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1 Ogburn, Joyce L.Acquiring minds want to know: cloth - paper-still, an issueAcquiring Minds Want to Know column: "In the last issue of Against the Grain, I presented some ideas about the possible assumptions about obligations that underlie the scholarly paperback market. This article gets a little more practical and presents some figures from Yale for your consideration."Books, paperback; Books, hardback; Acquisitions, libraries1994-11
2 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineExcitons in poly(para-phenylenevinylene)We show that one-electron band theory fails to describe optical absorption in PPV and the absorption spectrum can be described only within a Coulomb-correlated model. The lowest optical state is an exciton, whose binding energy is estimated theoretically to be 0.90 ± 0 . 1 5 e V Measurements of the...Poly(para-phenylenevinylene); PPV1994-11
3 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineTransient spectroscopy of excitons and polarons in C60 films from femtosecond to millisecondsWe have studied photoexcitations in C60 films using transient photomodulation and photoluminescence from 100 fs to 50 ms and absorption-detected magnetic resonance (ADMR). We show that singlet Frenkel excitons are the primary photoexcitations; their recombination kinetics in the picosecond time dom...Transient spectroscopy; C60 films; Femtoseconds; Milliseconds1994-11
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