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1 Bohs, Lynn A.Cyphomandra (Solanaceae)Unusual ecological aspects of Cyphomandra include its pollination syndrome and herbivore relationships. Male euglossine bees may be important pollinators of Cyphomandra flowers, and the primary attractants may not be pollen, but odor substances secreted by the anther connectives. Specialized herbi...Cyphomandra; Latin America1994
2 Bohs, Lynn A.New species of Solanum section Cyphomandropsis (Solanaceae) from BoliviaA new species of Solanum sect. Cyphomandropsis (Solanaceae), S. hibernum, is described from the western part of Dept. Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Its strongly discolorous leaves densely covered below with white dendritic hairs distinguish it from the other species in the section.Solanum hibernum; Cyphomandropsis1994
3 Bohs, Lynn A.Transfer of Cyphomandra (Solanaceae) and its species to SolanumData from recent molecular studies demonstrate that the genus Cyphomandra is nested within Solanum. Recognition of Cyphomandra as a separate genus therefore is not tenable unless Solanum is broken up into smaller monophyletic units. All Cyphomandra species are transferred to Solanum, necessitating t...Cyphomandra; Solanum1995
4 Sperry, John S.Evaluation of Murray's law in Psilotum nudum (Psilotaceae), an analogue of ancestral vascular plantsPrevious work has shown that the xylem of seed plants follows Murray's law when conduits do not provide structural support to the plant. Here, compliance with Murray's law was tested in the stem photosynthesizer Psilotum nudum, a seedless vascular plant. Psilotum nudum was chosen because the central...Conduit furcation number; hydraulic architecture; Murray's law2005
5 Clayton, Dale H.Experimental test of the importance of preen oil in Rock Doves (Columba livia)Most species of birds have a uropygial gland, also known as a preen gland, which produces oil that birds spread through their plumage when preening. The plumage of waterfowl deprived of uropygial oil becomes brittle and is subject to breakage.Columba livia; Columbiformes; Preen oil; Ectoparasites; Columbicola columbae; Campanulotes compare; Plumage2003
6 Clayton, Dale H.Influence of bill shape on ectoparasite load in Western Scrub-JaysPopulations of the Western Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma californica) have bills specialized for feeding in their respective habitats. Populations in oak habitat have hooked bills, whereas those in pinyon habitat have pointed bills with a reduced maxillary overhang. Work on other bird species shows that the...Ectoparasite load; Bill shape; Aphelocoma californica2002
7 Clayton, Dale H.Biology, ecology, and evolution of chewing liceChewing lice are small, dorsoventrally compressed insects and are parasites of virtually all birds (Fig. 1) and some mammals (Fig. 2). Many chewing lice are host specific, being found on only a single species of host. All chewing lice are permanent ectoparasites and complete their entire life c...Chewing lice2003
8 Adler, Frederick R.Optimization, conflict, and nonoverlapping foraging ranges in antsAn organism's foraging range depends on the behavior of neighbors, the dynamics of resources, and the availability of information. We use a well-studied population of the red harvester ant Pogonomyrmex barbatus to develop and independently parameterize models that include these three factors. The mo...Colony; Space; Model2003
9 Bohs, Lynn A.Phylogeny of the Cyphomandra clade of the genus Solanum (Solanaceae) based on ITS sequence data13 major clades can be recognized within the genus Solatium (Solanaceae) based on chloroplast DNA sequence data. One of these is the Cyphomandra clade, which includes about 50 neotropical species. These have traditionally been placed into two or three sections: S. section Pachyphylla (formerly recog...Cyphomandra; ITS; osmophores; self-incompatibility; Solanum2007
10 Clayton, Dale H.; Bush, Sarah ElizabethComparative transmission dynamics of competing parasite speciesCompetition-colonization trade-off models explain the coexistence of competing species in terms of a trade-off between competitive ability and the ability to colonize competitor-free patches of habitat. A simple prediction of these models is that inferior competitors will be superior dispersers. Thi...Bird lice; Campanulotes compar; Coexistence; Colonization; Columba livia; Columbicola columbae; Competition; Dispersal; Parasite; Phoresis; Specificity; Pseudolynchia canariensis; Phthiraptera2008
11 Clayton, Dale H.Reciprocal natural selection on host-parasite phenotypesCoevolution is evolution in one species in response to selection imposed by a second species, followed by evolution in the second species in response to reciprocal selection imposed by the first species. Although reciprocal selection is a prerequisite of coevolution, it has seldom been documented in...Host-parasite phenotypes; Ectoparasites; Virulence; Fitness1999
12 Bohs, Lynn A.Crossing studies in Cyphomandra (Solanaceae) and their systematic and evolutionary significanceA crossing program involving eight species of Cyphomandra was instituted to elucidate systematic relationships between the taxa and evolutionary mechanisms operating in the genus. The results show that gametophytic self-incompatibility is widespread in Cyphomandra. Pollen tubes were able to reach ...Solanum maternum; Crossing studies1991
13 Clayton, Dale H.; Bush, Sarah ElizabethIs melanin a defense against feather-feeding lice?The adaptive basis of plumage color has received much attention, including the finding that color can reveal information about parasite loads to potential mates. A related possibility, that color may be a direct defense against parasites, has received less attention.Columba livia; Columbiformes; Ectoparasites; Columbicola columbae; Campanulotes compare; Plumage color; Eumelanin; Preening2006
14 Bohs, Lynn A.Solanum allophyllum (Miers) Standl. and the generic delimitation of Cyphomandra and Solanum (Solanaceae)Solanum allophyllum has previously been placed in Cyphomandra and in Solarium. This species has a number of morphological features not found in Cyphomandra, but has been included in the genus because it has a similar growth habit, three-leaved sympodial units with inflorescences in branch forks, and...Solanum allophyllum; Cyphomandra1989
15 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Krapcho, Karen J.; Talbot, Phil; Thulin, CraigCrystallization of the MS2 translational repressor alone and complexed to bromouridineThe coat protein from the MS2 bacteriophage plays a dual role by encapsidating viral RNA and also by binding RNA as a translational repressor. In order to study the isolated dimer in a conformation not influenced by capsid interactions, a mutant molecule was crystallized that is defective in capsid ...Crystallization; RNA Bacteriophage; RNA Hairpin; Translational Repressor1995
16 Bohs, Lynn A.Phylogenetic relationships in Solanum (Solanaceae) based on ndhF sequencesA phylogenetic analysis was conducted using sequence data from the chloroplast gene ndhF. Sequences were obtained from 25 species of Solanaceae, including 18 species of Solanum representing five of the seven conventionally recognized subgenera.Solanum; ndhF1997
17 Blair, David F.MotA protein of E. coli is a proton-conducting component of the flagellar motorA number of mutants of motA, a gene necessary for flagellar rotation in E. coli, were isolated and characterized. Many mutations were dominant, owing to competition between functional and nonfunctional MotA for a limited number of sites on the flagellar motor. A new class of mutant was discovered...MotA protein; MotA gene; Flagellar motor; Proton-conducting1990
18 Sekercioglu, CaganMeasuring the meltdown: drivers of global amphibian extinction and declineHabitat loss, climate change, over-exploitation, disease and other factors have been hypothesised in the global decline of amphibian biodiversity. However, the relative importance of and synergies among different drivers are still poorly understood. We present the largest global analysis of roughly ...2008-01-01
19 Clayton, Dale H.Ecological basis of coevolutionary historyMacroevolutionary patterns are difficult to interpret because they are the product of a time scale so vast that deterministic and chance events are hard to distinguish. Although the macroevolutionary history of a group can be reconstructed from extant species, determining the ecological context in ...2003
20 Sperry, John S.Evolution of water transport and xylem structureLand plants need water to replace the evaporation that occurs while atmospheric CO2 is diffusing into photosynthetic tissue. The water-for-carbon exchange rate is poor, and evolutionary history indicates a progression of innovations for cheap water transport--beginning in order with capillary sucti...Cavitation; Vessels; Plants2003
21 Clayton, Dale H.Coevolutionary history of ecological replicates: comparing phylogenies of wing and body lice to Columbiform hostsPhylogenies depict the history of speciation for groups of organisms. Comparing the phylogenies of interacting groups can reveal instances of tandem speciation, or "cospeciation" (Brooks and McLennan, 1991; Hoberg et al., 1997; Paterson and Gray, 1997). Understanding the conditions under which cosp...Feather lice; Wing lice; Body lice; Cospeciation2003
22 Clayton, Dale H.Comparative effects of mites and lice on the reproductive success of rock doves (Columba livia)We report experimental data comparing the effects of Mesostigmatid mites and Ischnoceran lice on the reproductive performance of a single group of captive rock doves (Columba livid). Several components of host reproductive success were compared for the two groups, including number of eggs laid, hatc...Ectoparasites; Reproduction; Rock doves; Columba livia; Ischnocera; Mites; Lice1995
23 Adler, Frederick R.; Liou, Theodore G.; Cahill, Barbara C.Lung transplantation and survival in children with cystic fibrosisThe effects of lung transplantation on the survival and quality of life in children with cystic fibrosis are uncertain. We used data from the U.S. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Patient Registry and from the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network to identify children with cystic fibrosis who were...Life; Infection; Risk; Harm2007
24 Capecchi, Mario R.Lessons from angiotensin-converting enzyme-deficient miceSince the first description of renin by Tigerstedt and Bergman [1] in 1898, many papers have described the biochemistry and physiological roles of the reninangiotensin system [2]. A critical component of this system is angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), a peptidase which cleaves the inactive pep...1996
25 Capecchi, Mario R.Lessons from angiotensin-converting enzyme-deficient mice.Mice which lack ACE have low systolic blood pressure, reduced male fertility and a renal abnormality characterized by medullary hypoplasia and the inability to concentrate urine. The diverse phenotypes caused by inactivation of a single gene emphasize the many functional roles of ACE and the renin-q...Blood Pressure; Cell Line;Fertility; Kidney; Testis1991-11-01
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