876 - 900 of 957
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876 Freire, Juliana; Silva, Claudio T.Towards enabling social analysis of scientific dataFlickr, Facebook, Yahoo! Pipes), which facilitate collaboration and sharing between users, are becoming increasingly popular. An important benefit of these sites is that they enable users to leverage the wisdom of the crowds. For example, in Flickr, users, in a mass collaboration approach, tag ...Social data analysis; Scientific data; Workflows; Provenance; Pipelines; VisTrails2008
877 Shirley, Peter S.; Parker, Steven G.Towards interactive global illumination effects via sequential Monte Carlo adaptationThis paper presents a novel method that effectively combines both control variates and importance sampling in a sequential Monte Carlo context while handling general single-bounce global illumination effects. The radiance estimates computed during the rendering process are cached in an adaptive per...Ray tracing; Illumination; Monte Carlo methods2008
878 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshTowards providing low-overhead data race detection for large OpenMP applicationsNeither static nor dynamic data race detection methods, by themselves, have proven to be sufficient for large HPC applications, as they often result in high runtime overheads and/or low race-checking accuracy. While combined static and dynamic approaches can fare better, creating such combinations, ...2014-01-01
879 Balasubramonian, RajeevTowards scalable, energy-efficient, bus-based on-chip networksIt is expected that future on-chip networks for many-core processors will impose huge overheads in terms of energy, delay, complexity, verification effort, and area. There is a common belief that the bandwidth necessary for future applications can only be provided by employing packet-switched netwo...On-chip networks; Multi-core computing; Bus-based; Energy efficient2010
880 Musuvathy, Suraj Ravi; Cohen, ElaineTracing ridges on B-Spline surfacesWon Best Paper Award at SIAM/ACM Joint Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling, San Francisco, 20092010-02-26
881 Subrahmanyam, P.A.TRACIS: transformations on Ada for circuit synthesis a report on the methodology for a silicon compilerThis report describes in detail, the ongoing design and implementation of a transformation system, for compiling specifications of integrated circuits into silicon. There are many levels in this process, and the area that we focus on produces target specifications of asynchronous and synchronous con...TRACIS; transformation system1983
882 Venkatasubramanian, SureshTrack estimation using link line crossing information in wireless networksDevice-free or non-cooperative localization uses the changes in signal strength measured on links in a wireless network to estimate a person's position in the network area. Existing methods provide an instantaneous coordinate estimate via radio tomographic imaging or location fingerprinting. In this...2013-01-01
883 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshTransaction ordering verification of the PCI 2.1 protocol using trace inclusion refinementWe define an abstract model of PCI, called PCIA, and show that PCI is a refinement of PCIA based on tract inclusion. We then show that no traces of PCIA violate the Producer/Consumer property using the mur? explicit state ennumeration model checker. Given that PCIA does not violate the Producer/Cons...PCI; PCIA; tract inclusion2000
884 Hansen, Charles D.Transfer function design based on user selected samples for intuitive multivariate volume explorationMultivariate volumetric datasets are important to both science and medicine. We propose a transfer function (TF) design approach based on user selected samples in the spatial domain to make multivariate volumetric data visualization more accessible for domain users. Specifically, the user starts the...2013-01-01
885 Organick, Elliott I.Transformation of Ada program units into silicon (Fourth Semiannual technical report 83 Apr 1 - 83 Nov 15)This report, augmented with several appended papers and supplementary reports describes the most recent six months of work on the research project, "Transformation of Ada Programs into Silicon". This report is also the last of the series to be rendered under the current contact.Transformation; Ada program units; Silicon1983
886 Organick, Elliott I.Transformation of ADA programs into silicon (82 Mar. 1 - 82 Oct. 31)This report outlines the beginning steps taken in an integrated research effort toward the development of a methodology, and supporting systems, for transforming Ada programs, or program units, (directly) into corresponding VLSI systems. The time seems right to expect good results. The need is evide...Transformation; Silicon; Ada program units1982
887 Organick, Elliott I.; Lindstrom, Gary E.Transforming an Ada program unit to silicon and verifying its behavior in an Ada environment: a first experimentMicroelectronics technology has advanced so rapidly and been so successful that we are new having to build large systems with a multitude of diverse, interacting components. Some components of these systems exhibit distinct architectures and may, in fact, be implemented following different choices o...Transformation; Ada program units; Silicon1983
888 Starkey, MikeTransforming disfigured and disoriented areas into routable switchboxesRouting an entire circuit requires partitioning the circuit (routing area) into smaller, localized routing areas. Using non-rectangular, rotated switchbox shapes (and therefore non-manhattan routing layout) has the potential to simplify the partitioning of the circuit into routable areas and to use ...Disfigured areas; Disoriented areas; routable switchboxes1991
889 Brunvand, Erik L.Translating concurrent programs into delay-insensitive circuitsPrograms written in a subset of occam are automatically translated into delay-insensitive circuits using syntax-directed techniques. The resulting circuits are improved using semantics-preserving circuit-to-circuit transformations. Since each step of the translation process can be proven correct, th...1989
890 Organick, Elliott I.; Lindstrom, Gary E.Transparent interface between software and hardware versions of ADA compilation unitsThe Ada-to-Silicon project at Utah is developing a methodology (and associated software and hardware) for the high level testing of Ada compilation units that are represented as hardware components (circuitry). There are two motivations for this research.Ada-to-Silicon; ADA compilation units1983
891 Barsky, Brian A.Transpline curve representation systemAn interactive curve representation system has been developed based on the concept of transforming among several parametric spline curve formulations. The available formulations are the interpolatory spline, uniform B-spline, spline under tension, and NU-spline. The system implementation is describe...Transpline curves; curve representation system1980
892 Regehr, JohnTwo case studies in predictable application scheduling using Rialto/NTThis paper analyzes the results of two case studies in applying the Rialto/NT scheduler to real Windows 2000 applications. The first study is of a soft modem-a modem whose signal processing work is performed on the host CPU, rather than on a dedicated signal processing chip. The second is of an audi...2001-01-01
893 Lindstrom, Gary E.Type-safe composition of object modulesWe describe a facility that enables routine type-checking during the linkage of external declarations and definitions of separately compiled programs in ANSI C. The primary advantage of our server-style type-checked linkage facility is the ability to program the combination of object modules via a s...object modules; ANSI C; Type-safe; type-checking1994
894 Berzins, MartinUintah hybrid task-based parallelism algorithmAbstract-Uintah is a software framework that provides an environment for solving large-scale science and engineering problems involving the solution of partial differential equations. Uintah uses a combination of fluid-flow solvers and particle-based methods for solids, together with adaptive meshin...2012-01-01
895 Potter, Kristin CarrieUncertainty visualization in forward and inverse cardiac modelsQuantification and visualization of uncertainty in cardiac forward and inverse problems with complex geometries is subject to various challenges. Specific to visualization is the observation that occlusion and clutter obscure important regions of interest, making visual assessment difficult. In orde...2013-01-01
896 Tripathi, Abhishek; Bremer, Peer-Timo; Pascucci, ValerioUnderstanding global climate changeWhat is Climate Modeling? Use of quantitative methods to simulate the interactions of the atmosphere, oceans, land surface, and ice. Average Global Temperatures indicate a warming trend but that alone does not explain why it is happening.
897 Regehr, JohnUnderstanding integer overflow in C/C++Integer overflow bugs in C and C++ programs are difficult to track down and may lead to fatal errors or exploitable vulnerabilities. Although a number of tools for finding these bugs exist, the situation is complicated because not all overflows are bugs. Better tools need to be constructed-but a tho...2012-01-01
898 Sudan, KshitijUnderstanding the behavior of Pthread applications on non-uniform cache architecturesWhy is it important? As number of cores in a processor scale up, caches would become banked Keeps individual look-up time small. Allows parallel accesses by different cores. Present shared programming model assumes a flat memory. Unaware application can have sub-optimal performance Conclusion ...Computer architecture, compiler analysis, NUCA caches2011-10-08
899 Balasubramonian, RajeevUnderstanding the impact of 3D stacked layouts on ILP3D die-stacked chips can alleviate the penalties imposed by long wires within micro-processor circuits. Many recent studies have attempted to partition each microprocessor structure across three dimensions to reduce their access times. In this paper, we implement each microprocessor structure on a s...2007-01-01
900 Riloff, Ellen M.Unified model of phrasal and sentential evidence for information extractionInformation Extraction (IE) systems that extract role fillers for events typically look at the local context surrounding a phrase when deciding whether to extract it. Often, however, role fillers occur in clauses that are not directly linked to an event word. We present a new model for event extract...Information extraction; Phrasal evidence; Sentential evidence; Role fillers; Event extraction; Sentential event recognizer; Plausible roll-filler recognizer2009
876 - 900 of 957