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Number of results to display per page
1 3-D design of free-form B-spline Surfaces1974Textir_etd
2 A collective approach to harness idle resources of end nodes2011-08Textir_etd
3 A composable static analysis framework for program analysis2016Textir_etd
4 A Framework for creative visualization-oppourtunities workshops2019Textir_etd
5 A fully convolutional deep learning approach for using C-Band satellite radar imagery for forest biomass estimation2019Textir_etd
6 A GPU-based maximal independent set aggregation strategy: algorithms, comparisons, and applications withing algebraic multigrid2014-08Textir_etd
7 A lane-based approach to large-scale unmanned aircraft systems traffic management2022Textir_etd
8 A program logic and its application in fully verified software fault isolation2012-08Textir_etd
9 A scalable and tunable adaptive resolution parallel i/o framework2016Textir_etd
10 A subdivision algorithm for computer display of curved surfaces1974Textir_etd
11 Abstractions and strategies for adaptive programming2016Textir_etd
12 Accent classification: learning a distrance metric over phonetic strings2013-12Textir_etd
13 Accurate and interactive visualization of high-order finite element fields2012-08Textir_etd
14 Acquiring knowledge for affective state recognition in social media2016Textir_etd
15 Adaptive model-predictive control and 3d acoustic radiation force imaging for the improvement of magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound therapies2015Textir_etd
16 Advanced methods for controlling untethered magnetic devices using rotating magnetic fields2014-08Textir_etd
17 Affective polarity recognition and human needs categorization for affective events2018Textir_etd
18 Agile in the Wild - An in-Depth look into EAE Student Development Practice2019Textir_htoa
19 Algorithms and coresets for large-scale kernel smoothing2017Textir_etd
20 An evaluation of the quality of contemporary ray tracing methods on architectural materials2009-05Textir_htoa
21 An integrated compiler and runtime framework for sparse matrix codes2016Textir_etd
22 Analysis-aware higher order smooth three-dimensional representations: creation, simulation and visualization2012-05Textir_etd
23 Application binary interface compatability through a customizable language2011-12Textir_etd
24 Applications of spline manifolds to problems in modeling, rendering, and analysis2013-05Textir_etd
25 Artist-guided physics-based animation2015Textir_etd
26 Auto-tuning methods for scaling resources in networks and cloud-based systems2019Textir_etd
27 Automated film direction for computer-generated discourse: planning, scheduling, and execution2019Textir_etd
28 Automatic catalog construction for product search engines2011-12Textir_etd
29 Automatic markup of neural cell membranes using boosted decision stumps2010Textir_etd
30 Bayesian models on manifolds for image registration and statistical shape analysis2016Textir_etd
31 Blue noise virtual point lights for global illumination2017Textir_etd
32 Bounds for nearest neighbor algorithms and embeddings2016Textir_etd
33 The Cabal reflection: A post mortem of an entertainment arts and engineering capstone project2015-08Textir_htoa
34 Cenet-- capability enabled networking: towards least-privileged networking2015Textir_etd
35 Classification and regression methods for functional brain network analysis2021Textir_etd
36 Cloud modeling and rendering2007-04-05Textir_etd
37 Coarse tetrahedral meshing for interactive simulation2013-05Textir_etd
38 CoGenE: an automated design framework for domain-specific architectures2012-12Textir_etd
39 Community-affinity: measuring strength of memberships of nodes in network communities2015Textir_etd
40 Compiler optimizations and autotuning for stencils and geometric multigrid2016Textir_etd
41 Computer display of curved surfaces1978Textir_etd
42 Computer-assisted approaches to intrafascicular multielectrode stimulation2014-05Textir_etd
43 Concept aware co-occurrence and its applications2015-08Textir_etd
44 Consistent feature extraction from vector fields: combinatorial representations and analysis under local reference frames2015-05Textir_etd
45 Consistent representation of two-dimensional flow2012-08Textir_etd
46 Control of spatial and temporal fidelity with adaptive sampling2011-05Textir_etd
47 Corrected moran's I statistic2019Textir_etd
48 Course transformation: content, structure and effectiveness analysis2016Textir_etd
49 Critical Reroute2018Textir_htoa
50 Critical reroute: A practical approach to network flow prioritization using segment routing2019Textir_etd
51 CS1 pedagogical approach to parallel thinking2010-08Textir_etd
52 CUDA-CHiLL: a programming language interface for GPGPU optimizations and code generationir_etd
53 Data analysis and visualization using basis selection for matrix approximation2017Textir_etd
54 Data placement for efficient main memory access2013-05Textir_etd
55 Data scalable approach for identifying correlation in large and multidimensional data2017Textir_etd
56 Debugging with Domain-specific Events via Macros2017Textir_etd
57 Defining learning: mystifying machine learning as a powerful tool in a data-driven world2016-04Textir_htoa
58 Deformation embedding for point-based elastoplastic simulation2012-08Textir_etd
59 Deidtect - distributed elastic intrusion detection architecture2016Textir_etd
60 Depth-based visualizations for ensemble data and graphs2018Textir_etd
61 The design activity framework: investigating the data visualization design process2017Textir_etd
62 Design and control of a new class of untethered magnetic haptic display2021Textir_etd
63 Design and implementation of a mobile wireless sensor network testbed2010-04-15Textir_etd
64 Design and optimization of hardware accelerators for deep learning2018Textir_etd
65 Designing a parallel dataflow architecture for streaming large-scale visualization on heterogeneous platforms2011-08Textir_etd
66 Designing efficient memory for future computing systems2012Textir_etd
67 Designing efficient memory for future computing systems2012-05Textir_etd
68 Designing efficient memory schedulers for future systems2013-12Textir_etd
69 Designing performant, flexible and evolvable2019Textir_etd
70 Detecting and mitigating malware in virtual appliances2014-12Textir_etd
71 Detecting and tracking human motion in variance-based radio tomography imaging2013-05Textir_etd
72 Detecting potential lensed galaxies behind foreground Galaxy targets using machine learning techniques2018Textir_etd
73 Detecting secrets in source code: using machine learning to reduce false positives2019Textir_etd
74 Deterministic systems analysis2013-05Textir_etd
75 Development of a nonlinear finite element code for computational biomechanics and biophysics2017Textir_etd
76 Direct equivalence testing of embedded software2011-08Textir_etd
77 Distributed friend-to-friend framework and services using social networks2012-12Textir_etd
78 Distributed sensing and computing in wireless networks2017Textir_etd
79 Dual streaming for hardware-accelerated Ray Tracing2019Textir_etd
80 Effect of animated self-avatar in virtual environments2013-08Textir_etd
81 Efficient dynamic verification algorithms for MPI applications2010Textir_etd
82 Efficient floating-point error testing and rigorous mixed precision tuning2016Textir_etd
83 Efficient ray tracing architectures2015-05Textir_etd
84 Efficient summarization techniques for massive data2013-12Textir_etd
85 Efficient switching between WiFi and cellular networks for robust internet connectivity2014-08Textir_etd
86 Efficient user-level event notification2013-08Textir_etd
87 Emergency service in WI-FI networks without access point association2011-08Textir_etd
88 Enabling big memory with emerging technologies2016Textir_etd
89 Energy-efficient design of an asynchronous network-on-chip2011-08Textir_etd
90 Enhancing automatic software testing for broader applicability2018Textir_etd
91 Enhancing covert communications with colluding receivers2010Textir_etd
92 Enhancing realism and scalability in network testbeds2010Textir_etd
93 Enhancing reliability in device-free localization2011-08Textir_etd
94 Enhancing scalability and reliability in mobile core networks2018Textir_etd
95 Estimating generative models for statistical shape analysis2020Textir_etd
96 Evaluating the effectiveness of orientation indicators with an awareness of individual differences2010-08Textir_etd
97 Evaluation and validation of off-the-shelf statistical shape modeling tools in clinical applications2019Textir_etd
98 Exploiting cross layer opportunities for secrecy and efficiency in wireless networks2013-05Textir_etd
99 Exploiting example structure in multiple instance learning2011-05Textir_etd
100 Exploring bluetooth for received signal strength indicator-based secret key extraction2012-12Textir_etd
101 Exploring the landscape of clusterings2013-12Textir_etd
102 Extending Support for Floating-Points in the Boogie and Smack Software Verifiers2019Textir_htoa
103 Eztrust: Network independent perimeterization for microservices2019Textir_etd
104 Feature-aligned, semiregular, quad-only mesh generation2010Textir_etd
105 Finite element solutions to inverse Electrocardiography2012-12Textir_etd
106 Flightcontroller2019Textir_etd
107 Flowops: open access network management and operation2013-12Textir_etd
108 Fluorender, an interactive tool for confocal microscopy data visualization and analysis2013-08Textir_etd
109 Formal verification of device drivers in embedded systems2013-12Textir_etd
110 Formal verification of programs and their transformations2010-12Textir_etd
111 Framework and model for interactive spatiotemporal data analysis and visualization systems2019Textir_etd
112 Fund Raising Game Development Through Crowdfunding2017Textir_htoa
113 Generating audio mixtures using deep convolutional neural networks2016-05Textir_htoa
114 Gpu-enabled surface visualization2016Textir_etd
115 Harnessing GPU computing in system-level software2014-08Textir_etd
116 Heuristics for efficient dynamic verification of message passing interface and thread programs2011-05Textir_etd
117 High performance multiscale image processing framework on multi-gpus (graphics processing units) with applications to unbiased diffeomorphic atlas construction2011-08Textir_etd
118 Hybrid scheduling for graph-based algorithm decomposition in high-performance computing environments2014Textir_etd
119 Illumination for Computer-Generated Images1973Textir_etd
120 Image correspondences from perceived motion2017Textir_etd
121 Image segmentation with hierarchical models2016Textir_etd
122 Improved context awareness in data-centric network management2019Textir_etd
123 Improved segmentation and analysis of white matter tracts based on adaptive geodesic tracking2014-05Textir_etd
124 Improving automation and scalability of rigorous program reasoning2019Textir_etd
125 Improving control-flow analysis of higher-order languages2015Textir_etd
126 Improving high-performance sparse libraries using compiler assisted specialization: a PETSC (portable, extensible toolkit for scientific computation) case study2012-05Textir_etd
127 Improving information extraction by discourse-guided and multifaceted event recognition2014-12Textir_etd
128 Improving operating system and hardware interactions through co-design2014-12Textir_etd
129 Improving simulations for transcranial high-intensity focused ultrasound using the Hybrid angluar spectrum method2018Textir_etd
130 Improving the utility of compiler fuzzers2014-05Textir_etd
131 Integrating structured data on the web2013-05Textir_etd
132 Interactive digital photography at scale2013-05Textir_etd
133 Interactive visualization and exploration of feature evolution in dynamic data2017Textir_etd
134 Interparty visibility in a cloud computing platform2018Textir_etd
135 Introspective pushdown analysis and nebo2014-05Textir_etd
136 Investigating depth of field in volume rendering and distributed volume rendering on high performance computing systems2016Textir_etd
137 Iterative game development: What goes into making an effective game and the lessons learned from making two games2016-04Textir_htoa
138 Kernels and geometry of machine learning2017Textir_etd
139 Large scale system log monitoring and analysis: a data-driven approach2019Textir_etd
140 Large-scale distributed runtime system for dag-based computational framework2014-08Textir_etd
141 Large-scale in-situ topological analysis using segmented merge trees: performance, scalability, and power efficiency2016Textir_etd
142 Learning 3D Reconstructions for Geometrically aware Robotic Grasping2020Textir_htoa
143 Learning latent structures via bayesian nonparametrics: new models and efficient inference2013-08Textir_etd
144 Lifting Coach: Using Machine Learning to Battle Musculoskeletal Damage2019Textir_htoa
145 Lightweight capability domains: toward decomposing the linux kernel2016Textir_etd
146 Longitudinal segmentation for image sequence with appearance and shape change2019Textir_etd
147 Low overhead data race detection techniques for large openMP applications2017Textir_etd
148 Magnetic localization and closed-loop propulsion for active capsule endoscopy using a single magnetic dipole source2017Textir_etd
149 Making large transfers fast for in-memory databases in modern networks2017Textir_etd
150 Malware beaconing detection2018Textir_etd
151 Managing data locality in future memory hierarchies using a hardware software codesign approach2014-12Textir_etd
152 Managing provenance for knowledge discovery and reuse2012-05Textir_etd
153 Manyvis: multiple applications in an integrated visualization environment2015-05Textir_etd
154 Mathematical and graphical tools for the creation of computational arrays1981Textir_etd
155 Medial axis of regions bounded by b-spline curves and surfaces2011-12Textir_etd
156 Memoized parsing with derivatives2016-04Textir_htoa
157 Mining netflow records for host behaviors2018Textir_etd
158 Mobility management entity function-as-a-service2019Textir_etd
159 Modeling nondiffeomorphic motion VIA composite deformation models2018Textir_etd
160 Modeling, readering, and simulating knits2019Textir_etd
161 Modular radiance transfer2015-05Textir_etd
162 Moran's I Spacial auto-correlation and anomaly detection utilizing PCA and high dimensional feature vectors2017Textir_etd
163 Multicore system design with XUM: the extensible Utah multicore project2010Textir_etd
164 Multisite learning in medical image analysis2015-12Textir_etd
165 Multivariate regression of shapes via deformation momenta: application to quantifying brain atrophy in aging and dementia2013-12Textir_etd
166 Multivariate transfer function design2014-08Textir_etd
167 New approaches to quality tetrahedral mesh generation2015-08Textir_etd
168 New problems in exploring distributed data2015-05Textir_etd
169 New verification method for embedded systems2010-12Textir_etd
170 Normalization RNA-SEQ towards the improvement of Gene expression signatures2022Textir_etd
171 Numerical study and improvement of the methods in Uintah framework: the Material Point Method and the Implicit Continuous-fluid Eulerian method2012-12Textir_etd
172 On fast and accurate detection of unauthorized wireless access points using clock skews2009-05-06Textir_etd
173 On Frequent Directions, A Streaming Matrix Sketching Algorithm2017Textir_etd
174 Opportunities for near data computing in mapreduce workloads2015-05Textir_etd
175 Parallel ray tracing in scientific visualization2012-12Textir_etd
176 Parallel-streaming algorithms for solving partial differential equations on unstructured meshes2013-12Textir_etd
177 Partial-Order Ambiguous Observations of Fluents and Actions for Goal Recognition as Planning2020Textir_htoa
178 Performance modeling for architectural and program analysis2015-05Textir_etd
179 Physics-based animation of large-scale splashing liquids, elastoplastic solids, and model-reduced flow2014-08Textir_etd
180 Places: parallelism for racket2013-08Textir_etd
181 Portable and performant GPU/heterogeneous asynchronous many-task runtime system2019Textir_etd
182 Practical and Configurable Network Traffic Classification using Probabilistic Machine Learning2020Textir_htoa
183 Practical symbolic execution analysis and methodology for GPU programs2015-05Textir_etd
184 Prediction of microstructurally small fatigue-crack growth using data-driven analysis and machine learning2019Textir_etd
185 Predictive analysis of message passing applications2013-08Textir_etd
186 Privacy enabled crowdsourced transmitter localization using adjusted measurements2018Textir_etd
187 Privacy enabled noise-free data collection in vehicular networks2018Textir_etd
188 Privacy-aware peak load reduction is smart homes2018Textir_etd
189 Processing of MRI data for simulation and monitoring of drug delivery2009-05-06Textir_etd
190 Program analyses for resilient and approximate computation2016Textir_etd
191 Provenance of exploratory tasks in scientific visualization: management and applications2014-05Textir_etd
192 Quantifying the impact of interblock wire-delays on processor performance2008-05Textir_etd
193 Radial basis function-based numerical methods for the simulation of platelet aggregation2014-08Textir_etd
194 Random testing of open source C compilers2014-12Textir_etd
195 Ray tracing from a data movement perspective2016Textir_etd
196 Realistic traffic shaping in dummynet link emulator2014Textir_etd
197 Reducing irregularities in control flow and memory access on graphics processing unit architectures2017Textir_etd
198 Reflections, models, and software for iterative visualization design2019Textir_etd
199 Relating users' reported comfort, necessity, and value in vignettes of sensor-equipped environments2020Textir_etd
200 Reliable real-time data upload for wireless networks2018Textir_etd
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