1 - 25 of 44
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1 Air pollution and gastrointestinal diseases in Utah2016Textir_etd
2 An evaluation of the experimental high-resolution rapid refresh - Alaska modeling system during winter 20172017Textir_etd
3 Analysis of summer ozone concentration in the salt lake valley2017Textir_etd
4 Analyzing extreme weather situations across the western United States: Raoid cooling and elevated wildfire risk kepisodes2018Textir_etd
5 Cold season inversion fog in salt lake city: connections to valley variables and numerical simulations2016Textir_etd
6 East winds event of March 2019: the anomalous occurrence and wildfire impacts2021Textir_htoa
7 Estimation of snowfall accumulations at a mountainous site in Norway using combined radar and in-situ micropyhsical observations2018Textir_etd
8 Evaluation of cool-season precipitation forecasts produced over the western continental United States by experimental NCEP modeling systems2019Textir_etd
9 Evaluation of simulated tropical convective updraft hydrometeor properties using aircraft observations2016Textir_etd
10 Evaluation of tropical cyclone forecasts from a global model and comparison with regional mesoscale numerical simulations of hurricane joaquin2016Textir_etd
11 Experimental study of turbulent flow inlet system performance2018Textir_etd
12 Factors affecting the inland and orographic enhancement of lake - and sea-effect snowfall2019Textir_etd
13 Global ensemble forecast system precipitation forecasts and the implications of statistical downscaling over the western united states2016Textir_etd
14 High-resolution dynamical downscaling of past and future climate of the western united states: validation of performance and analysis of changing snowpack2016Textir_etd
15 High-Resolution rapid refresh model data analytics for wildland fire weather assessment2019Textir_etd
16 How do tropical cyclones intensify n a sheared environment? The role of vortex tilt and precipitation symmetry2019Textir_etd
17 Impact of a lake breeze on summer ozone concentration in the Salt Lake Valley2016Textir_etd
18 Impacts of varying model physics on simulated structures in Cloud Systems2018Textir_etd
19 Improving hurricane vortex initialization and prediction through inner-core data assimilation with ensemble-variational hybrid Methods2017Textir_etd
20 Influences of orography and coastal geometry on lake- and sea-effect snowstorms2017Textir_etd
21 Interactions between low-level jets and precipitation extremes with climatology, mesoscale numerical simulations, and ensemble-based non-gaussian data assimilation2020Textir_etd
22 Interannual variability of Rossby wave breaking in the pacific sector2019Textir_etd
23 Modeling seasonal stratospheric sudden warming climatology based on polar vortex statistics2017Textir_etd
24 Modeling urban carbon dioxide using light-rail measurements and the modified stochastic time-inverted lagrangian transport model (Stilt-R Version 2)2017Textir_etd
25 Modification of Arctic clouds by long-range aerosol transport2017Textir_etd
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