551 - 575 of 649
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551 Olivera, Baldomero M.Single amino acid substitutions in ĸ-conotoxin PVIIA disrupt interaction with the Shaker K+ channelĸ-Conotoxin PVIIA (ĸ-PVIIA), a 27-amino acid peptide with three disulfide cross-links, isolated from the venom of Conus purpurascens, is the first conopeptide shown to inhibit the Shaker K1 channel (Terlau, H., Shon, K., Grilley, M., Stocker, M., Stühmer, W., and Olivera, B. M. (1996) Nature ...Conotoxins; k-conotoxin PVIIA; Shaker K+ channels; Conus purpurascens2000
552 Capecchi, Mario R.; Thomas, Kirk R.Site-directed mutagenesis by gene targeting in mouse embryo-derived stem cellsWe mutated, by gene targeting, the endogenous hypoxanthine phosphorlbosyl transferase (HPFlT) gene in mouse embryo-derived stem (ES) cells. A specialized construct of the neomycin resistance (NO') gene was introduced into an exon of a cloned fragment of the Hprf gene and used to transfect ES cell...Site-directed mutagenesis; Hypoxanthine phosphorlbosyl transferase gene; HPFlT gene; Neomycin resistance gene; Homologous recombination; Mouse stem cells; Mouse embryo-derived stem cells1987
553 Sperry, John S.Size and function in conifer tracheids and angiosperm vesselsThe wide size range of conifer tracheids and angiosperm vessels has important consequences for function. In both conduit types, bigger is better for conducting efficiency. The gain in efficiency with size is maximized by the control of conduit shape, which balances end-wall and lumen resistances.Ecological wood anatomy; vascular structure and function; water transport2006
554 Davidson, Diane W.Size variability in the worker caste of a social insect (veromessor pergandei mayr) as a function of the competitive environmentWorker size polymorphism in colonies of Veromessor pergandei, a granivorous desert ant, is inversely related to the intensity of interspecific competition in the habitat for seven ant communities in the deserts of southern California and southern Arizona. Seed size preferences are positively corr...Ants; Arizona; California; Coexistence; Communities; Density specialization; Desert granivores; Foraging strategies; Resource partitioning; Size1978
555 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Atkins, John F.; Weiss, Robert B.Slippery runs, shifty stops, backward steps and forward hops: -2, -1, +1, +2, +5 and +6 Ribosomal frameshiftingFrameshift mutations frequently express residual levels of gene activity; that is, they are often leaky. This leakiness can be used as a tool to define the functional components that affect the reading frame during gene expression. Recent technological advances in the capability to efficiently bu...Molecular Sequence Data; Mutation; RNA, Transfer; Frameshifting1987
556 Rogers, Alan R.Sociobiology of sex and sexes (comment)A comment on "Sociobiology of sex and sexes" by Marion Blute.Sociobiology; Sex and sexes1984-04
557 Bohs, Lynn A.Solanaceae: the potato familyShrubs, herbs, woody vines, occasionally trees, glabrous or pubescent with simple, glandular, branched, or star-shaped hairs, sometimes with prickles. Lvs alternate or paired but not truly opposite, simple or lobed to pinnately compound; stipules absent. Infl composed of variously modified terminal...Browallia; Brugmansia; Brunfelsia; Capsicum; Cestrum; Petunia; Physalis; Solandra; Solanum; Streptosolen2005
558 Bohs, Lynn A.Solanum allophyllum (Miers) Standl. and the generic delimitation of Cyphomandra and Solanum (Solanaceae)Solanum allophyllum has previously been placed in Cyphomandra and in Solarium. This species has a number of morphological features not found in Cyphomandra, but has been included in the genus because it has a similar growth habit, three-leaved sympodial units with inflorescences in branch forks, and...Solanum allophyllum; Cyphomandra1989
559 Bohs, Lynn A.Solanum maternum (Solanaceae), a new Bolivian relative of the tree tomatoA new species endemic to Bolivia, Solanum maternum, is described. Solanum maternum belongs to a group of taxa formerly recognized as the genus Cyphomandra. Solanum maternum is morphologically very similar to the tree tomato, Solanum betaceum, and may be its closest wild relative.Solanum maternum; Cyphomandra1997
560 Bohs, Lynn A.Solanum phylogeny inferred from chloroplast DNA sequence dataA data set derived from gene sequences of ndhF is used to deduce phylogenetic relationships among the subgenera of Solanum, among related genera of the tribe Solaneae, and within selected Solanum clades. Complete ndhF sequences were obtained for 12 species o f Solanum, representing five of the seve...Solanum; Capsicum; Cyphomandra; Lycopersicon; Datura; Jaltomata; Nicotiana; Physalis; ndhF; Chloroplast DNA1999
561 Seger, JonSolitary wasps: behavior and natural history by Kevin M. O'NeillMost species of living things are insects, and ter- restrial ecology consists largely of interactions between insects and plants. The biologies of major insect groups such as Hymenoptera should be well documented and well known. Amazingly, they are not. The world is awash in excellent reviews of cur...Insects; Ecological2002
562 Olivera, Baldomero M.; McIntosh, J. MichaelSolution structure of αA-conotoxin EIVA, a potent neuromuscular nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist from Conus ermineusWe report the solution three-dimensional structure of an αA-conotoxin EIVA determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and restrained molecular dynamics. The αA-conotoxin EIVA consists of 30 amino acids representing the largest peptide among the α/αAfamily conotoxins discovered so f...Conotoxins; A-conotoxin EIVA; Conus ermineus2003
563 Davidson, Diane W.Some consequences of diffuse competition in a desert ant communityExploitative and interference competition are investigated in detail in a community of six coexisting species of granivorous desert ants . A linear model that includes both direct and indirect competitive interactions is used to predict positive or negative correlations in the abundances of com...Ants; Arizona; California; Coexistence; Communities; Density specialization; Desert granivores; Resource partitioning1980
564 Goller, FranzSong development in birds tutored with phrase pairsA study of the developmental trajectory of bird song can offer insight into the process of vocal learning. In a previous experiment we tutored white-crowned sparrows with isolated phrase pairs taken from adult conspecific songs consisting of 5 phrases.Crystallization; Phrase coupling; Syntax diversity2004
565 Ehleringer, James R.Sourcing drugs with stable isotopesCarbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope ratios at natural abundance levels are useful tools in determining the region-of-origin for both cocaine and heroin. Here we show that cocaine originating from different geographic regions of South America exhibited pronounced differences in their δ13C a...Stable isotopes; Drug sourcing; Region-of-origin signature; Isotope ratio analysis2001
566 Davidson, Diane W.Species diversity and community organization in desert seed-eating antsPatterns of species diversity and community organization in desert seed-eating ants were studied in 10 habitats on a longitudinal gradient of increasing rainfall extending from southeastern California, through southern Arizona, and into southwestern New Mexico. Local communities of harvester ants...Ants; Arizona; California; Communities; Competition; Desert Granivores; Diversity; Insects; New Mexico; Novomessor; Pheidole; Pogonomyrmex; Resource allocation; Veromessor.1977
567 Adler, Frederick R.Sputum biomarkers and the prediction of clinical outcomes in patients with cystic fibrosisLung function, acute pulmonary exacerbations (APE), and weight are the best clinical predictors of survival in cystic fibrosis (CF); however, underlying mechanisms are incompletely understood. Biomarkers of current disease state predictive of future outcomes might identify mechanisms and provide tre...2012-01-01
568 Ehleringer, James R.; Rickart, Eric Allan; Dearing, Maria-DeniseStable isotope ratios (?15N AND ?13C) of syntopic shrews (SOREX)Local species richness in shrew (Soricidae) assemblages is often high, and the mechanisms of ecological separation remain relatively unexplored. In this study, hair samples from 6 species of Sorex in 3 separate assemblages were analyzed for stable carbon (13C/12C) and nitrogen (15N/14N) isotope rati...2004
569 Olivera, Baldomero M.Stapling mimics noncovalent interactions of γ-carboxyglutamates in conantokins, peptidic antagonists of N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptorsBackground: Can dicarba bridges (stapling) replace noncovalent interactions that stabilize helical conformation of neuroactivepeptides? Results: A rational design, synthesis, structural, and functional characterization of stapled conG analogs that target NMDAreceptors is reported. Conclusion: Staple...2012-01-01
570 Adler, Frederick R.Stochasticity, complex spatial structure, and the feasibility of the shifting balance theorySewall Wright's shifting balance theory of evolution posits a mechanism by which a structured population may escape local fitness optima and find a global optimum. We examine a one-locus, two-allele model of underdominance in populations with differing spatial arrangements of demes, both analyticall...Fitness landscape; Sewall Wright; Underdominance2006
571 Olivera, Baldomero M.; Yoshikami, Doju; Bulaj, GrzegorzStructural basis for tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium channel binding by μ-conotoxin SmIIIASmIIIA is a new μ-conotoxin isolated recently from Conus stercusmuscarum. Although it shares several biochemical characteristics with other μ-conotoxins (the arrangement of cysteine residues and a conserved arginine believed to interact with residues near the channel pore), it has several distin...Conotoxins; Conotoxin SmIIIA; Tetrodotoxin2003
572 Olivera, Baldomero M.; Bulaj, GrzegorzStructure of a novel P-superfamily spasmodic conotoxin reveals an inhibitory cystine knot motifConotoxin gm9a, a putative 27-residue polypeptide encoded by Conus gloriamaris, was recently identified as a homologue of the "spasmodic peptide", tx9a, isolated from the venom of the mollusk-hunting cone shell Conus textile (Lirazan, M. B., Hooper, D., Corpuz, G. P., Ramilo, C. A., Bandyopadhyay...Conotoxins; P-superfamily spasmodic conotoxin; Cystine knot motif2002
573 Olivera, Baldomero M.; Zhang, MinMin; Azam, Layla; Yoshikami, Doju; Bulaj, GrzegorzStructure/function characterization of μ-Conotoxin KIIIA, an analgesic, nearly irreversible blocker of mammalian neuronal sodium channelsPeptide neurotoxins from cone snails continue to supply compounds with therapeutic potential. Although several analgesic conotoxins have already reached human clinical trials, a continuing need exists for the discovery and development of novel nonopioid analgesics, such as subtype-selective sodium c...Conotoxins; 956;-Conotoxin KIIIA; Neuronal blocker; Neurotoxins; Sodium channel blockers2007
574 Ehleringer, James R.Study of ecosystems in the context of global changeGlobal change research requires not only knowledge of how individual species (e.g. pests) respond to climate and land-use change, but also an understanding of the responses of whole systems to their multiple and interacting drivers. An upscaling from single systems to landscapes and continents is an...Ecosystems; Global change1999
575 Adler, Frederick R.Stumped by trees? A generalized null model for patterns of organismal diversityEvolutionary biologists increasingly have become interested in the factors determining the structure of phylogenetic trees. For example, highly asymmetric trees seem to suggest that the probability of extinction and/or speciation differs among lineages.Evolutionary diversification; phylogenetic topologies; speciation1995
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