1 - 25 of 10
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1 Live-with: a co-op work project2007Textir_etd
2 Ogden community identity center: rediscovering Ogden through the collaboration of its citizens2006Textir_etd
3 Housing and farming infrastructure2009Textir_etd
4 Japanese-American community center, museum and new Buddhist temple for Salt Lake City and the Intermountain West.2006-05Textir_etd
5 Mormon grid: Zion in the desert2003Textir_uspace
6 Design school2006-05Textir_etd
7 Housing for the aged1955-03-07Textir_etd
8 Spirituality, ritual, memory: a Russian bathhouse in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn: Little Russia by the sea2007Textir_etd
9 New lodge for the kostopulos dream foundation: Emigration Canyon, Salt Lake City, Utah2006Textir_etd
10 Rail-volution: building livable communities with transit2005-09Textir_uspace
1 - 25 of 10