1 - 25 of 95
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1 Climate change and Utah: the scientific consenus2007-09Textir_uspace
2 High-resolution dynamical downscaling of past and future climate of the western united states: validation of performance and analysis of changing snowpack2016Textir_etd
3 On the effective number of climate models2009-12-15Textir_etd
4 Past shifts in the general circulation: causation, structure, and effects on hydroclimate2011-05Textir_etd
5 On future changes in stratospheric sudden warmings2013-05Textir_etd
6 Assessing the sensitivity of Wasatch snowfall to temperature variations2010-05Textir_etd
7 A dynamical understanding of stratospheric influences on tropospherica climate and the ocean2014-05Textir_etd
8 Assessing the ability of coupled model intercomparison project phase 5 (cmip5) models to capture connections between great basin precipitation and pacific ocean modes of variability and applying the assessment into the future2015-05Textir_etd
9 The response of the general circulation to imposed forcings2013-05Textir_etd
10 An analysis of arctic sea ice-atmosphere interaction2014-08Textir_etd
11 Toward improved constraints on methane emissions from oil and natural gas fields2018Textir_etd
12 Evaluation of the international satellite cloud climatology project simulator using data from the atmospheric radiation measurement Southern Great Plains facility in Oklahoma2008-08Textir_etd
13 The stochastic harmonic autoregressive parametric (sharp) weather generator2017Textir_etd
14 Evaluation of radio occultation measurements for long-term tropopause monitoring2008-08Textir_etd
15 Documenting hydrometeor layer occurrence within international satellite cloud climatology project-defined cloud classifications using CLOUDSAT and CALIPSO2012-05Textir_etd
16 Towards understanding the interaction between ozone and the circulation in the stratosphere2020Textir_etd
17 Simulating high impact wildfire and wind-blown dust events using improved atmospheric modeling methods2018Textir_etd
18 East winds event of March 2019: the anomalous occurrence and wildfire impacts2021Textir_htoa
19 Modification of Arctic clouds by long-range aerosol transport2017Textir_etd
20 Relationships between high impact tropical rainfall events and environmental conditions2018Textir_etd
21 Investigating albedo and precipitation susceptibility of marine boundary layer clouds using A-train data2014-12Textir_etd
22 Estimation of snowfall accumulations at a mountainous site in Norway using combined radar and in-situ micropyhsical observations2018Textir_etd
23 Investigating Cirrus cloud behavior using A-train and geostationary satellite data2011-05Textir_etd
24 Interannual variability of Rossby wave breaking in the pacific sector2019Textir_etd
25 Observations of cirrus cloud evolution during the tropical warm pool international cloud experiment2008-09-16Textir_etd
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