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1 Scarpulla, MichaelDiluted II-VI oxide semiconductors with multiple band gapsWe report the realization of a new mult-band-gap semiconductor. Zn1-yMnyOxTe1-x alloys have been synthesized using the combination of oxygen ion implantation and pulsed laser melting. Incorporation of small quantities of isovalent oxygen leads to the formation of a narrow, oxygen-derived band of ...Highly mismatched alloys; Zinc telluride2003-12
2 Balasubramonian, RajeevDynamically tuning processor resources with adaptive processingUsing adaptive processing to dynamically tune major microprocessor resources, developers can achieve greater energy efficiency with reasonable hardware and software overhead while avoiding undue performance loss.Adaptive processing; Energy efficiency; DRI-cache2003-12
3 Boehme, ChristophElectrical detection of spin coherence in siliconExperimental evidence is presented showing that photocurrents in silicon can be used as highly sensitive readout probes for coherent spin states of localized electrons, the prime candidates for quantum bits in various semiconductor based quantum computer concepts. Conduction electrons are subjected ...Spin coherence; Electronic transitions; Rabi oscillation2003-12
4 Couldwell, William T.Increased invasive capacity of connexin43-overexpressing malignant glioma cellsObject. Malignant glioma cells, similar to astrocytes, express connexin43 (Cx43) universally but at widely varied levels. Data from previous studies have demonstrated that malignant glioma cells form functional gap junction channels among themselves as well as with astrocytes and that such a communi...2003-12
5 Lupton, John MarkLinewidth-limited energy transfer in single conjugated polymer moleculesUsing low temperature single molecule spectroscopy on rigid-rod conjugated polymers we are able to identify homogeneously broadened, strongly polarized emission from individual chromophore units on a single chain. Gated fluorescence spectroscopy allows real time imaging of intramolecular energy tran...Linewidth-limited; Energy transfer; Rigid-rod; Single molecule spectroscopy; Gated fluorescence spectroscopy; Chromophores; Intramolecular energy transfer; Spectral linewidth2003-12
6 Wu, Yong-ShiQuiver mechanics for deconstructed matrix stringIn this paper we propose a quiver model of matrix quantum mechanics with 8 supercharges which, on a Higgs branch, deconstructs the worldsheet of Matrix String Theory. This discrete model evades the fermion doubling problem and, in the continuum limit, enhances the number of supersymmetries to sixte...2003-12
7 Research in brief: Winter 2003-2004Summaries of Selected Research Projects at the University of Utah Health Sciences CenterResearch: School of Medicine, College of Pharmacy;, College of Nursing, College of Health2003-12
8 Boehme, ChristophTheory of the time-domain measurement of spin-dependent recombination with pulsed electrically detected magnetic resonanceThe theoretical foundations of the time domain measurement of spin-dependent charge carrier recombination by means of pulsed electrically detected magnetic resonance (EDMR) are outlined. Pulsed EDMR is based on the transient measurement of electrical currents in semiconductors after a coherent manip...Spin-dependent recombination2003-12
9 DeTar, CarletonTopological susceptibility with the improved Asqtad actionChiral perturbation theory predicts that in quantum chromodynamics light dynamical quarks suppress the topological (instanton) susceptibility.We investigate this suppression through direct numerical simulation using the Asqtad improved lattice fermion action. This action holds promise for carrying...Chiral perturbation; Staggered fermions2003-12
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