1 - 25 of 15
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1 Integrated transportation scenario planning FHWA-HEP-10-0342010-05-04Textir_uspace
2 Marmalade district housing1975Textir_etd
3 Not for sale: human trafficking awareness center, New York City highline2011Image; Textir_etd
4 Passive cooling strategies for buildings in Utah2016-05Textir_htoa
5 Debunking the exurban myth: a comparison of suburban households1999Textir_uspace
6 Rail-volution: building livable communities with transit2005-09Textir_uspace
7 South Towne market center and learning garden2007Textir_etd
8 Built form and regional identity: eco-tourist resort in Moab, Utah2006Textir_etd
9 Housing for the aged1955-03-07Textir_etd
10 Spirituality, ritual, memory: a Russian bathhouse in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn: Little Russia by the sea2007Textir_etd
11 Problems of containment and the promise of planning2006Textir_uspace
12 Distinguishing city and suburban movers: evidence from the American Housing Survey2001Textir_uspace
13 Integrating land use issues into transportation planning: scenario planning, a summary report2005-09-24Textir_uspace
14 Interdependence of systems of dominance, place theory and gender in creating risk factors for HIV2009-06-19Textir_etd
15 Integrating land use issues into transportation planning: scenario planning, bibliography2005-09-24Textir_uspace
1 - 25 of 15