still some populations, places, and times, however, for which anthropometric evidence remains limited. One su...Stature, Inequality, Nineteenth century US race relations2008-07
5 Fowles, RichardDeterminants of motor vehicle fatalities using classical specification testing and Bayesian sensitivity methodsThis paper uses classical regression methods along with Bayesian Extreme Bounds Analysis (EBA) to addresses the effect of cell phones on motor vehicle fatality rates so as to examine the potential of net life-taking and life-saving effects. The models adjust for a time trend (YEAR), the maximum b...Motor vehicle fatalities; Motor vehicle statistical studies; Cell phones2008-01-09
6 Maloney, Thomas N.Making the effort: the racial contours of Detroit's labor markets, 1920-1940In 1940 the Ford Motor Company employed half of the black men in Detroit but only 14 percent of the whites. The authors postulate that black Detroiters were concentrated at Ford because they were excluded from working elsewhere. Those most affected were young married black men. A Ford job was vir...Automotive workers - Black people; Ford Motor Company1995
7 Jameson, Kenneth P.Institutions and development: what a difference geography and time makeHa-Joon Chang, in his article ?Institutions and Economic Development: Theory, Policy, and History?, provides a description and critique of the mainstream view of institutions and development. It applies well to Latin America in the 1980s and 1990s. However, the effort to introduce these Anglo-Americ...2011
8 Jameson, Kenneth P.Data and social science rhetoric: policy and instructionI believe that social science and empirical investigation can make important contributions to our understanding and to resolution of policy issues, but only if we are clear on the nature of social science and the role of quantification. In particular we must admit the limits of our truth claims, th...Social sciences; Quantification; Empirical investigation1996
9 Zick, Cathleen D.; Srisukhumbowornchai, SivitheeDoes housework matter anymore? The shifting impact of housework on economic inequalityIn recent years, American women's housework time has declined while American men's housework time has risen. We examine how these changes have affected economic inequality in America. Using time-diary data from the Time Use in Economic and Social Accounts, 1975-76 (N=1,484) and the American Time Use...Demography; Socioeconomic status; Household duties; Female; Male; United States; Economics2006-09-25
10 Maloney, Thomas N.Degrees of inequality: the advance of black male workers in the northern meat packing and steel industries before World War IIRecent major works on long-term racial inequality in the labor market revolve around competing hypotheses concerning the importance of human capital factors (Smith and Welch 1989) and government policy (Donohue and Heckman 1991) in promoting black advance. There is however, another line or thinking ...Labor markets; Northern employers; Racial inequality1995
11 Smith, Ken R.; Waitzman, Norman J.Double jeopardy: interaction effects of marital and poverty status on the risk of mortalityThe purpose of this paper is to examine the hypothesis that marital and poverty status interact in their effects on mortality risks beyond their main effects. This study examines the epidemiological bases for applying an additive rather than a multiplicative specification when testing for interacti...National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey1994
12 Fowles, RichardCell phone effect on motor vehicle fatality rates: a Bayesian and classical econometric evaluationThis paper examines the potential effect of cell phones on motor vehicle fatality rates normalized for other driving related and socioeconomic factors. The model used is nonlinear so as to address both life-taking and life-saving attributes of cell phones. The model is evaluated using classical meth...2010
13 Jameson, Kenneth P.Determinants of Latin American exchange rate regimesThe experience of the last thirty years suggests that a wide range of factors affects policymakers' choice of exchange rate regime. The initial explanation was that changes in the international sphere dominated domestic policies and strongly influenced how governments decided among the trade-offs. M...Monetary policy; Exchange rate regimes2005
14 Waitzman, Norman J.Connecting the dots and merging meaning: using mixed methods to study primary care delivery transformationObjective: To demonstrate the value of mixed methods in the study of practice transformation and illustrate procedures for connecting methods and for merging findings to enhance the meaning derived.. Data Source/Study Setting: An integrated network of university-owned, primary care practices at the ...2013-01-01
15 Waitzman, Norman J.Half-life of cost-of-illness estimates: the case of Spina BifidaNeural tube defects, which include spina bifida, are one of the most frequent and important categories of birth defects. Accordingly, there has been considerable interest in studying the impact of spina bifida as a public health problem. This impact can be measured in various ways, including dise...Spinal cord; Birth defect; Healthcare costs2004-10-12
16 Bilginsoy, CihanThe hazards of training: attrition and retention in construction industry apprenticeship programsApprenticeship programs in the United States, which provide workers with the broad-based skills required for practicing a trade via on-the-job training, are sponsored either unilaterally by employers or jointly by employers and trade unions. A comparison of the attrition and retention rates in these...2003
17 Von Arnim, Rudiger LennartA global model of recovery and rebalancingThis paper presents an investigation of global recovery from the great recession and rebalancing of global external imbalances, using a global model of sixteen countries and composite regions. The model applies to the short run, and only to the real side. Key features are demand-driven output determ...2010-01-01
18 Arnim, Rudiger vonA global model of recovery and rebalancingThis paper presents an investigation of global recovery from the Great Recession and the rebalancing of global external imbalances, using a global model of 16 countries and composite regions. The model applies to the short term and only to the real side. Key features are demand-driven output determi...Global imbalances; great recession; global model2012-08-01
19 Jameson, Kenneth P.Dollarization in Latin America: wave of the future or flight to the past?Ecuador undertook official dollarization in 2000 when it destroyed its own currency, the sucre, and adopted the dollar. El Salvador converted all financial instruments to dollars, and Guatemala now allows transactions to be carried out in any currency. Both assumed that the dollar would soon displac...Domestic currencies; Latin America; Dollarization2003
20 Jameson, Kenneth P.Measuring the effect of Bi-directional migration remittances on poverty and inequality in NicaraguaThis paper examines the impact of migrants' remittances on poverty and income distribution in Nicaragua. Nicaraguan emigrants are fairly evenly distributed between the United States and Costa Rica. Poorer migrants overwhelmingly migrate to Costa Rica; richer migrants favor the United States. This bi...2011-01-01
21 Fowles, RichardUnderstanding the cell phone effect on vehicle fatalities: a Bayesian viewThis article examines the potential effect of various factors on motor vehicle fatality rates using a rich set of panel data and classical regression analysis combined with Bayesian Extreme Bounds Analysis, Bayesian Model Averaging and Stochastic Search Variable Selection procedures. The variables e...2012-01-01
22 Von Arnim, Rudiger LennartRedistribution in a neo-Kaleckian two-country modelWe investigate the interaction between demand-driven growth and income distribution in open economies, by combining expenditure-switching and demand spillover effects in a neo-Kaleckian two country model. First, we specify elasticities of wage share and real exchange rate to the money wage relative ...2014-01-01
23 Von Arnim, Rudiger LennartRebalancing through expenditure and price changesThis paper puts forth a Neo-Kaleckian open economy model of two countries in order to investigate adjustment of US-China external imbalances. First, a stylized fixed mark-up model is presented, and discussed based on graphical analysis. Second, we present estimates of bilateral income and price elas...2012-12-01
24 Von Arnim, Rudiger LennartWage policy in an open economy kalecki-kaldor model: a simulation studyThis paper discusses a Post?Keynesian model of income, production, and trade. The one?country, one?sector model features Kaleckian investment demand, Kaldorian productivity and a labor market module based on a wage?price spiral. The model is first presented for a closed economy with exogenous real w...2010
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