626 - 650 of 957
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626 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshOvercoming extreme-scale reproducibility challenges through a unified, targeted, and multilevel toolsetReproducibility, the ability to repeat program executions with the same numerical result or code behavior, is crucial for computational science and engineering applications. However, non-determinism in concurrency scheduling often hampers achieving this ability on high performance computing (HPC) sy...2013-01-01
627 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshOvis: A framework for visual analysis of ocean forecast ensemblesWe present a novel integrated visualization system that enables interactive visual analysis of ensemble simulations of the sea surface height that is used in ocean forecasting. The position of eddies can be derived directly from the sea surface height and our visualization approach enables their int...2014-01-01
628 Boulos, Solomon; Shirley, Peter S.Packet-based whitted and distribution ray tracingMuch progress has been made toward interactive ray tracing, but most research has focused specifically on ray casting. A common approach is to use ?packets? of rays to amortize cost across sets of rays. Little is known about how well packet-based techniques will work for reflection and refractio...Packet-based whitted ray tracing; Distribution ray tracing; Interactive ray tracing2006-11-10
629 Stoller, Leigh B.Paint: PA instruction set interpreterThis document describes Paint, an instruction set simulator based on Mint[3]. Paint interprets the PA-RISC instruction set, and has been extended to support the Avalanche Scalable Computing Project[2]. These extensions include a new process model that allows multiple programs to be run on each proce...Paint; Instruction set simulator; Mint; Avalanche Scalable Computing Project1996
630 Berzins, MartinParallel breadth first search on GPU clustersFast, scalable, low-cost, and low-power execution of parallel graph algorithms is important for a wide variety of commercial and public sector applications. Breadth First Search (BFS) imposes an extreme burden on memory bandwidth and network communications and has been proposed as a benchmark that m...2014-01-01
631 Pascucci, ValerioThe parallel computation of morse-smale complexesTopology-based techniques are useful for multi-scale exploration of the feature space of scalar-valued functions, such as those derived from the output of large-scale simulations. The Morse-Smale (MS) complex, in particular, allows robust identification of gradient-based features, and therefore is s...2012-01-01
632 Hansen, Charles D.; Sloan, Peter-Pike J.Parallel lumigraph reconstructionThis paper presents three techniques for reconstructing Lumigraphs/ Lightfields on commercial ccNUMA parallel distributed shared memory computers. The first method is a parallel extension of the software-based method proposed in the Lightfield paper. This expands the ray/two-plane intersection test ...Lumigraph; Parallel reconstruction1999
633 Hansen, Charles D.Parallel lumigraph reconstructionThis paper presents three techniques for reconstructing Lumigraphs/Lightfields on commercial ccNUMA parallel distributed shared memory computers. The first method is a parallel extension of the software-based method proposed in the Lightfield paper. This expands the ray/two-plane intersection test a...Lumigraph; Lightfield; Illumination; Parallel reconstruction; Ray tracing1999
634 Parker, Steven G.; Hansen, Charles D.; Shirley, Peter S.Parallel methods for isosurface visualizationisosurface extraction and vis utilization is crucial for explorative scientific visualization of extremely large scientific data. The shear number of polygons extracted and the subsequent rendering time limit interactivity. We explore two solutions to this problem: exploiting parallel graphics hardw...Isosurfaces; Ray tracing; Large data1999
635 Henderson, Thomas C.Parallel path consistencyFiltering algorithms are well accepted as a means of speeding up the solution of the consistent labeling problem (CLP). Despite the fact that path consistency does a better job of filtering than arc consistency, AC is still the preferred technique because it has a much lower time complexity. We ar...Filtering algorithms; Parallel paths; Consistency; Consistent labeling problem; CLP1991
636 Hansen, Charles D.; Shirley, Peter S.Parallel point reprojectionImprovements in hardware have recently made interactive ray tracing practical for some applications. However, when the scene complexity or rendering algorithm cost is high, the frame rate is too low in practice. Researchers have attempted to solve this problem by caching results from ray tracing an...Point reprojection; Ray tracing2001
637 Shirley, Peter S.Parallel point reprojectionImprovements in hardware have recently made interactive ray tracing practical for some applications. However, when the scene complexity or rendering algorithm cost is high, the frame rate is too low in practice. Researchers have attempted to solve this problem by caching results from ray tracing and...Point projection; Ray tracing; Render cache2001
638 Hansen, Charles D.Parallel renderingMassively parallel computers have emerged as valuable tools for performing scientific and engineering computations, far outstripping the capabilities of independent workstations in both sheer floating point performance and memory capacity. As the resolution of simulation models increases, graphics ...Parallel rendering; Massively parallel processors1994
639 Hansen, Charles D.Parallel volume rendering using binary-swap compositingExisting volume rendering methods, though capable of very effective visualizations, are computationally intensive and therefore fail to achieve interactive rendering rates for large data sets. Although computing technology continues to advance, computer processing power never seems to catch up to th...1994
640 Parker, Steven G.; Smith, Philip J.; Johnson, Christopher R.Parallelization and integration of fire simulations in the Uintah PSEA physics-based stand-alone serial code for fire simulations is integrated in a unified computational framework to couple with other disciplines and to achieve massively parallel computation. Uintah, the computational framework used, is a component-based visual problem-solving environment developed...Uintah; Problem solving environment2001
641 Freire, JulianaParallelizing tabled evaluationsSLG is a table-oriented resolution method that extends SLD evaluation in two ways. It computes the well-founded model for logic programs with negation with polynomial data complexity,and it terminates for programs with the bounded-term-size property. Furthermore SLG has an efficient sequential imple...Parallel logic programming; Tabling; Table parallelism; SLG; XSB1994
642 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshParameterized verification of GPU kernel programsWe present an automated symbolic verifier for checking the functional correctness of GPGPU kernels parametrically, for an arbitrary number of threads. Our tool PUG checks the functional equivalence of a kernel and its optimized versions, helping debug errors introduced during memory coalescing and b...2012-01-01
643 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshPartial order reduction without the provisoIn this paper, we present a new partial order reduction algorithm that can help reduce both space and time requirements of on-the-fly explicit enumeration based verifiers. The partial order reduction algorithms described in [God95, HP94, Pel94, Pel96] were observed to yield very little savings in ma...Partial order reduction algorithms1996
644 Seeley, DonnPassword cracking: a game of witsA password cracking algorithm seems like a slow and bulky item to put in a worm, but the worm makes this work by being persistent and efficient. The worm is aided by some unfortunate statistics about typical password choices.Password cracking algorithm; Computer worms1989
645 Carter, Tony M.The path programmable logic (PPL) user's manualThis manual describes the primitive NMOS path programmable logic cells currently in use at the University of Utah. It contains detailed descriptions, schematics and composite layout of all cells. Also included are PPL programming rules as well as layout design rules for each cell set.1982
646 Carter, Tony M.Path-programmable logicPath-Programmable Logic (PPL) is a structured IC design methodology under development at the University of Utah. PPL employs a sea-of-wires approach to design. In PPL, design is done entirely using cells for both functionality and interconnect. PPL cells may have modifiers that change either their ...Path-Programmable Logic; PPL1989
647 Henderson, Thomas C.Pattern formation in wireless sensor networksBiological systems exhibit an amazing array of distributed sensor/actuator systems, and the exploitation of principles and practices found in nature will lead to more effective artificial systems. The retina is an example of a highly tuned sensing organ, and the human skin is comprised of a set o...Pattern formation; Wireless sensor networks2008
648 Henderson, Thomas C.Pattern recognition in a multi-sensor environmentCurrent pattern recognition systems tend to operate on a single sensor, e.g., a camera. however. the need is now evident for pattern recognition systems which can operate in multi-sensor environments. For example, a robotics workstation may use range finders. cameras, tactile pads, etc. The Multi-se...Pattern recognition; Multi-sensor; Multi-sensor Kernel System; MKS1983
649 Johnson, Robert R.Patterns of patternsPurpose of this Poster is to demonstrate that it takes the patterns of values in all the many dimensions to place each patient in the final patterns shown in each of the 5 charts. The final patterns determine the ability of each technology to identify or distinguish patients in each class. It is p...Gene patterns; Colon cancer; Trapeze Interactive poster2010-03-15
650 Brunvand, Erik L.Peephole optimization of asynchronous macromodule networksMost high level synthesis tools for asynchronous circuits take descriptions in concurrent hardware description languages and generate networks of macromodules or handshake components. In this paper we describe a peephole optimizer for such macromodule networks that often effects area and/or time im...1994
626 - 650 of 957