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1 Lindstrom, Gary E.Combinator evaluation of functional programs with logical variablesA technique is presented that brings logical variables into the scope of the well known Turner method for evaluating normal order functioned programs by S, K, I combinator graph reduction. This extension is illustrated by SASL+LV, an extension of Turner's language SASL in which general expressions s...Functional programs; Logical variables; SASL+LV; Turner's language1987
2 Henderson, Thomas C.Multisensor methods to estimate thermal diffusivitySeveral methods for the estimation of thermal diffusivity are studied in this work. In many application scenarios, the thermal diffusivity is unknown and must be estimated in order to perform other estimation functions (e.g., tracking of the physical phenomenon, or solving other inverse problems lik...2012-01-01
3 Parker, Steven G.Integrating component-based scientific computing softwareIn recent years, component technology has been a successful methodology for large-scale commercial software development. Component technology combines a set of frequently used functions in a component and makes the implementation transparent to users. Software application developers typically conne...SCIRun; BioPSE; Component technology; Computational steering; Problem solving environment; Distributed computing2006
4 Hansen, Charles D.Visually accurate multi-field weather visualizationWeather visualization is a difficult problem because it comprises volumetric multi-field data and traditional surface-based approaches obscure details of the complex three-dimensional structure of cloud dynamics. Therefore, visually accurate volumetric multi-field visualization of storm scale and cl...Weather visualization; Multifield visualization; Volume rendering2003
5 Henderson, Thomas C.; Sikorski, ChristopherComputational sensor networksWe propose Computational Sensor Networks as a methodology to exploit models of physical phenomena in order to better understand the structure of the sensor network. To do so, it is necessary to relate changes in the sensed variables (e.g., temperature) to the aspect of interest in the sensor netw...Computational sensor networks2007
6 Brunvand, Erik L.Fred: an architecture for a self-timed decoupled computerDecoupled computer architectures provide an effective means of exploiting instruction level parallelism. Selftimed micropipeline systems are inherently decoupled due to the elastic nature of the basic FIFO structure, and may be ideally suited for constructing decoupled computer architectures. Fred ...1996
7 George, LalAn abstract machine for parallel graph reductionAn abstract machine for parallel graph reduction on a shared memory multiprocessor is described. This is intended primarily for normal order (lazy) evaluation of functional programs. It is absolutely essential in such a design to adapt an efficient sequential model since during execution under limit...Parallel graph reduction1989
8 Bhanu, BirShape matching of two-dimensional objectsIn this paper we present results in the areas of shape matching of nonoccluded and occluded two-dimensional objects. Shape matching is viewed as a "segment matching" problem. Unlike the previous work, the technique is based on a stochastic labeling procedure which explicitly maximizes a criterion ...Shape matching; Two-dimensional objects; Segment matching1984
9 Carter, John B.Design of a parallel vector access unit for SDRAM memory systemsParallel Vector Access is a technique that exploits the regularity of vector or stream accesses to perform them efficiently in parallel on a multi-bank memory system. The performance of applications that have vector accesses may be improved using a memory controller that performs scatter/gather oper...Parallel vector access; SDRAM memory; Multi-bank memory system1999
10 Parker, Steven G.Survey of the Itanium architecture from a programmer's perspectiveThe Itanium family of processors represents Intel;s foray into the world of Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing and 64-bit system design. This survey contains an introduction to the Itanium architecture and instruction set, as well as some of the available implementations. Taking a programmer'...Itanium; Instruction sets2003
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