1 - 25 of 14
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1 Assessing the effect of adverse hospital events on the cost of hospitalization and other patient outcomes1993-08Textir_etd
2 Computerized laboratory alerting system to warn of life-threatening events1988-06Textir_etd
3 Computerized reminder for prophylaxis of deep vein thrombosis in surgical patients1998-06Textir_etd
4 Decision support system for the diagnosis and management of pneumonia patients2001-05Textir_etd
5 The development of a feedback program for the LDS Hospital Radiology Department2002-12Textir_etd
6 Evaluation of informatics methods for public health surveillance of adverse drug events2007-05Textir_etd
7 Feasibility of a computerized community-acquired pneumonia care process model in an outpatient setting2000-05Textir_etd
8 Genome-wide linkage analysis for aggressive prostate cancer in Utah high risk pedigrees2009Text; Imageir_uspace
9 Impact of data feedback on physician practice patterns1993-08Textir_etd
10 Implementation and evaluation of a real-time syndromic surveillance system for automatic detection of disease outbreaks in Utah2005-12Textir_etd
11 Kinship survey of cancer in the Utah Mormon population1980-09Textir_etd
12 Re-engineering adverse event processing at the University of Utah Institutional Review Board2004-08Textir_etd
13 Selection of a niche system within an existing medical records environment: an academic ophthalmology department experience2006-12Textir_etd
14 Validating prediciton models of kidney transpland outcomes using local data2007-08Textir_etd
1 - 25 of 14