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Number of results to display per page
1 (NG) in the speech of Utah teens: testing automated coding using forced alignment2020Textir_etd
2 A comparison of Gosiute material culture and the archaeology of Western Utah1952Textir_etd
3 A Different Paradigm for the Initial Colonisation of Sahul: Archaeological, genetic, demographic and geographic perspectives2019-08-20Textir_uspace
4 A land of work: foraging behavior and ecology2012-03-15Textir_uspace
5 A social survey of the negro population of Salt Lake City, Utah1948Textir_etd
6 Adaptation of cancellous bone to habitual loading: trabecular architecture of the artiodactyl calcaneus2014-05Textir_etd
7 Adaptive responses to scarcity among lactating desert women2011-12Textir_etd
8 After the rain: using paleoclimatic and paleoecological methods to inform archaeological investigation in Baja California and Range Creek Canyon, Utah2017Textir_etd
9 Alternative aboriginal economies: Martu livelihoods in the 21st century2015Textir_uspace
10 Alyawara plant use and optimal foraging theory1981Textir_uspace
11 An analysis of Utah's Chicano civil rights movement through S.O.C.I.O. and its involvement in affirmative action programs, 1964-19842013-05Textir_htoa
12 An attempt to discover sound preferences in the chimpanzee, Pan Troglodytes : implications for human evolution1973Textir_htca
13 An examination of the role of costly signaling and projectile optimization in prehistoric large game hunting in the Great Basin2019Textir_etd
14 Ancient MtDNA sequences from prehistoric north american arctic populations2015Textir_etd
15 Anthony F. C. Wallace's model of revitalization movements and the nation of Islam in the United States1996-06Textir_htca
16 Arabic verb morphophonemics1968Textir_htca
17 Archaeological Potential of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument2018Textir_uspace
18 Archaic admixture in modern humans2015Textir_etd
19 Arctic prehistory through ancient DNA2016Textir_etd
20 Are peasants risk-averse decision makers?2002Textir_uspace
21 Ascertainment bias for non-twin relatives in twin proband studies1982Textir_uspace
22 Ascertainment bias in estimates of average heterozygosity1996-05Textir_uspace
23 Assignment of relationship terms in Binumarien1977Textir_uspace
24 Behavioral ecology and the future of archaeological science2015-01-01Textir_uspace
25 Binumarien color categories1975Textir_uspace
26 Biochemical heterozygosity and morphologic variation in a colony of papio hamadryas hamadryas baboons1994Textir_uspace
27 Can females gain additional paternal investment by mating with multiple males? a game theoretic approach2001-11Textir_uspace
28 Cathedral cave fishes2000Textir_uspace
29 The changing face of Jewish segregation in Argentina: The recent bombing incidents and the emerging barriers to social integration1996-12Textir_htca
30 Characterizing the influence of industrial fluxes on aluminosilicate glass systems using visual and spetroscopic analysis techniques2024Textir_htoa
31 The classic Mayan ceremonial ballgame: Vector of power, medium of sacrifice and portal to the otherworld1999-05Textir_htca
32 Codding, Brian: Living outside the box: An updated perspective on diet breadth and sexual division of labor in the Prearchaic Great Basin [Author's Manuscript]2014-01-01Textir_uspace
33 The common ancestor of ape and man : man-like, ape-like, or neither?1985Textir_htca
34 Common property and cosmology: conservation incentives among the miskitu of nicaragua2015Textir_etd
35 Comparative morphology of chenopodium berlandieri seeds and fruits from cowboy cave, Utah: implications for cultivation and domestication2016-05Textir_htoa
36 Competition between foragers and food producers on the Botletli River, Botswana1986Textir_uspace
37 Conservation or co-evolution? Intermediate levels of aboriginal burning and hunting have positive effects on kangaroo populations in Western Australia2014-01-01Textir_uspace
38 Culture creates genetic structure in the Caucasus: autosomal, mitochondrial, and Y-chromosomal variation in Daghestan2008Textir_uspace
39 Decisions in the desert: an application of the field processing model to lithic toolstone procurement2019Textir_etd
40 The derived features of human life history2006-01-01Textir_uspace
41 Detecting positive selection from genome scans of linkage disequilibrium2010Textir_uspace
42 Diet and disease at Clyde's Cavern, Utah : as revealed Via Paleoscatology1972Textir_etd
43 The Diwaniyya: guestroom sociability and bureaucratic brokerage in Kuwait2014-08Textir_etd
44 Doubts about isonymy1991Textir_uspace
45 Driving factors in the colonization of Oceania: developing island-level statistical models to test competing hypotheses (Electronic Supporting Material)2015-01-23Textir_uspace
46 Economic man in cross-cultural perspective: behavioral experiments in 15 small-scale societies2005Textir_uspace
47 Environmental productivity predicts migration, demographic, and linguistic patterns in prehistoric California2013-09-03Textir_uspace
48 Ethnocentrism and xenophobia: a cross-cultural study2006-06-06Textir_uspace
49 The evans mound: cultural adaptation in Southwestern Utah1974Textir_etd
50 Evidence for assortative mating and selection in surnames: a case from Yucatan, Mexico1985Textir_uspace
51 Evolution of time preference by natural selection1994-06Textir_uspace
52 Evolution, living patterns, and mitochondrial genetic variations in chimpanzees2015-12Textir_htoa
53 Expanding their future: The social use of education by adolescent arab girls in the Israeli Galilee2009Textir_etd
54 Experimental maize farming in range creek canyon, utah2015-08Textir_etd
55 Explaining prehistoric variation in the abundance of large prey: a zooarchaeological analysis of deer and rabbit hunting along the Pecho Coast of Central California2009-11-14Textir_uspace
56 External impacts on internal dynamics: Effects of paleoclimatic and demographic variability on acorn exploitation along the Central California coast2016Textir_uspace
57 Family provisioning is not the only reason men hunt2010-01-01Textir_uspace
58 First among equals: male-male competition among the bardi of Northwestern Australia and its implications for human evolution2013-08Textir_etd
59 Fish remains dominate Barn Owl pellets in northwestern Nevada2006Textir_uspace
60 Fish springs station: A preliminary report of archaeological investigations in Western Utah1999-05Textir_htca
61 Food sharing among Ache hunter-gatherers of Eastern Paraguay1988-02Textir_uspace
62 Founder effect: assessment of variation in genetic contributions among founders1994Textir_uspace
63 From the beginning : a Navaho creation myth1951Textir_etd
64 From transhumance to settlement: Some ecological effects of sedentarization upon the Bidul Bedouin tribe of Petra1990-03Textir_htca
65 Functions of UTE folklore1960Textir_etd
66 Generational conflict in Mormon family ideals1969-08Textir_htca
67 Generational conflict in Mormon Family ideals1969Textir_etd
68 Genetic admixture in the Late Pleistocene1994-12Textir_htca
69 Genetic evidence for a Pleistocene population explosion1995Textir_uspace
70 Genetic evidence on modern human origins1995Textir_uspace
71 Genetic relatedness to sisters children has been underestimated2013-01-01Textir_uspace
72 Genetic structure of ancient human populations2001-09-15Textir_uspace
73 Genetic structure of the Utah Mormons: comparison of results based on RFLPs, blood groups, migration matrices, isonymy, and pedigrees1994Textir_uspace
74 Genetic variation at the MCIR Locus and the time since loss of human body hair2004Textir_uspace
75 Genetic variation in toll-like receptor 7 and toll-like receptor 8 in humans and howler monkeys and potential implications for susceptibility to yellow fever virus2019Textir_etd
76 Genomic insights into lineage specific differences in macaque social behavior2021Textir_htoa
77 Geometric morphometric identification of woodrats: impications for understanding the effects of past EL Nino on terrestrial verterbrates2017Textir_htca
78 Global process and local ecology: how should we explain differences between the Hadza and the !Kung?1996Textir_uspace
79 Grandmothers and their consequences2012-01-01Textir_uspace
80 Group selection by selective emigration: the effects of migration and kin structure1990-03Textir_uspace
81 Hadza children's foraging: juvenile dependency, social arrangement and mobility among hunter-gatherers1995Textir_uspace
82 Hadza scavenging: implications for Plio/Pleistocene Hominid subsistence1988-04Textir_uspace
83 Hadza women's time allocation, offspring provisioning, and the evolution of long postmenopausal life spans1997Textir_uspace
84 The Havasupai woman1956Textir_etd
85 Historical trauma and autosomal recessive diseases in American Indian/Alaskan native communitiesTextir_htoa
86 Homestead cave Ichthyofauna2000Textir_uspace
87 How much can fossils tell us about regional continuity?2006-06-05Textir_uspace
88 How women compete1999-06Textir_uspace
89 Hrdlič̌ka's Aleutian population-replacement hypothesis: a radiometric evaluation2006Textir_uspace
90 Human and mycobacterial coevolution: the role of genetic recombination in reconstructing the evolutionary history of these important human pathogens2010Textir_etd
91 Human life histories in an evolutionary and comparative context2011-08Textir_etd
92 Human life histories: primate trade-offs, grandmothering socioecology, and the fossil record2003Textir_uspace
93 Hunting and nuclear families: some lessons from the Hadza about men's work2001-10-24Textir_uspace
94 Hunting and the evolution of egalitarian societies: lessons from the Hadza2000Textir_uspace
95 Identifying sources of genetic differentiation in human populations2013-08Textir_etd
96 Imaining an ultimate approach to the healthcare system in the 21st century2023Textir_htoa
97 In search of homo economicus: behavioral experiments in 15 small scale societies2001Textir_uspace
98 Integrating mind and body healing into primary care: a team approach2013-08Textir_etd
99 Interpreting abundance indices: some zooarchaeological implications of Martu foraging2010-07-20Textir_uspace
100 Introduction: origins and settlement of the indigenous populations of the Aleutian Archipelago2010Textir_uspace
101 Is migration kin structured?1994Textir_uspace
102 J. P. Rushtons theory of ethnic nepotism2012-01-01Textir_uspace
103 Kotzebue: a modern Alaskan Eskimo community1966-06Textir_etd
104 Language variation among the duckwater shoshoni1970Textir_etd
105 Laurence Loeb slidesImageir_uspace
106 Life elevated: investigating the association between altitude and depression2018Textir_htoa
107 Life history theory and human evolution : a chronicle of ideas and findings2006-01-01Textir_uspace
108 Male Survival Advantage on the Baja California Peninsula2020Textir_uspace
109 Man's best friend: comparative osteology of Canidae species and remains at Nawthis Village, UtahTextir_uw
110 The marginal value of inequality2018-02Textir_su
111 Meat or potatoes? reevaluating the role of plant foods in human evolution2015Textir_etd
112 Median village and fremont culture regional variation1971Textir_etd
113 Microanalysis and functional typology of the Hogup Cave chipped stone tools1973-12Textir_etd
114 Migration and genetic drift in human populations1986Textir_uspace
115 Mismatch distributions of mtDNA reveal recent human population expansions1994Textir_uspace
116 Mitochondrial genetic variation among howler monkeys2014-12Textir_htoa
117 Model of kin-structured migration1987Textir_uspace
118 Modeling the amplification dynamics of human Alu retrotransposons2005Textir_uspace
119 The molecular clock2013-01-01Textir_uspace
120 The molecular genetics of prehistoric hunting: inferring prey population histories with ancient dna2015-05Textir_etd
121 Neo-shamanism as a healing system: enchanted healing in a modern world2010-07Textir_etd
122 New methods in quantitative ethnography: economic experiments and variation in the price of equality2007-12Textir_uspace
123 Novel motor behaviors and the evolution of the hominin brain2019Textir_etd
124 Numic fires: modeling the effects of anthropogenic fire on foraging decisions in the Great Basin2015Textir_uspace
125 The old people know different: Navajo aging and aged in the context of change1995-08Textir_htca
126 On emergency decisions, egalitarianism, and group selection1998-06Textir_uspace
127 On Human fertility: Individual or group benefit?1988-01-01Textir_uspace
128 On life history evolution (a comment on Chisholm)1994-01-01Textir_uspace
129 On network analysis: the potential for understanding (and misunderstanding) !Kung Hxaro1998-08Textir_uspace
130 On optimal foraging models and subsistence transitions1992-01-01Textir_uspace
131 On sharing and work (a comment on Bird-David)1992-01-01Textir_uspace
132 On territoriality in hunter-gatherers1983Textir_uspace
133 On the evolution of human fire use2015-05Textir_etd
134 On why male foragers hunt and share food: Reply to Hill and Kaplan1993-01-01Textir_uspace
135 Orangutan genetic load and the effects of population size2022Textir_htoa
136 Origins and affinities of modern humans: a comparison of mitochondrial and nuclear genetic data1995Textir_uspace
137 Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament and age-related macular degeneration: a new avenue of forensic identification2013-08Textir_etd
138 Panethnic identity among Pacific Islanders: a case study from two Salt Lake County high schools2019Textir_etd
139 Paternal age and genetic load2013-01-01Textir_uspace
140 Patterns of genetic variation in native America1992Textir_uspace
141 Pleistocene population X-plosion?2000Textir_uspace
142 Population differences in quantitative characters as opposed to gene frequencies1986-05Textir_uspace
143 Prearchaic Adaptations in the Central Great Basin: Preliminary findings from a stratified open-air site in Grass Valley, Nevada2016Textir_uspace
144 Prearchaic land use in Grass Valley, Nevada: A novel statistical implementation of optimal distribution modeling2018Textir_uspace
145 Prehistoric copper mining in Isle Royale National Park, Michigan1963Textir_etd
146 Prehistoric diet at danger Cave, Utah as determined by the analysis of coprolites1968Textir_etd
147 Prehistoric human impacts on California birds: evidence from the Emeryville Shellmound Avifauna2004Textir_uspace
148 Prestige and piety in the Iranian synagogue1978Textir_uspace
149 Primate behavioral responses to burning as a model for hominin fire use2015Textir_etd
150 Pristine benchmarks and indigenous conservation? Implications from California zooarchaeology2004-01-01Textir_uspace
151 Problems and prospects of medical care and training in Afghanistan: a developing nation1975Textir_htca
152 Quantitative genetics of sexual dimorphism in human body size1992Textir_uspace
153 Reconstructing seasonality in African bovids using dental microwear2024Textir_uw
154 Refutation of the general single locus model for the etiology of schizophrenia1982Textir_uspace
155 Relatedness and kin-structured migration in a founding population: Plymouth colony, 1620-16331991Textir_uspace
156 Relatedness and mortality among the Jamestown Colony settlers2012-08Textir_etd
157 The relationship between Native Americans and Museums: a case study of the natural history museum of Utah2020Textir_htoa
158 Reproductive and somatic aging in captive female chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)2018Textir_etd
159 Residence and childcare assistance among the Twe2014-08Textir_etd
160 Resource intensification and late Holocene human impacts on Pacific coast bird populations: evidence from the Emeryville shellmound avifauna2001Textir_uspace
161 The roles of operational sex ratio and young-old ratio in producing suicide attackers2011-12Textir_etd
162 Sex differences in aggression: what does evolutionary theory predict?2009-08Textir_uspace
163 Sex ratio and women's aggressive competition in the outer islands of yap2015-08Textir_etd
164 Sexual dimorphism in human molars1998-06Textir_htca
165 Shared norms and the evolution of ethnic markers2003-02Textir_uspace
166 Shellfishing and the colonization of sahul: a multivariate model evaluating the dynamic effects of prey utility, transport considerations and life-history on foraging patterns and midden composition2014-01-01Textir_uspace
167 Size of the bursa of fabricius in relation to gonad size and age in laysan and black-footed albatrosses1994Textir_uspace
168 Social learning and the maintenance of cultural variation: an evolutionary model and data from East Africa2004Textir_uspace
169 Sociobiology of sex and sexes (comment)1984-04Textir_uspace
170 Socioecological dynamics structuring the spread of farming in the North American Basin-Plateau Region2021Textir_uspace
171 Some aspects of sexuality among Moslem women in the Middle East1987Textir_htca
172 Some current ideas about the evolution of the human life history1999Textir_uspace
173 Some socio-psychological aspects of the Czecho-Slovakian crisis of 1938-391940-05Textir_etd
174 South from Alaska: a pilot aDNA study of genetic history on the Alaska Peninsula and the Eastern Aleutians2010Textir_uspace
175 Spatial and temporal stability of mtDNA haplogroup frequencies in native North America2000Textir_uspace
176 Stable isotope ecology baselines and human diet reconstruction: an example from basketmaker II burials at Cedar Mesa, Utah2018Textir_etd
177 Stag hunts or rearing environments?2012-01-01Textir_uspace
178 Subsistence fires mediate human ecological relationships2019Textir_etd
179 Supplementary Materials: Socioecological dynamics structuring the spread of farming in the North American Basin-Plateau RegionTextir_uspace
180 Technological change and child behavior among the !Kung1988Textir_uspace
181 Teen language and ethnic identity: pacific islander students in Utah High Schools2021Textir_etd
182 Terminal Pleistocene fish remains from Homestead Cave, Utah, and implications for fish biogeography in the Bonneville Basin2000Textir_uspace
183 Territoriality among human foragers: ecological models and an application to four Bushman Groups1983-02Textir_uspace
184 Territoriality and the northwest coast1990-06Textir_htca
185 Unangan past and present: the contrasts between observed and inferred histories2010Textir_uspace
186 Utah's sex education controversy: Is it relevant today?2015-05Textir_htoa
187 Village in the desert : the Aaronite community of Eskdale1966Textir_htca
188 Vines of complexity - egalitarian structures and the institutionalization of inequality among the Enga2002-04Textir_uspace
189 Waist-to hip ratio across cultures: trade-offs between androgen-and estrogen-dependent traits2008Textir_uspace
190 Waist-to-hip ratio across cultures: trade-offs between androgen- and estrogen-dependent traits2008Textir_uspace
191 Wealth transmission and inequality among hunter-gatherers2010-02Textir_uspace
192 When natural selection favors imitation of parents2008Textir_uspace
193 Why hunter-gatherers work: An ancient version of the problem of public goods2001-08Textir_uspace
194 Why is testosterone associated with divorce in men?1998-06Textir_uspace
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