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1 Ingold, AlexanderDevelopment of a Utah optrode array for large scale optogenetics in non-human primate cortex: analysis of spatial excitation pattern using C-FOS expressionA central goal in neuroscience is to understand how neural circuits generate the computations that underlie neuronal responses, sensory perception, and behavior. This requires manipulating their activity and determining the results of these manipulations. Optogenetics is a versatile laboratory techn...2022
2 Kodele, ChristianMultivalent Human Serum Albumin - Rituximab Fab' Conjugates Induce Apoptosis in Lymphoma CellsNon-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) is an immune disease, mostly of B-cell origin (85%), as well as the ninth leading cause of cancer death in the United States. Although treatments for NHLs greatly improved following the FDA approval of Rituximab (RTX), refractive malignancies still occur that are nonrespon...2018
3 Davidson, OliviaUtilizing synthetic biology to improve platelet transfusion outcomesPlatelets are essential to blood clotting. Due to a high risk of bacterial infection, donor platelets have short shelf -lives. As a result, being able to maintain a constant supply of platelets in vitro would be clinically valuable. This could be accomplished by using synthetic biology to guide stem...Blood platelets - Transfusion - Research; Stem cells - Therapeutic use; Synthetic biology; Hematopoietic stem cells; Erthropoientin2016-05
4 Schlegel, Isabelle B.Peptide-fab conjugates to improve treatment of neovascular age-related macular degenerationAge-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), a chronic disease of the eye and leading cause of blindness in Americans over 50, is often treated with agents that inhibit Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF). Ranibizumab is an anti-VEGF antibody fragment (Fab) effective at treating over 90% of AMD pat...2021
5 Kendell, IsaacImmunomodulation improves cancer cell clearance by T cells during multi-antigent T cell hybridizer therapyTreatment of hematopoietic malignancies is challenging due to systemic side effects of current treatments and the possibility of relapse. Multi-antigen T cell hybridizer (MATCH) therapy is a novel treatment system composed of antibody fragments conjugated with morpholino oligonucleotides, which hybr...2024
6 Sedley, AndrewEgocentric Navigation in a Morris Water Maze for Testing Memory Formation in MiceMouse models are crucial to understanding not only sensory and cognitive neurological processes, but also diseases, disabilities, and responses to pharmacological or surgical treatments. Behavioral tests are essential assets in the description of these models. The Morris Water Maze is a common behav...2018
7 Lietzke, StephanieRemoval of endotoxins from recombinant antithrombinEndotoxins (also known as lipopolysaccharides or ETs) are a pyrogenic byproduct of the breakdown of gram-negative bacterial cell-walls, such as E. coli. They cause fever and septic shock in humans, and are therefore highly regulated by the FDA and USP. ETs are a common contaminant in recombinant pr...Endotoxins - Research; Antithrombins - Therapeutic use; Sheep as laboratory animals - Research; endotoxin removal; Angiogenesis2016-04
8 Tarboton, PaisleyCharacterization of Apoptosis and Inhibitory Neurons in Cortical Organoids Generated from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.Modeling human brain diseases in a laboratory setting is critical to understanding the underlying pathology and developing new treatments for patients. Organoids are 3D tissue cultures that provide a promising way to model human brain development in vitro and have been used previously to gain novel ...2018
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