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1 Dearing, Maria-Denise[Dearing_Database_Pilot][Database deposited March 08, 2013, as part of a pilot project, eResearch Committee, University of Utah.] [This description should include information that explains the dataset in detail in a manner that would be useful to potential reuse. The contact information for the primary investigator should ...[Creator keywords here.]2013-03-08
2 Varner, Johanna; Dearing, Denise M.The importance of biologically relevant microclimates in species distribution models and habitat suitability assessmentsPredicting habitat suitability under climate change is vital to conserving biodiversity. However, current species distribution models rely on coarse scale climate data, whereas fine scale microclimate data may be necessary to assess habitat suitability and generate predictive models. Here, we evalua...2013
3 Varner, Johanna M.; Dearing, Maria-DeniseResearch data to accompany Varner and Dearing 2014 "Relevant Microclimates and Habitat Suitability"Data package to accompany "Relevant Microclimates and Habitat Suitability". Package contains a ReadMe file and the following Excel spreadsheets: Elevation Comparison, Moss Transplant Data, Tempdata by site, Variogram-Ambient, Variogram_Ambient Shortrange, Variogram-Surf, Variogram-Talus.Research data; Relevant microclimates; Habitat suitability2014
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