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1 Beckerle, Mary C.LIM proteins in actin cytoskeleton mechanoresponseThe actin cytoskeleton assembles into branched networks or bundles to generate mechanical force for critical cellular processes such as establishment of polarity, adhesion, and migration. Stress fibers are contractile, actomyosin structures that physically couple to the extracellular matrix through ...2014-01-01
2 Olivera, Baldomero M.Combined proteomic and transcriptomic interrogation of the venom gland of conus geographus uncovers novel components and functional compartmentalizationCone snails are highly successful marine predators that use complex venoms to capture prey. At any given time, hundreds of toxins (conotoxins) are synthesized in the secretory epithelial cells of the venom gland, a long and convoluted organ that can measure 4 times the length of the snail's body. In...2014-01-01
3 Potts, Wayne K.MHC signaling during social communicationThe major histocompatibility complex (MHC) has been known to play a critical role in immune recognition since the 1950s. It was a surprise, then, in the 1970s when the first report appeared indicating MHC might also function in social signaling. Since this seminal discovery, MHC signaling has been f...2012-01-01
4 Clayton, Dale H.Neotropical tineidae, II: biological notes and descriptions of two new moths phoretic on spiny pocket mice in Costa Rica (Lepidoptera: Tineoidea)Two new species of tineid moths discovered riding on the backs of two species of spiny pocket mice (Heteromyidae) in Costa Rica are described. Amydria selvae, new species, was found on Heteromys desmarestianus Gray in the rainforest at Finca La Selva and Ptilopsaltis santarosae, new species, occurr...Neotropical Tineidae; Phoretic moths; Amydria selvae; Heteromys desmarestianus; Ptilopsaltis santarosae; Liomys salvini; Mouse moths1986
5 Yamaguchi, AyakoNeurocircuitry underlying vocal production of the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevisThis poster describes how motor and premotor neurons are interconnected to each other using electrophysiological and pharmacological techniques.Vocalizations; Central pattern generator; Motor programs; Premotor neurons; Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings2014
6 Clayton, Dale H.Two new species of Dennyus (Ctenodennyus) lice (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) from swiftlets (Apodiformes: Apodidae)To date, only a single species of Dennyus (Ctenodennyus) has been described, this being D. (C.) spiniger Ewing from Cypseloides niger borealis (Kennedy), the northern black swift in North America. Through extensive collecting of lice by the junior author from swiftlets and through a loan of Bishop M...Apodidae; Menoponidae; Ctenodennyus; Dennyus spiniger; Dennyus southwoodi; Dennyus elbeli1997
7 Bohs, Lynn A.Cyphomandra (Solanaceae)Cyphomandra betacea (Cavanilles) Sendtner Syn. Cyphomandra crassifotia (Ortega) Kuntze, Solanum betacea Cavanilles, Solanwn crassifolium Ortega. Ref. FB 13(5B/1) 1962: 12; Bohs, 1986: 170. Cultivated tree. Andean II. 1000-3000 m. Voucher: Nunez et al. 8257 (MO!) Depts.: AM, CU, HU, SMCyphomandra; Solanum1993
8 Potts, Wayne K.Consequences of self and foreign superantigen interaction with specific VB elements of the murine TCR aBThe aB T-cell receptor (TCRaB) recognizes a ligand composed of an antigen fragment complexed with a product of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). The repertoire of receptors is limited both by the germ line of receptor variable elements and by selective events that take place during T-cell ...Toxins; Repertoire; Expression1989
9 Goller, FranzNonlinear model predicts diverse respiratory patterns of birdsongA central aspect of the motor control of birdsong production is the capacity to generate diverse respiratory rhythms, which determine the coarse temporal pattern of song. The neural mechanisms that underlie this diversity of respiratory gestures and the resulting acoustic syllables are largely unkn...Sound; Syllables; Song2006
10 Adler, Frederick R.Recent rapid increases in the right whale (Eubalaena australis) population off southern BrazilRight whales (Eubalaena australis) that gather on a wintering ground off southern Brazil have been aerial surveyed and photographically identified since 1987. As of 2003 the Brazilian Right Whale Catalogue has 315 different individual whales of which 31 were resighted in other years (23 females, 3 y...2005
11 Shapiro, Michael D.Adaptive evolution of pelvic reduction in sticklebacks by recurrent deletion of a Pitx1 enhancerThe molecular mechanisms underlying major phenotypic changes that have evolved repeatedly in nature are generally unknown. Pelvic loss in different natural populations of threespine stickleback fish has occurred by regulatory mutations deleting a tissue-specific enhancer of the Pituitary homeobox t...Adaptive evolution; Pelvic reduction; Pituitary homeobox transcription factor 1; Pitx1; Gasterosteus aculeatus2010-01-14
12 Sperry, John S.Embolized conduits of rice (Oryza sativa, poaceae) refill despite negative xylem pressureEmbolism reversal in rice plants was studied by testing the plant's ability to refill embolized conduits while xylem pressures were substantially negative. Intact, potted plants were water-stressed to a xylem pressure of -1.88 + 0.1 MPa and a 66.3 + 3.8% loss of xylem conductivity (PLC) by cavitatio...Embolism; novel revilling; Oryza2005
13 Sekercioglu, CaganChewing lice (Phthiraptera) species found on Turkish shorebirds (Charadriiformes)Approximately 4.500 species of lice have been so far described, with about 4.000 species seen on birds and with 3.000 species in the suborder Ischnocera 1. There are 465 bird species so far recorded in Turkey and the actual total is likely to exceed 500 species. However, the chewing lice fauna of th...2010-01-01
14 Capecchi, Mario R.Male fertility is dependent on dipeptidase activity of testis ACE.Testis angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) is an isozyme exclusively expressed by developing sperm. This protein has only a single catalytic domain containing the HEXXH consensus-site motif typical of zinc metallopeptidases. The exact role of testis ACE is unknown, but male mice lacking the protein ...Amino Acid Motifs; Blotting, Western; Catalytic Domain; Comparative Study; Isoenzymes; Protein Structure, Tertiary2005-11-11
15 Bohs, Lynn A.Systematics of Solanum section Allophyllum (Solanaceae)Three species of Solarium are included in a new section, Solarium sect. Allophyllum. Two of the species, S. allophyllum and S. mapiriense, have been previously known; the third, S. morellifolium Bohs, is described as new. The combination of characters exhibited by members of this section, such as un...Solanum section Allophyllum; Solanum allophyllum; Solanum morellifolium; Solanum mapiriense1990
16 Potts, Wayne K.Fall migration of Golden Eagles in the Wellsville Mountains, Northern Utah, 1976-1979Migratory movements of Golden Eagles were investigated in detail as part of a 4-year autumn raptor migration study atop an 8,600-foot ridge in the Wellsville Mountains. In 856 observation hours (161 days) between 6 August and 28 November, 898 Golden Eagles (10% of the oral raptor flight) were counte...Wellsville Mountains; Golden eagles; Fall migration1984
17 Sperry, John S.Observations on the structure and function of hydathodes in Blechnum lehmaniiThe fronds of many ferns in the Polypodiaceae (Ogura, 1972) and Cyatheaceae (Weiler, cited in Lippmann, 1925) possess swollen vein endings associated with specialized adaxial epidermal cells. Their structure is similar in all ferns (Gardiner, 1883; Potonie, 1892; Poirault, 1893; Goebel, 1930; Gutten...Hydathodes; Blechnum lehmannii; Root pressure; Secretion1983
18 Olivera, Baldomero M.; ; McIntosh, J. Michaelα-Conotoxin AuIB selective blocks α3ß4 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and nicotine-evoked norepinephrine releaseNeuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) with putative α3ß4-subunits have been implicated in the mediation of signaling in various systems, including ganglionic transmission peripherally and nicotine-evoked neurotransmitter release centrally. However, progress in the characterization of...Conotoxins; a-Conotoxin AuIB; Norepinephrine release1998
19 Ehleringer, James R.Burning coal seams in southern Utah: a natural system for studies of plant responses to elevated CO2In the Burning Hills and Smoky Mountains of southern Utah (USA), coal deposits exposed to the surface have been ignited by lightning and have been burning for periods of years to over a century. We examined one of these sites, where the below-ground combustion of this low-sulfur coal releases gases ...Coal fires; Elevated CO2; Isotope ratios; Atriplex confertifolia; Salsola iberica; Gutierrezia sarothrae1997
20 Adler, Frederick R.Plant signalling: The opportunities and dangers of chemical communicationThe notion of chemical communication between plants and other organisms has gone from being viewed as a fringe idea to an accepted ecological phenomenon only recently. An Organized Oral Session at the August 2010 Ecological Society of America meeting in Pittsburgh examined the role of plant signall...2011
21 Sperry, John S.Anatomy of the palm Rhapis excelsa, IX. Xylem structure of the leaf insertionSTEMS OF PERENNIAL PLANTS, particularly trees, represent a considerable investment in biomass. Trees can survive even under the most adverse conditions, but only if the hydraulic integrity of the stem is preserved. A very important and vulnerable part of the stem is the xylem. As water is pulled int...Palm stems; Palm stem anatomy; Palm leaves; Leaf insertion; Vessel network; Vessel-length distribution; Primary vascular stem tissue; Hydraulic architechture; Water column1983
22 Ehleringer, James R.Carbon isotope ratios of Atacama Desert plants reflect hyperaridity of region in northern ChileLeaf carbon isotope ratios were measured on plants from the coastal portions of the Atacama Desert at Pan de Azucar and Paposo, Chile. Most species possessed C3 photosynthesis, although there were several CAM species, indications of some facultative CAM species, and only one C4 species. The carbon i...Atacama Desert; Carbon isotope ratio; Intercellular carbon dioxide concentration; Hyperaridity1998
23 Sperry, John S.Cavitation fatigue - the weakening of cavitation resistance of xylem and its reversibilityXylem function is essential for the growth and survival of higher land plants. Xylem must not only be efficient under favorable conditions to facilitate high rates of stomatal conductance and carbon uptake, but it should also remain functional under drought conditions, when water potential (Ψ) dro...Cavitation fatigue; Drought; Pit membrane2003
24 Olivera, Baldomero M.Conus peptides: biodiversity-based discovery and exogenomicsThe venoms of the ~700 species of predatory cone snails (genus Conus) are being systematically characterized. Each Conus species contains 100-200 small, highly structured venom peptides (colloquially known as conotoxins), which are synthesized and secreted in a venom duct (for overviews, see Refs. ...Conotoxins; Conus peptides; Exogenomics2006
25 Farmer, Colleen G.Unidirectional pulmonary airflow patterns in the savannah monitor lizardThe unidirectional airflow patterns in the lungs of birds have long been considered a unique and specialized trait associated with the oxygen demands of flying, their endothermic metabolism1 and unusual pulmonary architecture2,3. However, the discovery of similar flow patterns in the lungs of crocod...2014-02-20
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