26 - 50 of 48
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26 Fujimoto, Richard M.Efficient instruction level simulation of computersA technique for creating efficient, yet highly accurate, instruction level simulation models of computers is described. In contrast to traditional approaches that use a software interpreter, this technique employs direct execution of application programs on the host computer. An assembly language pr...Simulation models1987
27 Henderson, Thomas C.An annotated bibligraphy of multisensor integrationIn this paper we give an annotated bibliography of the multisensor integration literature.Multisensor integration; Bibligraphy1988
28 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshFormal specification of the virtual component interface standard in the unified modeling languageAs part of our charge from the Virtual Sockets Interface Alliance we search for a notation in which standards documents can be precisely specified. We approach the specification for standard problem in the context of the Virtual Component Interface Standard. We propose six orthogonal axes of specifi...Unified Modeling Language2001
29 Organick, Elliott I.Semiannual technical report transformation of ADA programs into silicon (1 Sept. 1981- 28 Feb. 1982)This report summarizes the first six months work of the research project, "Transformation of Ada Programs into Silicon." Our project has five main objectives: 1. Develop and document elements of a transformation methodology for converting Ada programs, or program constructs, into VLSI systems which ...ADA programs; VLSI1982
30 Riloff, Ellen M.Feature subsumption for opinion analysisLexical features are key to many approaches to sentiment analysis and opinion detection. A variety of representations have been used, including single words, multi-word Ngrams, phrases, and lexicosyntactic patterns. In this paper, we use a subsumption hierarchy to formally define different types o...Feature subsumption; Sentiment analysis; Opinion detection; Subsumption hierarchy2006
31 Lepreau, JayDRAFT: work in progress - - - comments solicited evolving Mach 3.0 to use migrating threadsLike most operating systems, Mach 3.0 views threads as statically associated with a single task. An alternative model is that of migrating threads, in which a single thread abstraction moves between tasks with the logical flow of control, and "server" code is passively executed. We have compatibly r...DRAFT1993
32 Organick, Elliott I.; Lindstrom, Gary E.Transforming an Ada program unit to silicon and verifying its behavior in an Ada environment: a first experimentMicroelectronics technology has advanced so rapidly and been so successful that we are new having to build large systems with a multitude of diverse, interacting components. Some components of these systems exhibit distinct architectures and may, in fact, be implemented following different choices o...Transformation; Ada program units; Silicon1983
33 Gu, JunStructured, technology independent VLSI designRapid advancement in new semiconductor technologies has created a need for the design of existing integrated circuits using these new technologies. These new technologies are required to provide improved performance, smaller feature sizes and lower costs. The conversion of an integrated circuit fro...VLSI design; semiconductor technologies1989
34 Stoller, Leigh B.Message passing support in the Avalanche widgetMinimizing communication latency in message passing multiprocessing systems is critical. An emerging problem in these systems is the latency contribution costs caused by the need to percolate the message through the memory hierarchy (at both sending and receiving nodes) and the additional cost of ma...Avalanche widget; Message passing; Cache coherence; Message copying; Cache miss rates; Computer memory1996
35 Lindstrom, Gary E.Modularity meets inheritanceWe "unbundle" several roles of classes in existing languages, by providing a suite of operators independently controlling such effects as combination, modification, encapsulation, name resolution, and sharing, all on the single notion of module. All module operators are forms of inheritance. Thus, ...Modularity; Jigsaw computer tool1991
36 Reinhard, Erik; Stark, Michael M.; Shirley, Peter S.Photographic tone reproduction for digital imagesA classic photographic task is the mapping of the potentially high dynamic range of real world luminances to the low dynamic range of the photographic print. This tone reproduction problem is also faced by computer graphics practitioners who must map digital images to a low dynamic range print or...Tone reproduction operator; Photographic tone2002-01-14
37 Hibler, Michael J.Microkernels meet recursive virtual machines (draft. May 10, 1996))This paper describes a novel approach to providing modular and extensible operating system functionality, and encapsulated environments, based on a synthesis of micro-kernel and virtual machine concepts. We have developed a virtualizable architecture that allows recursive virtual machines (virtual m...Microkernels; Virtual machines; Operating system functionality1996
38 Hansen, Charles D.Multidimensional transfer functions for interactive volume renderingAbstract-Most direct volume renderings produced today employ one-dimensional transfer functions which assign color and opacity to the volume based solely on the single scalar quantity which comprises the data set. Though they have not received widespread attention, multidimensional transfer function...2002-07
39 Whitaker, Ross T.Curve boxplot: Generalization of boxplot for ensembles of curvesIn simulation science, computational scientists often study the behavior of their simulations by repeated solutions with variations in parameters and/or boundary values or initial conditions. Through such simulation ensembles, one can try to understand or quantify the variability or uncertainty in a...2014-01-01
40 Organick, Elliott I.CASL - A language for automating the implementation of computer architecturesThe computer Architecture Specification Language (CASL), described in this paper, is intended for use by computer architects CASL is a state machine description language especially useful for describing digital systems at the "register transfer" level and designed to meet the needs of the computer a...Computer Architecture Specification Language1979
41 Henderson, Thomas C.Workshop on multisensor integration in manufacturing automationMany people helped make the Workshop a success, but special thanks must be given to Howard Moraff for his support, and to Vicky Jackson for her efforts in making things run smoothly. Finally, thanks to Jake Aggarwal for helping to start the ball rolling.multisensor integration; manufacturing automation1987
42 Wehrli, RobertARCAID: The ARChitects computer graphics AIDARCAID?The ARChitect's Computer Graphics AID?is one part of a two-part research program at the University of Utah under the direction of David C. Evans. ARCAID is a specification for the organization of computer processes including data and procedures for the use of architects, engineers, and other...ARCAID1970
43 Allen, Edgar S.Sensory information processing and symbolic computation (1 Jan. 1975 - 30 June 1975)This research uses digital computation to investigate processes, both linear and nonlinear, for the filtering. restoration, enhancement, bandwidth reduction, distortion immunization and analysis of both visual and auditory information.Sensory information processing; Symbolic computation; Auditory information; Visual information1973
44 Boll, Steven F.Suppression of acoustic noise in speech using spectral subtractionA stand alone noise suppression algorithm is presented for reducing the spectral effects of acoustically added noise in speech. Effective performance of digital speech processors operating in practical environments may require suppression of noise from the digital waveform. Spectral subtraction offe...Suppression; acoustic noise; noise suppression algorithm; digital speech processors; Spectral subtraction1979
45 Hansen, Charles D.Flow charts: visualization of vector fields on arbitrary surfacesWe introduce a novel flow visualization method called Flow Charts, which uses a texture atlas approach for the visualization of flows defined over curved surfaces. In this scheme, the surface and its associated flow are segmented into overlapping patches, which are then parameterized and packed in ...2008-09
46 Carter, Tony M.ASSASSIN : a CAD system for self-timed control-unit designMany software systems exist for automatically implementing synchronous state machines . Presented is this paper is a software system -- ASSASSIN -- for the design and automatic layout of self-timed (or speed- independent) control units as integrated circuit modules.ASSASSIN; Self-timed control units1982
47 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshSpecification-driven design of custom hardware in HOPWe present a language "Hardware viewed as Objects and Processes" (HOP) for specifying the structure, behavior, and timing of hardware systems. HOP embodies a simple process model for lock-step synchronous processes. Processes may be described both as a black-box and as a collection of interacting s...HOP; hardware systems; Structure; Behavior; Timing; custom hardware1988
48 Flatt, MattScheme 2003: proceedings of the fourth workshop on scheme and functional programmingThis report contains the papers presented at the Fourth Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. The purpose of the Scheme Workshop is to discuss experience with and future developments of the Scheme programming language?including the future of Scheme standardization?as well as general aspe...Scheme 2003; Scheme programming2003-11-07
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