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1 Gerig, GuidoCortical enhanced tissue segmentation of neonatal brain MR images acquired by a dedicated phased array coilThe acquisition of high quality MR images of neonatal brains is largely hampered by their characteristically small head size and low tissue contrast. As a result, subsequent image processing and analysis, especially for brain tissue segmentation, are often hindered. To overcome this problem, a dedic...2009-01-01
2 Gerig, GuidoGroup statistics of DTI fiber bundles using spatial functions of tensor measuresWe present a framework for hypothesis testing of differences between groups of DTI ber tracts. An anatomical, tract-oriented coordinate system provides a basis for estimating the distribution of diffusion properties. The parametrization of sampled, smooth functions is normalized across a population ...2008-01-01
3 Gerig, GuidoConstrained data decomposition and regression for analyzing healthy aging from fiber tract diffusion propertiesIt has been shown that brain structures in normal aging undergo significant changes attributed to neurodevelopmental and neurodegeneration processes as a lifelong, dynamic process. Modeling changes in healthy aging will be necessary to explain differences to neurodegenerative patterns observed in m...2009-01-01
4 Gerig, GuidoEvaluation of DTI property maps as basis of DTI atlas buildingCompared to region of interest based DTI analysis, voxel-based analysis gives higher degree of localization and avoids the procedure of manual delineation with the resulting intra and inter-rater variability. One of the major challenges in voxel-wise DTI analysis is to get high quality voxel-level c...2010-01-01
5 Taylor, MarkUnderstanding the community based participatory research (CBPR) approach: case study in GhanaIn 2003, the University of Utah, in cooperation with Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH), the Atwima Nwabiagya District Assembly and Barekuma community leaders, formed what is known as the Barekuma Collaborative Community Development Proj...2011-12-01
6 Gerig, GuidoMultivariate longitudinal statistics for neonatal-pediatric brain tissue developmentThe topic of studying the growth of human brain development has become of increasing interest in the neuroimaging community. Cross-sectional studies may allow comparisons between means of different age groups, but they do not provide a growth model that integrates the continuum of time, nor do they ...2008-01-01
7 Gerig, GuidoBuilding spatiotemporal anatomical models using joint 4-D segmentation, registration, and subject-specific atlas estimationLongitudinal analysis of anatomical changes is a vital component in many personalized-medicine applications for predicting disease onset, determining growth/atrophy patterns, evaluating disease progression, and monitoring recovery. Estimating anatomical changes in longitudinal studies, especially th...2012-01-01
8 Gerig, GuidoMeasures for validation of DTI tractographyThe evaluation of analysis methods for diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) remains challenging due to the lack of gold standards and validation frameworks. Significant work remains in developing metrics for comparing fiber bundles generated from streamline tractography. We propose a set of volumetric and...2012-01-01
9 Gerig, GuidoMultiscale medial shape-based analysis of image objectsMedial representation of a three-dimensional (3-D) object or an ensemble of 3-D objects involves capturing the object interior as a locus of medial atoms, each atom being two vectors of equal length joined at the tail at the medial point. Medial representation has a variety of beneficial properties,...2003-01-01
10 Gerig, GuidoLongitudinal growth modeling of discrete-time functions with application to DTI tract evolution in early neurodevelopmentWe present a new framework for spatiotemporal analysis of parameterized functions attributed by properties of 4D longitudinal image data. Our driving application is the measurement of temporal change in white matter diffusivity of fiber tracts. A smooth temporal modeling of change from a discrete-ti...2012-01-01
11 Gerig, GuidoDiscrimination analysis using Multi-object statistics of shape and poseA main focus of statistical shape analysis is the description of variability of a population of geometric objects. In this paper, we present work towards modeling the shape and pose variability of sets of multiple objects. Principal geodesic analysis (PGA) is the extension of the standard technique ...2007-01-01
12 Kendall, KatherineQuality of life scores compared to objective measures of swallowing function after oropharyngeal chemoradiationObjectives: To compare objective measures of swallowing function with patient reports of swallowing-related Quality of Life one year after treatment of oropharyngeal cancer with chemoradiation therapy. Study Design: Patients seen for follow-up at least one year after treatment of oropharyngeal carci...2014-01-01
13 Gerig, GuidoStatistical shape analysis of Multi-Object complexesAn important goal of statistical shape analysis is the discrimination between populations of objects, exploring group differences in morphology not explained by standard volumetric analysis. Certain applications additionally require analysis of objects in their embedding context by joint statistical...2007-01-01
14 Gerig, GuidoBrain maturation of newborns and infantsRecently, imaging studies of early human development have received more attention, as improved modeling methods might lead to a clearer understanding of the origin, timing, and nature of differences in neurodevelopmental disorders. Non-invasivemagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can provide three-dimen...2011-01-01
15 Gerig, GuidoMulti-object analysis of volume, pose, and shape using statistical discriminationOne goal of statistical shape analysis is the discrimination between two populations of objects. Whereas traditional shape analysis was mostly concerned with single objects, analysis of multi-object complexes presents new challenges related to alignment and pose. In this paper, we present a methodol...2010-01-01
16 Gerig, GuidoChanges of MR and DTI appearance in early human brain developmentUnderstanding myelination in early brain development is of clinical importance, as many neurological disorders have their origin in early cerebral organization and maturation. The goal of this work is to study a large neonate database acquired with standard MR imagery to illuminate effects of early ...2010-01-01
17 Wunderlich, Adam JamesA nonparametric procedure for comparing the areas under correlated LROC curvesIn contrast to the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) assessment paradigm, localization ROC (LROC) analysis provides a means to jointly assess the accuracy of localization and detection in an observer study. In a typical multireader, multicase (MRMC) evaluation, the data sets are paired so that...2012-01-01
18 Gerig, GuidoFunctional connectivity MR imaging reveals cortical functional connectivity in the developing brainBACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Unlike conventional functional MR imaging where external sensory/cognitive paradigms are needed to specifically activate different regions of the brain, resting functional connectivity MR imaging acquires images in the absence of cognitive demands (a resting condition) and de...2008-01-01
19 Awate, Suyash PrakashMultiatlas segmentation as nonparametric regressionThis paper proposes a novel theoretical framework to model and analyze the statistical characteristics of a wide range of segmentation methods that incorporate a database of label maps or atlases; such methods are termed as label fusion or multiatlas segmentation.We model these multiatlas segmentati...2014-01-01
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