26 - 50 of 112
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26 Garzella, ErinCoinfection of Malaria and gammaherpesvirus in B cells and macrophagesMalaria kills over 600,000 people a year. 67% of those deaths are children under five and pregnant women. Some children get malaria, but they do not die. The reasons for this are not completely understood. Malaria is caused by the Plasmodium parasite, and in sub-Saharan Africa Plasmodium falciparum ...2023
27 Yamada, KayleneComparing Tollerance of Neotoma Lepida on Native Versus Novel Toxic DietsHerbivorous animals often ingest plants that protect themselves with chemicals, and these toxins typically differ in composition from plant to plant. For instance, juniper (Juniperus osteosperma) is dominated by terpenes, such as α-pinene, whereas creosote bush (Larrea tridentata) contains a cockta...2017
28 Tennant, KarrinCompetitive nighttime stomatal response of Populus Trichocarpa during droughtStomata are critical valves responsible for gas exchange on the leaf level. They control rates of transpiration and as such play a crucial role in terrestrial water cycling. When stomata open, water molecules in the intracellular leaf space are subject to evaporation, especially in dry conditions. T...2021
29 Neville, RoselynConstitutively activated AKT is not sufficient to keep cells alive following epithelial cell extrusionThe PI3 kinase (PI3K)/AKT signaling pathway regulates many fundamental behaviors of the cell. If any of the key members of this pathway are deregulated, it can lead to malignant changes in the cell. AKT enhances the survival of cells by inhibiting pro-apoptotic processes, and promoting pathways for ...PI3K/AKT - Chemistry; Cancer metastasis2014-05
30 Streeter, ForestDeficiency in regulator of G-Protein signaling, LOCO, protects D. Melanogaster from effects of a high Salt dietGerontology and studies of aging have been grappling with the effects of a westernized diet for decades now. Some of these effects include diseases related to overconsumption such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and many more. These pathologies are now contributor...2021
31 Evans, Kathryn S.Defining the interaction between ETV4 and mediator subunit MED25Chromosomal rearrangements resulting in an overexpression of a subset of ETS transcription factors (ETV1, ETV4, ETV5, and ERG) are found in over 50% of prostate cancers (Tomlins et al., 2005). ERG and ETV1 have both shared and distinct gene targets, yet overexpression of ETV1 is often found to be as...Transcription factors; Prostate -- Cancer -- Genetic aspects; ETV42015-05
32 Gardner, JennaThe Disparity Between Student Science Writing and Professional Sciencetific WritingThere exists a disparity between student scientific writing and professional scientific writing. The audience, format, and intention of student papers as presented in the science classroom is different from those in the scientific field where the goal is to fully convince an unfamiliar audience and ...2017
33 Chen, Jason J.Dissecting the genetic and learned components of oscine birdsongThe interplay of genetically encoded and learned components in the development of the learned vocal signals of birdsong and human speech in not fully understood (Forstmeier et al, 2009). The fact that song is a learned vocal behavior does not imply the lack of a genetic basis in acquiring vocalizati...Birdsongs -- Research; Songbirds -- Genetics -- Research; Zebra finch -- Research; Nature and nurture -- Research; birdsong; Taeniopygia guttata2015-12
34 Dart, EmilyDiversity and metabolic potential of microbial communities in a site of continental serpentinizationThe geochemical process of serpentinization releases energy and organic carbon: two of the basic requirements need ed to support life. Sites of active serpentinization in the deep subsurface provide the intriguing possibility of a non-photosynthetically -supported biosphere. However, serpentinizatio...Microbial ecology - Research; Serpentine - Environmental aspects; Gros Morne National Park (N.L.); Syntrophomonadaceae; Serpentinizaiton; Tabeland Ophiolite2016-05
35 Wiese, ClaudiaDNA metabarcoding of trnL intron using the minion device to assess BEE foraging from PollenIn recent decades many bee species, including Apis mellifera (European honeybee), have experienced worldwide population declines. In this paper we tested a novel molecular approach to evaluate foraging of A. mellifera Specifically, we sequenced trnL (UAA) intron DNA barcodes from isolated pollen fro...2023
36 Kim, Bum JunDoes ceramide contribute to vascular dysfunction in mice with type 1 diabetes?Approximately 2 million individuals have type 1 diabetes (T1D) in the United States. Cardiovascular disease is 2-4-fold more prevalent in these patients but the mechanism(s) is unclear. Recently, we showed that the sphingolipid ceramide contributes to arterial dysfunction and hypertension in mice wi...Ceramide - Research; Type 1 Diabetes; Mice as laboratory animals2012-05
37 Prestgard-Duke, MichaelDynamin localization in Caenorhabditis ElegansDynamin is a 100-KDa GTPase that is essential for endocytosis. The classic model of endocytosis is a sequential mechanism: first, cell membrane is bent and internalized via the formation of a clathrin coat; next, dynamin facilitates GTP hydrolysis, resulting in membrane scission as the newly formed ...Caenorhabditis elegans; Guanosine triphosphatase; Endocytosis2014-05
38 Curtis, Kaili BreannThe Effect of Inflammatory Components on Influenza a Virulence EvolutionThe methodology for passaging influenza A virus in the mouse model has widely been established. However, traditional infection methods involving the inoculation of lung homogenates fail to account for the possible effects of host-associated factors on measures of virulence and in the virulence evolu...2020
39 Azadpour, ElmeraThe effect of inorganic VS organic fertilizer on an urban lawn in Salt Lake City, Utah2019
40 Kasera, ShaliniEffect of IUGR and supplemental DHA on molecular mediators of hepatic lipid accumulation in the ratIntrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) refers to failure of the fetus to achieve its genetic growth potential in utero and is commonly caused by uteroplacental insufficiency secondary to maternal hypertensive disorders. A hallmark of IUGR is a decrease in circulating docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an �...2022
41 Effects of Acute Hypoxia and High pCO2 on Total Protein Content and Metabolic Enzyme Activity in Rockfishes (Sebastes SPP.)Climate change is altering ocean chemistry and wind-driven upwelling regimes. In the California Current System (CCS), these changes are exposing nearshore fishes to increasing levels of high pCO2 and hypoxia. These stressors co-occur during upwelling events, lasting hours to days, and both have the ...2019
42 Chong, AlishaEffects of increasing sleep duration on C-Reactive protein, insulin sensitivity, and blood pressure in adults with habitual short sleepShort sleep, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes are all highly prevalent health issues in modern society. Previous findings demonstrate that obtaining short sleep is linked to an increased risk of cardiometabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. However, the mechanisms un...2023
43 Chong, AlishaEffects of increasing sleep duration on C-reactive protein, insulin sensitivity, and blood pressure in adults with habitual short sleepEffective literature instruction is an essential part of building secondary students' analytical skills, cultural capital, empathy, and sense of belonging in school. In this paper, I hypothesize that English language learners may not receive the same opportunities as their English-proficient peers t...translanguaging; literary fluency; emergent bilinguals; language arts; English language learners; secondary education2023
44 Smith, SarahEffects of Mitochondrial Mobility on Astrocyte FunctionWithin the brain, astrocytes provide support and influence the excitability of neurons by regulating the extracellular levels of potassium (K+) and glutamate. These glial cells play a vital role in neural homeostasis by regulating the concentration of neurotransmitters at the synapse, therefore modu...2018
45 Lebrecht, MarandaEffects of ventilatory regimens on the prevalence of a common gastrointestinal disease in neonatesNecrotizing Enterocolitis, or NEC, is a common intestinal disease of preterm neonates. It is believed that bacterial colonization increases the risk of NEC. This study examines whether the type of ventilation of the neonate, either mechanical ventilation (MV) or non-invasive support (NIS), and the ...Enterocolitis, Neonatal necrotizing - Research; Newborn infants - Diseases; Sheep as laboratory animals - Research; Necrotizing enterocolitis; Lymphocytes2016-05
46 Muehlman, JayantiEffects of Wind-Generated Underwater Noise on Southern right Whale Group DynamicThe goal of this study was to investigate whether underwater noise affects the grouping behavior of southern right-whale (Eubalaena australis) mother-calf pairs at Península Valdés, Argentina. This area is a major calving ground for the population that occupies the western South Atlantic. Two larg...2020
47 Mercer, MarianneEstablishing a System for Structure-Function analysis of the Novel Role that NUP153 Plays in Nuclear AssemblyIn mitosis, equal partitioning of DNA between daughter cells requires an integrated series of events. At the start of anaphase the chromatin separates and forms two chromatin discs. This chromatin is then targeted by nuclear membrane proteins and membrane to form the nuclear envelope. These membrane...2018
48 Bell, Anthony W.The expansion of pinyon-juniper woodland and the appearance of peromyscus truel in the Toiyabe range of central NevadaIn the early twentieth century field biologists from the University of California Museum of Vertebrate Zoology conducted vertebrate faunal surveys throughout the Great Basin region. Over the past several years we have been conducting resurveys of many of the localities visited by MVZ scientists. Our...Piñon mouse -- Nevada -- Toiyabe Range; Piñon mouse -- Habitat -- Nevada -- Toiyabe Range; Piñon mouse -- Climatic factors -- Nevada -- Toiyabe Range2012-05
49 Reimers, NoelleExploring the role of lipied metabolism in hepatocellular carcinomaHepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is an aggressive cancer with poor survival rates and limited treatment options whose prevalence is expected to increase up to 137% by 2030. Existing therapies outside of liver resection or transplantation have poor efficacy, and few new treatment options have been deve...2021
50 Davis, Kacey A.Expression and Purification of Augertoxins: Searching for Novel Protein Folds in Venomous Marine SnailsThis study describes a method for bacterial expression and purification of previously uncharacterized proteins. The proteins chosen for this study come from auger snail toxins, which have evolved to help the snail hunt and kill their prey. Evolutionary pressure between predator and prey selects for ...2018
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