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1 Sekercioglu, CaganThe effects of climate change on tropical birdsBirds are among the most widely studied organisms on earth and represent an important indicator group for learning about the effects of climate change - particularly in regard to the effects of climate change on tropical ecosystems. In this review, we assess the potential impacts of climate change o...2010-01-01
2 Varner, Johanna; Dearing, Denise M.The importance of biologically relevant microclimates in species distribution models and habitat suitability assessmentsPredicting habitat suitability under climate change is vital to conserving biodiversity. However, current species distribution models rely on coarse scale climate data, whereas fine scale microclimate data may be necessary to assess habitat suitability and generate predictive models. Here, we evalua...2013
3 Ehleringer, James R.; Belnap, JayneSensitivity of the Colorado plateau to change: climate, ecosystems, and societyThe Colorado Plateau is located in the interior, dry end of two moisture trajectories coming from opposite directions, which have made this region a target for unusual climate fluctuations. A multidecadal drought event some 850 years ago may have eliminated maize cultivation by the first human settl...Colorado Plateau; Biological crust; Climate change; Megadrought; Ranching; Dry crop productivity; Extractive industries; Pueblo Indians; Fremont culture2008
4 Ehleringer, James R.Responses of boreal conifers to climate fluctuations: indications from tree-ring widths and carbon isotope analysesSpatial distribution and species composition of the boreal forest are expected to change under predicted climate change scenarios. Current research indicates that water limitations control the southern boundary of the central Canadian boreal forest and temperature limitations control the northern b...Boreal forests; Carbon budget; Picea mariana; Pinus banksiana; Carbon isotopes1998
5 Sekercioglu, CaganPromoting community-based bird monitoring in the tropics: conservation, research, environmental education, capacity-building, and local incomesLong-term, locally-based biodiversity monitoring programs are essential for understanding and mitigating the effects of global change on tropical biodiversity while providing capacity-building, environmental education, and public outreach. However, these programs are lacking in most tropical countri...2011-01-01
6 Hultine, KevinEcohydrological implications of woody plant encroachmentIncreases in the abundance or density of woody plants in historically semiarid and arid grassland ecosystems have important ecological, hydrological, and socioeconomic implications. Using a simplified water-balance model, we propose a framework for conceptualizing how woody plant encroachment is li...Carbon cycling; ecohydrology; evapotranspiration2005
7 Ehleringer, James R.Carbon isotope ratios in belowground carbon cycle processesAnalyses of carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) in soil organic matter (SOM) and soil respired CO2 provide insights into dynamics of the carbon cycle. δ13C analyses do not provide direct measures of soil CO2 efflux rates but are useful as a constraint in carbon cycle models. In many cases, δ13C analyses...Below ground processes; Ecosystems; Carbon cycle; Carbon isotope ratio; Ecosystem processes; Global change; Soil organic carbon; Soil organic matter2000
8 Sekercioglu, CaganCorrelates of elevational specialisation in Southeast Asian tropical birdsThe understanding of elevational selectivity in extremely rich tropical biotas is critical to the study of accelerating human-mediated environmental changes (e.g., deforestation and global climate warming). This paper explores the characteristics of Southeast Asian birds that are altitudinal special...2012-01-01
9 Sekercioglu, CaganMeasuring the meltdown: drivers of global amphibian extinction and declineHabitat loss, climate change, over-exploitation, disease and other factors have been hypothesised in the global decline of amphibian biodiversity. However, the relative importance of and synergies among different drivers are still poorly understood. We present the largest global analysis of roughly ...2008-01-01
10 Hultine, Kevin; Sperry, John S.Transpiration and hydraulic strategies in a piñon-juniper woodlandAnthropogenic climate change is likely to alter the patterns of moisture availability globally. The consequences of these changes on species distributions and ecosystem function are largely unknown, but possibly predictable based on key ecophysiological differences among currently coexisting species...Drought; Hydraulic transport model; Juniperus osteosperma; Plant water use; Sap flux; Species distributions2008
11 Sekercioglu, CaganImportance of Ethiopian shade coffee farms for forest bird conservationCoffee is the most important tropical commodity and is grown in high-priority areas for biological conservation. There is abundant literature on the conservation value of coffee farms internationally, but there has been little research on this topic in Africa. Ethiopia is a diverse and little-studie...2014-01-01
12 Ehleringer, James R.Simplified GIS approach to modeling global leaf water isoscapesThe stable hydrogen (d2H) and oxygen (d18O) isotope ratios of organic and inorganic materials record biological and physical processes through the effects of substrate isotopic composition and fractionations that occur as reactions proceed. At large scales, these processes can exhibit spatial predic...Oxygen isotope ratio; Hydrogen isotope ratio; Leaf water isoscapes; GIS2008
13 Bowling, David R.Ecological processes dominate the 13C land disequilibrium in a Rocky Mountain subalpine forestFossil fuel combustion has increased atmospheric CO2 by ≈ 115 μmol mol1 since 1750 and decreased its carbon isotope composition (δ13C) by 1.7-2‰(the 13C Suess effect). Because carbon is stored in the terrestrial biosphere for decades and longer, the δ13C of CO2 released by terrestrial ecosyst...2014-01-01
14 Ehleringer, James R.; Bush, Sarah ElizabethEcophysiology of riparian cottonwood and willow before, during, and after two years of soil water removalRiparian cottonwood/willow forest assemblages are highly valued in the southwestern United States for their wildlife habitat, biodiversity, and watershed protection. Yet these forests are under considerable threat from climate change impacts on water resources and land-use activities to support hum...Riparian cottonwood; Riparian willow; Soil water removal; Coyote willow; Drought recovery; Populus fremontii; Riparian ecology; Red Butte Canyon Research Natural Area; Salix exigua; Stem sap flux; Leaf carbon isotope ratios2010
15 Bowling, David R.Interannual variation in seasonal drivers of soil respiration in a semi-arid Rocky Mountain meadowSemi-arid ecosystems with annual moisture inputs dominated by snowmelt cover much of the western United States, and a better understanding of their seasonal drivers of soil respiration is needed to predict consequences of climatic change on soil CO2 efflux. We assessed the relative importance of tem...2012-01-01
16 Hultine, Kevin; Bush, Sarah Elizabeth; Ehleringer, James R.Effect of gender on sap-flux-scaled transpiration in a dominant riparian tree species: Box elder (Acer negundo)Acer negundo is a dioecious riparian tree species with a spatial segregation of the sexes along soil moisture gradients. Females are typically more common in wet sites along streams (typically F/M = 1.6), whereas males are more common in drier sites away from streams (typically F/M = 0.6). Spatial s...Density; Ecosystem; Segregation2007
17 Ehleringer, James R.Intra- and interspecific variation for summer precipitation use in pinyon-juniper woodlandsIn the arid southwest of North America, winter precipitation penetrates to deep soil layers, whereas summer"monsoon" precipitation generally wets only surface layers. Use of these spatially separated water sources was determined for three dominant tree species of the pinyon-juniper ecosystem at six ...D/H ratios; Juniperus osteosperma; Pinus edulis; pinyon-juniper ecosystem; plant water sources; precipitation use; Quercus gambelii; roots; Photosynthetic gas exchange; Monsoon2000
18 Ehleringer, James R.ENSO effects on primary productivity in Southern Atacama desertIn the winter-rain southern Atacama Desert of the Coquimbo Region of Chile, El Niño - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events modulate primary productivity. In this region, there are important changes in water availability between La Niña (dry) and El Niño (rainy) years. Using interannual comparison...El Niño; Atacama Desert; Terrestrial ecosystems; Plant productivity2006
19 Ehleringer, James R.Potential adaptability and constraints of response to changing climates for Encelia farinosa var. phenicodonta from southern Baja California, MexicoTo examine the physiological adaptability of Encelia farinosa var. phenicodonta from southern Baja California, plants from Todos Santos, BCS were raised in central Arizona where winter-spring precipitation is greater than typically experienced by this variety. Plants were capable of high photosynthe...Encelia farinosa var. phenicodonta; Ecophysiology1996
20 Coley, Phyllis D.; Kursar, Thomas A.Effects of weather on fungal abundance and richness among 25 communities in the Intermountain WestBecause moisture and temperature influence the growth of fungi, characterizing weather conditions favorable for fungi may be used to predict the abundance and richness of fungi in habitats with different climate conditions. To estimate habitat favorability to fungi, we examined the relationship of f...Intermountain West; Utah; Microclimate; Fungal prevalence2002
21 Ehleringer, James R.Tracing changes in ecosystem function under elevated carbon dioxide conditionsResponses of ecosystems to elevated levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) remain a critical uncertainty in global change research. Two key unknown factors are the fate of carbon newly incorporated by photosynthesis into various pools within the ecosystem and the extent to which elevated CO2 is...Elevated carbon dioxide; Stable isotopes; Radiocarbon; Global change; Terrestrial ecosystems2003
22 Coley, Phyllis D.; Kursar, Thomas A.Pests vs. drought as determinants of plant distribution along a tropical rainfall gradientUnderstanding the mechanisms that shape the distribution of organisms can help explain patterns of local and regional biodiversity and predict the susceptibility of communities to environmental change. In the species-rich tropics, a gradient in rainfall between wet evergreen and dry seasonal forests...Drought tolerance; Herbivory; Panama; Pathogen attack; Rainfall gradient; Tree distribution; Tropical forests2009
23 Ehleringer, James R.Carbon isotope dynamics in Abies amabilis stands in the CascadesCarbon isotope ratios (d13C) of canopy air and carbon isotope discrimination at the ecosystem level were studied in three montane Pacific silver fir (Abies amabilis (Dougl. ex Loud.) Dougl. ex J. Forbes) stands, an old-growth and two younger stands. Spatial and temporal variations of canopy CO2 con...Carbon isotopes; Pacific silver fir; Carbon budget; Soil respiration; Cascade Mountains1998
24 Sekercioglu, CaganThe worldwide variation in avian clutch size across species and spaceTraits such as clutch size vary markedly across species and environmental gradients but have usually been investigated from either a comparative or a geographic perspective, respectively. We analyzed the global variation in clutch size across 5,290 bird species, excluding brood parasites and pelagic...2008-01-01
25 Ehleringer, James R.; Negus, Norman C.Red Butte Canyon Research Natural Area: history, flora, geology, climate, and ecologyRed Butte Canyon is a protected, near pristine canyon entering Salt Lake Valley, Utah. It contains a well-developed riparian zone and a perennial stream; hillside vegetation ranges from grasslands on the lower limits to Douglas-fir and aspen stands at the upper elevations. In this paper we describe ...Intermountain West; Grassland; Oak-maple; Plant adaptation; Red Butte Canyon Research Natural Area; Human impact1992
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