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1 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshTransaction ordering verification of the PCI 2.1 protocol using trace inclusion refinementWe define an abstract model of PCI, called PCIA, and show that PCI is a refinement of PCIA based on tract inclusion. We then show that no traces of PCIA violate the Producer/Consumer property using the mur? explicit state ennumeration model checker. Given that PCIA does not violate the Producer/Cons...PCI; PCIA; tract inclusion2000
2 Parker, Steven G.Integrating component-based scientific computing softwareIn recent years, component technology has been a successful methodology for large-scale commercial software development. Component technology combines a set of frequently used functions in a component and makes the implementation transparent to users. Software application developers typically conne...SCIRun; BioPSE; Component technology; Computational steering; Problem solving environment; Distributed computing2006
3 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshVerifying a virtual component interface-based PCI bus wrapper using an LSC-based specificationBecause of the high stakes involved in integrating externally developed intellectual property (IP) cores used in System on Chip (SOC) designs, methods and tool support for quick, easy, decisive standard compliance verification must be developed. Such methods and tools include formal standard spec...System on Chip; SOC; Verification; PCI bus wrapper; LSC2002-01-22
4 Freire, Juliana; Silva, Claudio T.Towards enabling social analysis of scientific dataFlickr, Facebook, Yahoo! Pipes), which facilitate collaboration and sharing between users, are becoming increasingly popular. An important benefit of these sites is that they enable users to leverage the wisdom of the crowds. For example, in Flickr, users, in a mass collaboration approach, tag ...Social data analysis; Scientific data; Workflows; Provenance; Pipelines; VisTrails2008
5 Akella, VenkateshhopCP: language definition, semantics and examplesWe describe a formalism for high level modeling of hardware based on flow graphs and nonatomic actions called hopCP. A module is the description of a hardware system in hopCP, which contains a flow graph to model the behavioral aspects and ports which represent the communication links. Operations ar...hopCP1990
6 Kirby, Robert MichaelKirby research group2012
7 Sobh, Tarek M.A survey on sensor classifications for industrial applicationsThe importance of sensors in industrial applications is a result of the introduction of many robotics, automation, and intelligent control techniques into factory floors. Research and improvements need to be continuously performed to meet the challenges in automation and manufacturing applications i...Sensor classifications; Industrial applications; Sensors1995
8 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshFormal methods for surviving the jungle of heterogeneous parallelismThe parallel programming community will soon be entering the ‘jungle' of heterogeneous hardware and software. Unfortunately, we are not adequately preparing future programmers (today's students) to cope with the many challenges of heterogeneous concurrency, especially in their ability to rigorousl...2012-01-01
9 Riloff, Ellen M.Unified model of phrasal and sentential evidence for information extractionInformation Extraction (IE) systems that extract role fillers for events typically look at the local context surrounding a phrase when deciding whether to extract it. Often, however, role fillers occur in clauses that are not directly linked to an event word. We present a new model for event extract...Information extraction; Phrasal evidence; Sentential evidence; Role fillers; Event extraction; Sentential event recognizer; Plausible roll-filler recognizer2009
10 Parke, Frederic IraA parametric model for human facesThis report presents a computer model for the representation of human faces. This three-dimensional, parametric model produces shaded facial images. The face, constructed of polygonal surfaces, is manipulated through the use of parameters which control interpolation, translation, rotation and scalin...Parametric model; Human face1975
11 Zhang, ChengqiangHardware-only stream prediction + cache prefetching + dynamic access orderingThe speed gap between processors and memory system is becoming the performance bottleneck for many applications, and computations with strided access patterns are among those that suffer most. The vectors used in such applications lack temporal and often spatial locality, and are usually too large t...Speed gap; Stream prediction; Cache prefetching; Dynamic access ordering1999
12 Riloff, Ellen M.Corpus-based identification of non-anaphoric noun phrasesCoreference resolution involves finding antecedents for anaphoric discourse entities, such as definite noun phrases. But many definite noun phrases are not anaphoric because their meaning can be understood from general world knowledge (e.g., "the White House" or "the news media"). We have develope...Corpus-based identification; Non-anaphoric noun phrases; Coreference resolution; MUC-4; Discourse entity; DE1999
13 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshVerifying a virtual component interface-based PCI bus wrapper with FormalCheckThe Virtual Sockets Interface Alliance (VSIA) recently released the Virtual Component Interface (VCI) Standard. This paper reports recent experiences in formally verifying a few properties of a VCI-compliant PCI 2.1 bus wrapper model in the formal verification tool, FormalCheck. Though we chose t...Virtual Sockets Interface Alliance; VSIA; Virtual Component Interface Standard; VCI; Verification; PCI bus wrapper; FormalCheck2001-06-14
14 Riesenfeld, Richard F.Discrete B-splines and subdivision techniques in compter-aided geometric design and computer graphicsThe relevant theory of discrete 5-sphnes with associated new algorithms is extended to provide a framework for understanding and implementing general subdivision schemes for nonuniform B-splines. The new derived polygon corresponding to an arbitrary refinement of the knot vector for an existing .B-...1979
15 Lindstrom, Gary E.The key node method: a highly-parallel alpha-beta algorithmA new parallel formulation of the alpha-beta algorithm for minimax game tree searching is presented. Its chief characteristic is incremental information sharing among subsearch processes in the form of "provisional" node value communication. Such "eager" communication can offer the double benefit of...Key node method; Alpha-beta algorithm; Minimax; Game tree searching1983
16 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshFormal specification of the virtual component interface standard in the unified modeling languageAs part of our charge from the Virtual Sockets Interface Alliance we search for a notation in which standards documents can be precisely specified. We approach the specification for standard problem in the context of the Virtual Component Interface Standard. We propose six orthogonal axes of specifi...Unified Modeling Language2001
17 Balasubramonian, RajeevQuantifying the relationship between the power delivery network and architectural policies in a 3D-stacked memory deviceMany of the pins on a modern chip are used for power delivery. If fewer pins were used to supply the same current, the wires and pins used for power delivery would have to carry larger currents over longer distances. This results in an "IR-drop" problem, where some of the voltage is dropped across t...2013-01-01
18 Cohen, ElaineAdaptive isocurves based rendering for freeform surfacesFreeform surface rendering is traditionally performed by approximating the surface with polygons and then rendering the polygons This approach is extremely common because of the complexity in accurately rendering the surfaces directly Recently?? several papers presented methods to render surface...Freeform surface rendering; Isocurves1992
19 Newell, Martin EdwardThe utilization of procedure models in digital image synthesisMany algorithms have been developed for synthesizing shaded images of three dimensional objects modeled by computer. In spite of widely differing approaches the current state of the art algorithms are surprisingly similar with respect to the richness of the scenes they can process. One attribute the...Digital image synthesis; Procedure models; Shaded images; Three dimensional objects1976
20 Bhanu, BirSegmentation of complex outdoor scenesA new simpler approach to image segmentation via recursive region splitting and merging is presented. Unlike other techniques the kernel of splitting is based on a generalization of a two class gradient relaxation method and merging uses a statistical analysis of variance.Image segmentation; Outdoor scenes; Recursive region splitting; Segmentation algorithm1985
21 Henderson, Thomas C.; Sikorski, ChristopherComputational sensor networksWe propose Computational Sensor Networks as a methodology to exploit models of physical phenomena in order to better understand the structure of the sensor network. To do so, it is necessary to relate changes in the sensed variables (e.g., temperature) to the aspect of interest in the sensor netw...Computational sensor networks2007
22 Henderson, Thomas C.RobotShare: a framework for robot knowledge sharingKnowledge representation is a traditional field in artificial intelligence. Researchers have developed various ways to represent and share information among intelligent agents. Agents that share resources, data, information, and knowledge perform better than agents working alone. However, previou...RobotShare; Robot knowledge sharing2007
23 Regehr, JohnA practical logic framework for verifying safety properties of executablesWe present a novel program logic, Lf , which is designed on top of a Hoare logic, but is simpler, more flexible and more scalable. Based on Lf , we develop a framework for automatically verifying safety properties of executables. It utilizes a whole-program interprocedural abstract interpretation to...2011-01-01
24 Cohen, ElaineAdaptive isocurves based rendering for freeform surfacesFreeform surface rendering is traditionally performed by approximating the surface with polygons and then rendering the polygons. This approach is extremely common because of the complexity in accurately rendering the surfaces directly. Recently, several papers presented methods to render surfaces ...Freeform surface rendering; Isocurves1992
25 Zhang, Lixin; Carter, JohnMemory system support for image processingProcessor speeds are increasing rapidly, but memory speeds are not keeping pace. Image processing is an important application domain that is particularly impacted by this growing performance gap. Image processing algorithms tend to have poor memory locality because they access their data in a non-se...Processor speeds; Memory system support; Memory speeds1999
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