Title | Creator | Date | Description | Relation Is Part Of | ||
1 | Bulimia Management in a Primary Care Setting | Galbraith, Brianne Moffitt | 2014 | Bulimia nervosa is psychiatric condition characterized by self-induced vomiting, laxative abuse, diuretic use or excessive exercising (Frank et al., 2012). Bulimia can result in various medical complications. Subsequently, patients who suffer from bulimia initially seek care from their primary care ... | Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP | |
2 | The Development and Implementation of a Practitioner in Triage Process for the Emergency Department at Intermountain Medical Center | Gardner, Kristen | 2014 | The number of people visiting the emergency department (ED) has trended upwards over the last 20 years. Over utilization of the ED results in congestion and over crowding. The inappropriate use of the ED by lower acuity patients has created a financial burden and pulled resources from critical patie... | Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP |