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1 Eddings, Eric G.; Sarofim, Adel F.Olefin chemistry in a premixed n-heptane flameThree different n-heptane mechanisms were used to simulate a fuel-rich normal heptane premixed flame in order to identify major reaction pathways for olefin formation and consumption and areas of uncertainties of these reactions. Olefins are formed mainly via ?-scission and hydrogen abstraction, and...Heptane mechanism; N-heptane; Olefin formation; Olefin consumption; Alkyl radicals2007
2 Eddings, Eric G.; Sarofim, Adel F.Journey from n-heptane to liquid transportation fuels. 1. The role of the allylic radicals and its related species in aromatic precursor chemistryThe Utah normal heptane mechanism compiled from submechanisms in the literature was extended into a detailed normal decane combustion mechanism, which is a subset of the Utah surrogate mechanisms. Few species have greater impact on the concentrations of other species than the allyl radical CH2CHCH2....Utah Surrogate Mechanisms; Heptane mechanism; Decane combustion mechanism; Allyl radical; Aromatic precursors2008
3 Eddings, Eric G.; Sarofim, Adel F.Pollutant emissions from gasoline combustion. 1. Dependence on fuel structural functionalitiesTo study the formation of air pollutants and soot precursors (e.g., acetylene, 1,3-butadiene, benzene, and higher aromatics) from aliphatic and aromatic fractions of gasoline fuels, the Utah Surrogate Mechanisms is extended to include submechanisms of gasoline surrogate compounds using a set of mech...Pollutant emissions; Soot precursors; Gasoline surrogate compounds; Utah Surrogate Mechanisms2008
4 Sarofim, Adel F.; Truong, ThanhKinetics of hydrogen abstraction reactions from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by H atomsAn application of the Reaction Class Transition State Theory/Linear Energy Relationship (RC-TST/LER) is presented for the evaluation of the thermal rate constants of hydrogen abstraction reactions by H atoms from Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH). Two classes of reactions have been considered, ...Reaction Class Transition State Theory; Linear Energy Relationship; Hydrogen abstraction reactions2004
5 Eddings, Eric G.; Sarofim, Adel F.Mechanism reduction and generation using analysis of major fuel consumption pathways for n-heptane in premixed and diffusion flamesReaction pathway analyses were conducted for three mechanisms (designated as the Pitsch, Utah, and Lawrence Livermore National Lab) for a normal heptane premixed flame (? = 1.9) and a normal heptane opposed diffusion flame, in order to identify the relative importance of the major fuel consumption p...Pitsch mechanism; Utah mechanism; Lawrence Livermore National Lab mechanism; Mechanism reduction; Heptane premixed flame2007
6 Sarofim, Adel F.; Pugmire, Ronald J.13C NMR analysis of soot produced from model compounds and a coalSoot samples, including the associated organics, produced from an Illinois No. 6 coal (five samples) and two model compounds, biphenyl (three samples) and pyrene (two samples), have been studied by 13C NMR methods. The coal soot data served as a guide to selection of the temperature range that would...13C NMR; Biphenyl; Aromatic cluster size2001
7 Whitty, Kevin J.A pulse-width modulation controlled wire-mesh heater apparatus for investigation of solid fuel pyrolysisA novel wire mesh heater apparatus has been developed to study the devolatilization of solid fuels under pressurized conditions at well-controlled heating rates on the order of 1000 K/s. The apparatus combines direct current and pulse-width modulation with a fast-acting and high current-capacity re...2012-01-01
8 Pershing, David W.Biomass combustion: relationship between pollutant formation and fuel compositionA 65-kW refractory-walled reactor was used to study biomass combustion under conditions typical of the suspension-burning phase in a spreader-stoker-fired boiler. Isothermal combustion data and nitric oxide (NO) emission rates were obtained as a function of temperature, local oxygen concentration, ...Combustion; Emissions; Energy; Environmental control; Fuels; Pyrolysis; Biomass fuel; Particulates1989
9 Eddings, EricModified CPD Model for Coal Devolatilization at UCTT ConditionsTo study coal pyrolysis behavior at underground coal thermal treatment (UCTT) conditions, a modified CPD (M-CPD) model was developed and evaluated using two scales of experiments as well as two different coals, Utah Sufco and Illinois #6. Compared with the original CPD model, three major aspects wer...Coal; pyrolysis; modeling; underground heating2019
10 Pershing, David W.Mechanisms of NOx formation and control: alternative and petroleum-derived liquid fuelsPetroleum-, coal- and shale-derived liquid fuels were burned in a downfired tunnel furnace to assess the impact of fuel properties on the formation and control of NOx emissions. A nitrogen-free oxidant mixture (Ar, C02 , 02) was used to isolate fuel NOx formation. Under excess air conditions fuel N...Exhaust emissions; Alternative fuels; Petroleum-derived liquid fuels1981
11 Sutherland, James ClaytonPrediction of oxy-coal flame stand-off using high-fidelity thermochemical models and the one-dimensional turbulence modelAn Eulerian one-dimensional turbulence (ODT) model is applied to simulate oxy-coal combustion, with specific aim at predicting flame stand-o distances. Detailed gas-phase chemical kinetics based on the GRI3.0 mechanism are utilized. A high-fidelity model for devolatilization is considered that predi...2014-01-01
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