Title | Creator | Date | Description | Relation Is Part Of |
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Pediatric Obesity: A Project to Increase Community and Provider Awareness in Grant County, Oregon | Clark, Shawna A. | 2013 | As the pediatric obesity epidemic escalates, multi-faceted interventions at primary care and community levels will likely be required, and practitioners have an obligatory role in the identification, education, and treatment of this growing problem. A comprehensive approach to the prevention and man... | Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP |
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Implementation of a Diabetes Flow Sheet in a Volunteer Community Clinic | Webb, Dorian Trane | 2013 | Diabetes currently affects 25.8 million people in the United States and is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011). Moreover, it is a major cause of heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, impaired sensation of pain in hands and feet,... | Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP |
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Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Employed In the Primary Care Setting to Treat Anxiety and Depression | Erickson, Sean Michael | 2013 | Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), a treatment for psychological distress, depressive symptoms, and anxiety for people with chronic disease, is rapidly growing in popularity in the United States (Bohlmeijer, Prenger, Taal, & Cuijpers, 2010). MBSR is a structured 8-10 week, group program with... | Graduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS |
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Non-Pharmacological Prevention of Postpartum Depression | Burton, Christina | 2013 | Postpartum depression (PPD) is a debilitating disorder affecting approximately 13% of women in the first year following delivery of a child (O'Hara & Swain, 1996). It can persist for long periods of time (Goodman, 2004) and have adverse effects on partners (Areias, Kumar, Barros, & Figueredo, 1996a,... | Graduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS |