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1 DeTar, CarletonQCD spectrum with three quark flavorsWe present results from a lattice hadron spectrum calculation using three flavors of dynamical quarks - two light and one strange-and quenched simulations for comparison. These simulations were done using a one-loop Symanzik improved gauge action and an improved Kogut-Susskind quark action. The lat...Dynamical quarks2001-08
2 Liu, FengSelf-assembly of two-dimensional islands via strain-mediated coarseningWe demonstrate two distinctive effects of strain-induced island-island interaction on island size and spatial distribution during coarsening of 2D islands. When coarsening proceeds via only mass transport between islands, the interaction broadens the island size distribution, leading to a power-law...Two-dimensional islands; Strain-mediated coarsening2001-08
3 Hawkes, KristenWhy hunter-gatherers work: An ancient version of the problem of public goodsFrom the abstract: People who hunt and gather for a living share some resources more widely than others. A favored hypothesis to explain the differential sharing is that giving up portions of large, unpredictable resources obligates others to return shares of them later, reducing everyone's variance...Hunter-gatherer societies; Public goods2001-08
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