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1 Bunting, AbrahamTowards water sustainability - improving water usage disclosureAs the amount of interest and capital invested in sustainable companies, indices, and funds has ballooned, the demand for sustainability data on which to base investment has increased significantly. Investors, companies, and regulators have all petitioned the US Security and Exchange Commission (SEC...2023
2 Herman, RyanThe Impact of Dodd-Frank Legislation on the Mortagage Market Risk Environment: A Quantitative and Qualitative ExaminationWithin the last decade, the United States endured what is contemporaneously considered to be the most devastating economic recession since the Great Depression. While a complex array of factors contributed to the downturn, a significant and material contributor was the collapse of the housing market...2018
3 Ramirez, LuisThe intersection of entrepreneurship theory: an analysis of revenue performance and loan approval of construction contractors in UtahThe Latinx population accounts for 19% of the United States population. This study seeks to understand how a Latinx identity impacts entrepreneurial outcomes since disproportionate outcomes exist in entrepreneurship based on the identity of the founders. Using Latinx Critical Theory as framework, th...2023
4 Mumford, JacquelineThe Role of Accounting and Finance Professors in U.S. Government Spending EducationThe national debt, and related government spending, of the United States is a dangerous, growing problem. A mix of unaccountable decision makers and uninformed public allow the perpetuation of this important issue. Finance and accounting professors have the unique opportunity and background to educa...2020
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