126 - 150 of 157
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126 Lindstrom, Gary E.The schema coercion problemOver the past decade, the ability to incorporate data from a wide variety of sources has become increasingly important to database users. To meet this need, significant effort has been expended in automatic database schema manipulation. However, to date this effort has focused on two aspects of this...Schema coercion; Database schema manipulation; Schema integration1997
127 Firmage, Edwin B.Seeing the stranger as enemy: coming outIn March 1996 the Utah state legislature banned gay / straight student support groups in all Utah public high schools. This act, along with the rhetoric of several legislators attacking gay and lesbian students, precipitated a rally of some 2,000 people at Salt Lake City's Wallace F. Bennett federal...Utah; Legislature; Gay/straight alliance; Public high school; Protest marches1997
128 Barusch, AmandaSelf-concepts of low-income older women: not old or poor, but fortunate and blessedThis article examines the extent to which low-income older women define themselves in stigmatizing terms, then explores the strategies they use to preserve a positive sense of self. Instead of considering themselves "old" or "poor," the sixty-two women interviewed defined themselves as "fortunate" a...Low-income older women; Stigmatizing terms; Positive thinking1997
129 Battin, Margaret P.Sex & consequences: world population growth vs. reproductive rightsConflict between concern over global population growth (still rising precipitously, even though growth rates have slowed) and concern for reproductive rights is intense. NeoMalthusians, on the one hand, point to the dire consequences of overpopulation; feminist defenders of reproductive rights and ...Reproduction; Population growth; Birth control; Feminism1997
130 Soares, Marshall A.SOAR user's manualAbstract: The development of simulation and test stimulus and checking of circuits with that stimulus is the source or many circuit bugs. The SOAR conversion package is a C library that generates the stimuli for gate-level simulation, circuit simulation and integrated circuit test The conversion pa...SOAR; Conversion package; C library; Simulation1997
131 Bohs, Lynn A.Solanum maternum (Solanaceae), a new Bolivian relative of the tree tomatoA new species endemic to Bolivia, Solanum maternum, is described. Solanum maternum belongs to a group of taxa formerly recognized as the genus Cyphomandra. Solanum maternum is morphologically very similar to the tree tomato, Solanum betaceum, and may be its closest wild relative.Solanum maternum; Cyphomandra1997
132 Landesman, Margaret M.Something old, something new: the evolution of the out-of-print book business:This well-thought-out panel produced an outstanding afternoon, despite its being after lunch in a warm, filled-to-capacity room (producing some lapses in reporting coverage and a plea to ALA for a bigger room next time). Discussion focused on the ways in which automated applications have transformed...Amazon.com; Pricing mechanism; OP dealers1997
133 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineSpin and spectral signatures of polaron pairs in π-conjugated polymersWe have studied polaron pair photoexcitations in a variety of π-conjugated polymer films by photoinduced absorption (PA) and optically-detected magnetic resonance (ODMR). An exchange interaction between polarons broadens the ODMR spectrum, permitting the unambiguous identification of the polaron pa...Polaron pair; ODMR; Photoinduced absorption; Spin signatures; Spectral signatures; pi-conjugated polymers1997
134 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineSpin dependent photoinduced absorption in a-Si:HWe have studied photoexcitation dynamics in undoped a-Si:H from 80 K to 300 K by the techniques of photoluminescence (PL), photoinduced absorption (PA) and their respective versions of optically detected magnetic resonance, namely PLDMR and PADMR. Both PL and PA spectra are composed of low and high ...a-Si:H; Amorphous silicon; Spin dependent; Photoinduced absorption1997
135 Miller, Joel StevenStructure and physical properties of hexacyanomanganate(IV), [MnIV(CN)6]2-Hydrolytically unstable d3 [MnI V(CN)6]2- as the [N(PPh3)2]+ salt is crystallographically, spectroscopically, and magnetically characterized.Absorption; Magnetic; Spin1997
136 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineStudies of Raman scattering in novel disubstituted acetylene polymersWe have studied resonant and non-resonant Raman scattering spectra in thin films of novel disubstituted acetylene polymers such as poly(l-ethyl-2-phenylacetylene) (PEtPA), poly(l-n-hexyl-2-phenylacetylene) (PHxPA) and poly(l-phenyl-2-/wibutylphenylacetylene) (PDPA-nBu), which possess high photolumin...Raman scattering; Disubstituted acetylene polymers1997
137 Warner, Homer R.Subtotal Hysterectomy in Modern Gynecology: A Decision AnalysisBiomedical Informatics1997
138 Stang, Peter J.Supramolecular chemistry and molecular design: self-assembly of molecular squaresModem supramolecular chemistry has been described as organized polymolecular systems held together by noncovalent interactions and represents one of the major frontiers in the chemical sciences.'-' At present the field is dominated by the hydrogen bonding motif that mimics biological systems and th...Molecular design; Molecular squares1997
139 Miller, Jan D.Surface chemistry of pulping and flotation for mixed office wastepaperThe effect of pulping reagents on the de-inking flotation of laser printed wastepaper was investigated with regard to the removal efficiency of toner and mineral filler particles at different pH values. These results show that caustic pulping causes the toner to be released from the fibers as larg...Pulping reagents; Deinking; Toner; Mineral fillers1997
140 Beazley, David. M.SWIG users manual (version 1.1)SWIG is a tool for solving problems. More specifically, SWIG is a simple tool for building interactive C, C++, or Objective-C programs with common scripting languages such as Tel, Perl, and Python. Of course, more importantly, SWIG is a tool for making C programming more enjoyable and promoting lazi...SWIG; C programs; C++ programs; Objective-C programs; User manual; Interactive programs1997
141 Myers, Chris J.Synthesis of timed circuits using BDDs*This paper presents a tool which synthesizes timed circuits from reduced state graphs. Using timing information to reduce state graphs can lead to significantly smaller and faster circuits. The tool uses implicit techniques (binary decision diagrams) to represent these graphs. This allows us to synt...1997
142 Freire, JulianaTaking I/O seriously: resolution reconsidered for diskModern compilation techniques can give Prolog programs, in the best cases, a speed comparable to C. However, Prolog has proven to be unacceptable for data-oriented queries for two major reasons: its poor termination and complexity properties for Datalog, and its tuple-at-a-time strategy. A number of...Tabling; SLG-WAM; Prolog; XSB; Datalog1997
143 Pounder, Diana G.Teacher teams: promoting teacher involvement and leadership in secondary schoolsEmployee involvement efforts in schools have increasingly encouraged employee involvement in planning and governance procedures. Most involvement efforts could be described as suggestion involvement or individual job enhancement approaches, although these currently emphasized approaches to teache...Educational planning; Governance1997
144 Myers, Chris J.Timed event/level structuresThis paper presents timed event/level(TEL) structures, an extension to timed event-rule structures, which allows the general use of signal levels and timing in the specification of an asynchronous circuit. TEL structures can express true OR causality, as well as language constructs that are very dif...1997
145 Couldwell, William T.Transmaxillary approach to the anterior cavernous sinus: a microanatomic studyOBJECTIVE: Several approaches to expose the anterior cavernous sinus have been used, such as frontotemporal, orbitofrontal, anterior subtemporal, and various transfacial approaches. In an effort to gain exposure to the anterior cavernous sinus without necessitating a craniotomy or wide transfacial ...Anterior cavernous sinus; Clivus; Cranial base; Maxillary sinus1997
146 Transportation, Land Use and Ecology along the Wasatch Front: Report from a conference held on November 14, 1997Transportation, Land Use and Ecology along the Wasatch Front: Report from a conference held on November 14, 19971997
147 Clayton, Dale H.Two new species of Dennyus (Ctenodennyus) lice (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) from swiftlets (Apodiformes: Apodidae)To date, only a single species of Dennyus (Ctenodennyus) has been described, this being D. (C.) spiniger Ewing from Cypseloides niger borealis (Kennedy), the northern black swift in North America. Through extensive collecting of lice by the junior author from swiftlets and through a loan of Bishop M...Apodidae; Menoponidae; Ctenodennyus; Dennyus spiniger; Dennyus southwoodi; Dennyus elbeli1997
148 Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Gellermann, WernerTwo-photon absorption measured in the presence of strong one-photon saturation in cumulene-containing polymerThe Z-scan technique is used to extract the real and imaginary third order nonlinear susceptibilities, Rex(3) and Imx(3), respectively. A series of Z scans were conducted at 590 nm (near one-photon resonance) on a cumulene-containing polymer, poly(p-phenylene-l,4-diphenyl-l,2,3-butatriene) or PPC3, ...Molecular second hyperpolarizability; One-photon saturation; Polymer solution; Chain length1997
149 Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Gellermann, WernerTwo-photon absorption spectra of luminescent conducting polymers measured over a wide spectral rangeWe report the two-photon absorption (TPA) spectra of poly(2,5-dibutoxy-p-phenylene acetylene) (PPADBO), poly(2,5-dioctyloxy-p-phenylene vinylene) (PPV-DOO), and poly(3-hexylthiophene) (PAT6) in the spectral range extending from 576 nm to 846 nm. Using the Z-scan technique on the polymers in solutio...Two-photon absorption; Two-photon saturation; Luminescent polymers; Dispersion; Polymer solution; PPA-DBO1997
150 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineUltrafast femtosecond relaxation processes in luminescent and nonluminescent conducting polymersWe have employed the time-resolved photomodulation (PM) technique to study the photoexcitation dynamics in a luminescent (Si-PT) and nonluminescent ( s-(CH)x ) conducting polymers in the low signal limit. In each polymer, we identify two exponential decay processes in the PM decay, with characterist...Ultrafast femtosecond relaxation; Femtosecond spectroscopy; Pump-and-probe technique; PM decay; Polarization memory; Bi-exponential response1997
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