Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
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 | Gondolo, Paolo | AGAPE, a microlensing search in the direction of M31: status report | The M31 galaxy in Andromeda is the nearest large galaxy after the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds. It is a giant galaxy, roughly 2 times as large as our Milky Way, and has its own halo. As pointed by some of us [1, 2] and independantly by A. Crotts [3], M31 provides a rich field of stars to searc... | AGAPE; Andromeda Gravitational Amplification Pixel Experiment; Microlensing; MACHO; Massive compact halo objects | 1995 |
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 | Ailion, David Charles | High sensitivity nuclear quadrupole resonance approach for detection of modulation wave motion in incommensurate systems | In contrast to conventional NMR techniques that use magnetic field gradients (MFCs) to detect the diffusion of moving atoms, we have developed a highly sensitive approach for detecting electric field gradient (EFG) fluctuations seen by stationary atoms. These EFG fluctuations were observed in the ... | NMR; MFG; Magnetic field gradients; Diffusion constants; Atoms; Nuclei | 1995 |
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 | Mattis, Daniel C. | Limit model of CuO2 planes: exact results | We solve the simplest tight-binding model of electrons in a CuO2 plane with Coulomb repulsion only on the copper ions, by a limiting procedure which retains all contributions 0(t2/U) while projecting out the higher order terms. In addition to the ground state energy we identify a variety of quasipar... | Electrons; Particle-hole | 1995 |
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 | Williams, Clayton C. | Micromachined submicrometer photodiode for scanning probe microscopy | A submicrometer photodiode probe with a sub-50 nanometer tip radius has been developed for optical surface characterization on a nanometer scale. The nanoprobe is built to detect subwavelength optical intensity variations in the near field of an illuminated surface. The probe consists of an Al-Si... | Submicrometer; Photodiode; Scanning probe microscopy; Nanoprobe | 1995 |
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 | Williams, Clayton C. | Micromachined submicrometer photodiode for scanning probe microscopy | A submicrometer photodiode probe with a sub-50 nanometer tip radius has been developed for optical surface characterization on a nanometer scale. The nanoprobe is built to detect subwavelength optical intensity variations in the near field of an illuminated surface. The probe consists of an Al-Si Sc... | Submicrometer photodiode; Scanning probe microscopy; Nanobrobes | 1995 |
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 | Vardeny, Zeev Valentine | Optical probes of photoexcitations in fullerene thin films from femtoseconds to milliseconds | We have studied photoexcitations in various fiillerene thin films using transient photomodulation and photoluminescence from 100 fs to 50 ms and absorption-detected magnetic resonance (ADMR). We show that singlet Frenkel type excitons are the primary photoexcitations; their recombination kinetics in... | Photoexcitations; Femtosecond; Transient photomodulation; Transient photoluminescence; Frenkel type excitons; Triplet excitons | 1995 |
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 | Vardeny, Zeev Valentine | Photoresponse and electroresponse of polymers light emitting diodes | We have studied the photoresponse and electroresponse of light emitting diodes (LEDs ) made from a variety of soluble conducting polymers sandwiched between indium tin oxide (ITO) and metals including calcium, aluminum and copper. Under illumination all freshly prepared LEDs exhibit relatively large... | Photoresponse; Electroresponse; Photovoltage; I-V curves | 1995 |
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 | Williams, Clayton C.; Huang, Yufeng | Quantitative two-dimensional dopant profile measurement and inverse modeling by scanning capacitance microscopy | Quantitative dopant profile measurements are performed on a nanometer scale by scanning capacitance microscopy (SCM). An atomic force microscope is used to position a nanometer scale tip at a semiconductor surface, and local capacitance change is measured as a function of sample bias. A new feedback... | Dopant profile; Capacitance change; Scanning capacitance microscopy; Feedback control | 1995 |
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 | Efros, Alexei L. | Sensor-based distributed control scheme for mobile robots | In this paper we present a sensor-based distributed control scheme for mobile robots. This scheme combines centralized and decentralized control strategies. A server-client model is used to implement this scheme where the server is a process that caries out the commands to be executed, and each clie... | Sensor-based; Distributed control scheme | 1995 |
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 | Williams, Clayton C. | Shear force microscopy with capacitance detection for near-field scanning optical microscopy | Shear force microscopy is very useful for distance regulation in near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM). However, the optical method used to detect the shear force can cause problems when imaging photosensitive materials, i.e., the shear force detection beam can optically pump the sample. We ... | Shear force microscopy; Atom force microscope; AFM; Capacitance sensing | 1995 |
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 | Vardeny, Zeev Valentine | Symmetric light emitting divices from poly(p-di ethynylene phenylene) (p-di phenylene vinylene) derivatives | Light emitting devices were fabricated from 2,5-dialkoxy derivatives of poly(p-di ethynylene phenylene-p-di phenylene vinylene) (PDEPDPV) sandwiched between indium tin oxide (ITO) and Al. The current-voltage (Iel-V) curve, electroluminescence (EL) intensity-voltage (IEL-V) curve, and the EL spectra ... | Poly(p-di ethynylene phenylene); PPV; Pi-conjugated polymers | 1995 |