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1 Saarela, Elise"Negative news" isn't always negative: Utah journalists reflect on news values and audience engagement in the digital ageThe purpose of this thesis is to explain the general notion of negativity in the news and how journalists perceive both their professional and personal standards. Specifically, journalists from Utah were interviewed to determine the main ethical values they consciously think of during their practice...2019
2 Weller, Kristine C.Incarceration, art, and agency: newspaper portrayals as an outlet for creative expression inside Japanese American relocation campsThe purpose of this thesis is to explore the role of art in publications created by interned Japanese Americans during World War II. Newspapers and magazines published inside internment camps were examined to see how they depicted art as a response to various needs and loss, in what ways camp public...2023
3 Cohen, SusanIn search of visual privacy in a technological worldAmericans value a "right to privacy" even though that right is not spelled out in the Constitution, and only loosely defined in a patchwork of federal and state laws. Much of our understanding of privacy is rooted in the Fourth Amendment, but when the First Congress wrote the Fourth Amendment, no on...Privacy, Right of - United States; Electronic surveillance - United States2014-05
4 Jackson, RachelBreastfeeding and the media: race representations in formula advertisements targeting new parentsResearch has shown that mediated advertisements can play a role in a woman's decision about whether or not to breastfeed her baby. Percentages of breastfeeding among African American women have been shown in national data to be significantly lower than other races in the United States. There have be...Communication2014
5 Barber, ShaelynVolunteer Tourism in Cambodia: Persuasive Strategies of Recruitment and Postcolonial ImpactsAn emergent area within tourism is volunteer tourism, in which people journey to developing countries and perform service as part of their trip. These volunteers are typically young, well-educated Westerners. International volunteering is an increasingly popular option for tourists traveling abroad,...2019
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