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1 Bartholomew, Keith A.; Ewing, ReidIntegrated transportation scenario planning FHWA-HEP-10-0342010-05-04
2 Sanchez, Thomas W.Debunking the exurban myth: a comparison of suburban householdsAs American cities spill over their traditional boundaries into 'exurbia', the debate about whether this new growth is substantively different from what preceded is an important one. We disagree with the idea that the counterurbanization the United States is experiencing represents a dramatic bre...Demographics; Location; Suburban1999
3 Morris, Mark; Emmi, Philip C.; Bartholomew, Keith A.; Brown, Barbara B.Rail-volution: building livable communities with transitRail-volution 2005, September 8-10, 2005. Salt Lake City, Utah. Workshop Summary.Transportation; Community Development; Urban transportation; Public transportation2005-09
4 Sanchez, Thomas W.; Nelson, Arthur C.Problems of containment and the promise of planningWhen the expansion of cities is constrained either by natural barriers, such as New Orleans, or by policy efforts to limit urban sprawl, development pressures in hazardous areas can markedly increase. As floodplains, steep slopes, earthquake fault zones, and other hazardous locations are converted ...Disaster mitigation; Land use; Floodplains2006
5 Sanchez, Thomas W.Distinguishing city and suburban movers: evidence from the American Housing SurveyA significant amount of research has concentrated on the process of urban decentralization. Resulting patterns of urban development have far-reaching effects on land use, transportation, regional fiscal structure, public services and facilities, economic development, and social equity. Because plann...Location; Mobility; Suburban; Urban2001
6 Bartholomew, Keith A.Integrating land use issues into transportation planning: scenario planning, a summary reportOver the past 15 years, land use-transportation scenario planning has become an increasingly common technique in regional and sub-regional planning processes. This study investigates the breadth of the technique and some of the themes that are emerging by reviewing 80 scenario planning projects from...Architecture; Transportation, Planning; Land use, Planning2005-09-24
7 Bartholomew, Keith A.Integrating land use issues into transportation planning: scenario planning, bibliographyOver the past 15 years, land use-transportation scenario planning has become an increasingly common technique in regional and sub-regional planning processes. This study investigates the breadth of the technique and some of the themes that are emerging by reviewing 80 scenario planning projects from...Architecture; Transportation, Planning; Land use, Planning2005-09-24
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