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1 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineAbsorption studies of charged excitations in α-sexithiopheneWe present photoexcitation studies of vacuum deposited neutral films of α,ω-substituted sexithiophene (α-6T) using photoinduced absorption (PA) and PAdetected magnetic resonance spectroscopy (PADMR). We find evidence for photoinduced polarons having spin 1/2, with two absorption bands at 0.80...alpha- sexithiophene; Charged excitations; Photoexcitation; Photoinduced absorption1996
2 Miller, Joel StevenCharacterization of novel TCNQ and TCNE 1 : 1 and 1 : 2 salts of the tetrakis(dimethyamino) ethylene dication, [{(CH3)2N}2C-C{N(CH3)2}2]2+Addition of TCNQ to a solution of tetrakis(dimethylamino)ethylene in MeCN produces the salt [TDAE][TCNQ]2; the dipositive cation, [{(CH3)2N}2C-C{N(CH3)2}2]2+, is nonplanar, with a dihedral angle of 63.9(o), while the TCNQ anions crystallize as [TCNQ]2 2- dimers with an interplanar separation of 3.1...Electron; Oxidations; Transfer1996
3 Olivera, Baldomero M.; Gray, William RobertContryphan is a D-tryptophan-containing Conus peptideIn this report, we document for the first time the occurrence of D-tryptophan in a normally translated polypeptide, contryphan. The peptide, isolated from the venom of the fish-hunting marine snail Conus radiatus, produces the "stiff-tail" syndrome in mice.Conotoxins; Contryphan; D-tryptophan; Conus peptides; Conus radiatus; Stiff-tail syndrome1996
4 Miller, Joel StevenDecamethylnickelocenium hydrogen-7,7,8,8-tetracyanoperfluoro-p-quinodimethandiide: isolation of the protonated weak base [HTCNQF4]-Unprecedently stable hydrogen-7,7,8,8- tetracyanoperfluoro-p-quinodimethandiide, [HTCNQF4]-, is isolated and crystallographically characterized.Structure; Electron; Transfer1996
5 Bastiani, MichaelDevelopmental expression and biochemical analysis of Conulin, a protein secreted from a subset of neuronal growth conesIn this report, we analyze the developmental pattern of expression of a new grasshopper protein, Conulin, using the monoclonal antibody 7D2 on whole-mount embryos and dissociated neurons. We also have examined its biochemical properties by immunoblot analysis. Conulin is a protein expressed by a su...Conulin; Growth cone-specific protein; Secreted protein; Selective tasciculation; CNS-specific protein; Pathfinding1996
6 Morse, Michael DavidElectron-spin resonance studies of the titanium cation (Ti+,3d?, ?F) in rare gas matrices at 4 K: A crystal field interpretationElectron-spin resonance studies of laser-ablated titanium metal isolated in neon and argon display an intense feature which exhibits a symmetric, narrow line and a large matrix-dependent g shift. On the basis of a number of experiments, this is assigned to a matrix isolated 3d3,4F Ti+ ion in an octa...1996
7 Williams, Clayton C.Evidence for internal electric fields in two variant ordered GaInP obtained by scanning capacitance microscopySingle and two variant ordered GaInP samples are studied in cross section with the scanning capacitance microscope. Our study shows significant differences in the electronic properties of single and two variant GaInP. In unintentionally doped, ordered two variant samples, both n and p-type like do...GaInP2; Atomic ordering; Internal electric fields; Scanning capacitance microscope1996
8 Ehleringer, James R.Gas exchange, δ13C, and heterotrophy for Castilleja linariifolia and Orthocarpus tolmiei, facultative root hemiparasites on Artemisia tridentataGas exchange and carbon isotope ratios were measured on 2 facultative hemiparasites, Castilleja linarifolia Benth. (Indian paintbrush; Scrophulariaceae) and Orthocarpus tolmiei I-I. & A. (Tolmie owl clover; Scrophulariaceae), and their Artemisia tridentata L. (big sagebrush; Asteraceae) hosts. Photo...Heterotrophy; Hemiparasite; Carbon isotope ratios; Shrub ecology; Castilleja linarifolia; Orthocarpus tolmiei; Artemisia tridentata1996
9 Jorgensen, ErikGenetic screens for synaptic function mutants in the nematode C. elegansThe synapse is the site of a remarkable conversion of electrical signals into chemical signals. This conversion takes place when a depolarizing impulse enters the axon terminal and opens voltage-sensitive calcium channels; calcium then flows into the cell and initiates the fusion of synaptic vesicle...Vesicle; Neurotransmission; Cell1996
10 Olivera, Baldomero M.Identification and characterization of a Ca2+-sensitive nonspecific cation channel underlying prolonged repetitive firing in Aplysia neuronsThe afterdischarge of Aplysia bag cell neurons has served as a model system for the study of phosphorylation-mediated changes in neuronal excitability. The nature of the depolarization generating the afterdischarge, however, has remained unclear. We now have found that venom from Conus textile trig...Ca21-activated nonspecific cation channel; Slow inward current; Ion channel modulation; Afterdischarge; Bursting; Aplysia bag cell neurons; Conus textile; Neurotoxins1996
11 Capecchi, Mario R.Lessons from angiotensin-converting enzyme-deficient miceSince the first description of renin by Tigerstedt and Bergman [1] in 1898, many papers have described the biochemistry and physiological roles of the reninangiotensin system [2]. A critical component of this system is angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), a peptidase which cleaves the inactive pep...1996
12 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Magnetization and dynamics of reentrant ferrimagnetic spin-glass [MnTPP]::+[TCNE].-.2PhMeWe present direct current (dc) magnetization M(T,H) and alternating current (ac) susceptibility Xac(T,H,f) data for the quasi-one-dimensional molecule-based ferrimagnet [MnTPP]::+[TCNE].-.•2PhMe (TPP=meso-tetraphenylporphyrinato, TCNE=tetracyanoethylene). Static scaling of the real part X' of ...Ferrimagnetic order; Magnetism1996
13 Beckerle, Mary C.Molecular characterization of human zyxinZyxin is a component of adhesion plaques that has been suggested to perform regulatory functions at these specialized regions of the plasma membrane. Here we describe the isolation and characterization of cDNAs encoding human and mouse zyxin.Zyxin; Proline; LIM domains1996
14 Williams, Clayton C.Nanometer scale absorption spectroscopy by near-field photodetection optical microscopyNear-field photodetection optical microscopy (NPOM) is a fundamentally new approach to near-field optical microscopy. This scanning probe technique uses a nanometer-scale photodiode detector which absorbs optical power directly as it is scanned in the near field of an illuminated sample surface. ...Near-field photodetection optical microscopy; NPOM; Nanoscale; Photodiode1996
15 Mattis, Daniel C.New mapping for particles on lattices with hard-core interactionsA novel mapping between Hilbert spaces of unequal dimensionalities yields many-body states which exactly satisfy the no-double-occupancy constraints for particles on lattices in arbitrary spatial dimensions. After proving the states are complete, we apply them to Nagaoka's theorem and the t-J model...Ferromagnetism; Spin; Dimensions1996
16 Olivera, Baldomero M.; Gray, William Robert; McIntosh, J. MichaelNew α-conotoxin which targets α3ß2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptorsWe have isolated a 16-amino acid peptide from the venom of the marine snail Conus magus which potently blocks nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) composed of α3ß2 subunits. This peptide, named a-conotoxin MII, was identified by electrophysiologically screening venom fractions against cl...Conotoxins; a-conotoxin MII; Conus magus1996
17 Olivera, Baldomero M.; Ireland, Chris M.NMR structures of conotoxinsThis review discusses the methodology, structural details, and biological implications regarding NMR structures of conotoxins. NMR and molecular modeling techniques have improved to the point that three-dimensional structures of conotoxins can now be determined with a significant degree of confiden...Conotoxins1996
18 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineOptically detected magnetic resonance studies of undoped a-Si:HPhotogenerated carrier dynamics in undoped a-Si:H have been studied by photoinduced absorption (PA), photoluminescence (PL) and their respective optically detected magnetic resonances: PADMR and PLDMR. We have detected for the first time the "g = 4" resonance in PADMR in addition to the previously ...Undoped a-Si:H; Amorphous silicon; Carrier dynamics1996
19 Vardeny, Zeev ValentinePhotoexcitation dynamics in C60-doped PPV under bias illuminationWe have studied photoexcitation dynamics in pristine and C60-doped PPV films under bias Olumination by photoinduced absorption (PA), optically-detected magnetic resonance (ODMR), and electromodulated PA (EPA). Intrachain polaron pair species are the dominant excitations under these conditions. The p...Photoexcitation dynamics; C60-doped PPV; Bias illumination; PPV films; Photoinduced absorption; ODMR; Electroabsorption1996
20 Ehleringer, James R.Potential adaptability and constraints of response to changing climates for Encelia farinosa var. phenicodonta from southern Baja California, MexicoTo examine the physiological adaptability of Encelia farinosa var. phenicodonta from southern Baja California, plants from Todos Santos, BCS were raised in central Arizona where winter-spring precipitation is greater than typically experienced by this variety. Plants were capable of high photosynthe...Encelia farinosa var. phenicodonta; Ecophysiology1996
21 Miller, Joel StevenPreparation and characterization of square-planar tetrakis(cyanoacetylide) complexes: [MII(C=C-C=N)4]2- (M = Ni,Pd, Pt)Complexes [MII(C=C-=N)4]2 - (M = Ni, Pd, Pt) are prepared for the first time and the structure of [NEt4]2[Ni(C=C-C=N)4] is determined to have a square-planar geometryBonding; Structure; Ligand1996
22 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Quest for molecule-based magnetsIn the past decade a new class of magnets possessing spins on organic species have been discovered and studied. These magnets can be fabricated at room temperature and may enable useful devices and/or processes. Herein we discuss several of the mechanisms that can enable the stabilization of magn...Mechanisms; Ferromagnetic; Spin coupling1996
23 Morse, Michael DavidResonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy of the 13-electron triatomic Si2NResonant two-photon ionization spectra of 28Si2N, 28,29Si2N, and 28,30Si2N have been collected between 32 000 cm-1 and 36 000 cm-1. A fit of the rotationally resolved spectrum of the most intense band of 28Si2N at 34 314 cm-1 reveals the transition to be 2?+u ? X~ 2IIg,1/2- A molecular orbital analy...1996
24 Clayton, Dale H.Revision of the chewing louse genus Formicaphagus (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) from Neotropical Antbirds and Gnateaters (Aves: Passeriformes)Examination of specimens of the 15 recognized species of Formicaphagus resulted in 6 new synonymies: F. laemostictus, F. latifrons, and F. peruvianus are junior synonyms of F. picturatus; F. huilae of F. angustifrons; and F. bolivianus and F. thoracicus of F. minutus. Two new species are described f...Formicaphagus; Formicaphagus arnoldi; Formicaphagus donpetersi; Antbirds; Gnateaters1996
25 Bastiani, MichaelRole of the cell surface in neuronal pathfindingPerhaps the organ of the human body that evokes the most astonishment, and yet is the least understood, is our brain. From the coordination of simple movements, to consciousness and thought, the function of the nervous system relies on the establishment of trillions of precise connections among the...Axon; molecular guidance code; growth cone1996
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