151 - 175 of 176
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151 Zhang, KangSpectrum and frequency of FZD4 mutations in familial exudative vitreoretinopathyMutations in the frizzled-4 gene (FZD4) have recently been associated with autosomal dominant familial exudative vitreoretinopathy (FEVR) in families linking to the EVR1 locus on the long arm of chromosome 11. The purpose of this study was to screen FZD4 in a panel of 40 patients with FEVR to ident...Frizzled-4 gene; FZD4; Mutation; autosomal dominant familial exudative autosomal dominant familial exudative; FEVR2004
152 Schmidt, Meic H.Spinal epidural lipomatosis: a review of its causes and recommendations for treatmentSpinal epidural lipomatosis is most commonly observed in patients receiving long-term exogenous steroid therapy, but can also be seen in patients with endogenous steroid overproduction, obesity, or idiopathic disease. With this condition, there is hypertrophy of the epidural adipose tissue, causing ...Spinal epidural lipomatosis; Steroid; Hypertrophy; Adipose tissue2004
153 Ehleringer, James R.; Rickart, Eric Allan; Dearing, Maria-DeniseStable isotope ratios (?15N AND ?13C) of syntopic shrews (SOREX)Local species richness in shrew (Soricidae) assemblages is often high, and the mechanisms of ecological separation remain relatively unexplored. In this study, hair samples from 6 species of Sorex in 3 separate assemblages were analyzed for stable carbon (13C/12C) and nitrogen (15N/14N) isotope rati...2004
154 Mathews, V. JohnStochastic mean-square performance analysis of an adaptive Hammerstein filterABSTRACT This paper presents an almost sure (a.s.) mean-square performance analysis of an adaptive Hammerstein filter for the case when the measurement noise in the desired response signal is a martingale difference sequence. The system model consists of a series connection of a memoryless nonlinea...2004
155 Williams, Clayton C.Sub-10 nm lateral spatial resolution in scanning capacitance microscopy achieved with solid platinum probesSub-10 nm resolution can be obtained in scanning capacitance microscopy (SCM) if the probe tip is approximately of the same size. Such resolution is observed, although infrequently, with present commercially available probes. To acquire routine sub-10 nm resolution, a solid Pt metal probe has bee...2004
156 Couldwell, William T.; House, Paul A.; Salzman, Karen L.; Osborne, Anne G.; MacDonald, Joel D.; Jensen, Randy L.Surgical considerations regarding giant dilations of the perivascular spacesObject. Dilations of brain perivascular spaces (PVSs), also known as Virchow-Robin spaces, are routinely identified on magnetic resonance imaging studies of the brain and recognized as benign normal variants. Giant dilations occur only rarely and can be easily misdiagnosed as central nervous system ...2004
157 Schmidt, Meic H.Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone and hyponatremia after spinal surgeryHyponatremia caused by an inappropriately high level of antidiuretic hormone secretion after spinal surgery is an uncommon and self-limiting phenomenon that resolves within 2 or 3 weeks. During the early postoperative period, the patient's urine output and serum level of sodium should be monitored ...Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion; SIADH; Hyponatremia; Spinal surger2004
158 Scarpulla, MichaelSynthesis and optical properties of II-O-VI highly mismatched alloysWe have synthesized ternary and quaternary diluted II-VI oxides using the combination of O ion implantation and pulsed laser melting. CdOxTe12x thin films with x up to 0.015, and the energy gap reduced by 150 meV were formed by O1-implantation in CdTe followed by pulsed laser melting. Quaternary Cd0...Highly mismatched alloys; Cadmium telluride; Zinc telluride; Thermal annealing; Anticrossing; Photomodulation spectroscopy2004
159 Scarpulla, MichaelSynthesis and properties of highly mismatched II-O-I alloysTernary and quaternary dilute II-VI oxides were synthesised using a highly nonequilibrium method: the combination of O ion implantation and pulsed-laser melting. CdOxTe12x thin films have been produced with x up to 0.015 and with the energy gap reduced by 0.15 eV. Optical transitions corresponding t...Highly mismatched alloys; Cadmium telluride; Zinc telluride; Anticrossing2004
160 Myers, Chris J.Synthesis of speed independent circuits based on decompositionThis paper presents a decomposition method for speedindependent circuit design that is capable of significantly reducing the cost of synthesis. In particular, this method synthesizes each output individually. It begins by contracting the STG to include only transitions on the output of interest and ...2004
161 Miller, Joel StevenSynthesis, structural, and magnetic characterization of substituted benzoimidazole-l-yl N,N'-dioxidesThe crystal structures, EPR spectra and magnetic properties of the novel halogen- and cyano-substituted nitronyl nitroxide radicals 2-(2,6-dichlorophenyl)benzimidazolyl N,N'-dioxide, 6, 2-(2,6-difluorophenyl)benzimidazolyl N,N'- dioxide, 7, 2-(2-chloro-6-fluorophenyl)benzimidazolyl N,N'-dioxide, 8,...Organic; Ferromagnetic; Coupling2004
162 Eddings, Eric G.; Sarofim, Adel F.Thermal behavior of a high-energy material immersed in a fireOne of the uncertainties in the calculations of time-to-explosion for containers of high-energy materials immersed in fires is that of the thermal boundary at the container-explosive interface. Understanding this interface is critical in evaluating risks, safety issues and prevention mechanisms. In ...2004
163 Miller, Jan D.Three dimensional analysis of particulates in mineral processing systems by cone beam X-ray microtomographyIn general, X-ray-computed tomographic (CT) techniques are capable of providing three-dimensional images of the internal structure of opaque materials in a nondestructive manner. The unique cone beam geometry allows acquisition of all two-dimensional projections with only one rotation of the sample,...Cone beam CT; X-ray microtomography; Liberation analysis; Particle shape; Heap leaching; Exposure analysis; Coal washability2004
164 Zhdanov, Michael S.Three-dimensional regularized focusing inversion of gravity gradient tensor component dataWe develop a new method for interpretation of tensor gravity field component data, based on regularized focusing inversion. The focusing inversion makes its possible to reconstruct a sharper image of the geological target than conventional maximum smoothness inversion. This new technique can be eff...Focusing inversion; Gravity gradient; Gravity gradiometry2004
165 Zimmer, ZacharyTrends and transitions in children's coresidence with older adults in the Beijing municipalityThis paper examines a) whether rates of coresidence between older adults and their adult children in the Beijing municipality of China have been declining, and b) the determinants of coresidence and coresidence transitions. The reduction in family size in China and concurrent social and economic cha...Coresidence; Beijing Municipality; Old-age support2004
166 Lupton, John MarkUltrafast intramolecular energy transfer in single conjugated polymer chains probed by polarized single chromophore spectroscopySingle molecule spectroscopy of rigid-rod ladder-type conjugated polymers reveals individual chromophore units on a polymer chain, exhibiting fluorescence linewidths of less than 1 nm. Whereas the fluorescence from a single chromophore is fully linearly polarized at low temperatures, a number of exc...Single molecule spectroscopy; Intramolecular energy transfer; Chromophore spectroscopy; Chromophores; Rigid-rod; Ladder-type2004
167 Riloff, Ellen M.Unsupervised learning of contextual role knowledge for coreference resolutionWe present a coreference resolver called BABAR that uses contextual role knowledge to evaluate possible antecedents for an anaphor. BABAR uses information extraction patterns to identify contextual roles and creates four contextual role knowledge sources using unsupervised learning. These knowledge ...Coreference resolution; Coreference resolver; BABAR; Contextual role knowledge; Unsupervised learning2004
168 Stringfellow, Gerald B.Use of Nitrogen to disorder GaInPSignificant changes in microstructure, surface structure, and alloy composition have been observed in GaInP with the addition of nitrogen. These effects occur due to surface changes induced by small concentrations of nitrogen. Transmission electron microscopy and photoluminescence experiments indica...Nitrogen; Alloys; Transmission2004
169 Hawken, Leanne SueUsing DIBELS to improve reading outcomesStudents' reading trajectories (i.e., their general pattern of reading progress) are established early and are relatively stable over time. For example, students who are poor readers in first grade are likely (i.e., 88%) to be poor readers in fourth-grade. Prevention is key to improving reading out...2004
170 Couldwell, William T.; Apfelbaum, Ronald I.Variations on the standard transsphenoidal approach to the sellar region, with emphasis on the extended approaches and parasellar approaches: surgical experience in 105 casesThe traditional boundaries of the transsphenoidal approach may be expanded to include the region from the cribriform plate of the anterior cranial base to the inferior clivus in the anteroposterior plane, and laterally to expose the cavernous cranial nerves and the optic canal. We review our combin...Transsphenoidal surgery; Chordoma; Craniopharyngioma; Intracranial neoplasm; Meningioma; Pituitary adenoma; Sella turcica; Transsphenoidal craniotomy2004
171 Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh; Kirby, Robert Michael IIVerification of MPI programs using SpinVerification of distributed systems is a complex yet important process. Concurrent systems are vulnerable to problems such as deadlock, starvation, and race conditions. Parallel programs written using the MPI (Message Passing Interface) Standard are no exception. Spin can be used to formally ver...MPI programs; Verification; distributed systems; Message Passing Interface; Spin2004
172 Morse, Michael DavidVibronic spectroscopy of unsaturated transition metal complexes: CrC?H, CrCh?, and NiCH?Vibronically resolved resonant two-photon ionization and dispersed fluorescence spectra of the organometallic radicals CrC2H, CrCH3 , and NiCH3 are reported in the visible and near-infrared wavelength regions. For CrC2H, a complicated vibronic spectrum is found in the 11 100?13 300 cm-1 region, with...2004
173 Hansen, Charles D.Visualization of intricate flow structures for vortex breakdown analysisVortex breakdowns and flow recirculation are essential phenomena in aeronautics where they appear as a limiting factor in the design of modern aircrafts. Because of the inherent intricacy of these features, standard flow visualization techniques typically yield cluttered depictions. The paper addre...2004
174 Johnson, Bob L.Where have all the flowers gone? reconnecting leadership preparation with the field of organization theoryGiven the importance of organization theory to our field and the increased absence of a substantive organizational perspective in our dialogue, this essay argues that it is time to revisit how we conceptualize and package the organization theory component of our leadership preparation programs. A j...Organization theory; Leadership preparation2004
175 Miller, Joel StevenZero field splitting, field-dependent magnetization of mixed-valent S = 3/2 Diruthenium(II,III) tetracarboxylatesThe 2 K field-dependent magnetization, M(H), of S = 3/2 [RunII/III2(OAc)4]+ was studied. [RuII/III 2(OAc)4]+ exhibits an unusually low magnetization with respect to that predicted by the classical Brillouin function. This reduced value is a consequence of the large anisotropy arising from the large ...Spin; Coupling; Expressions2004
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