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1 Ailion, David Charles93Nb NMR in the imcommensurate and quasi-commensurate phases of barium sodium niobateNMR spectra have been measured for the quadrupole perturbed 1/2 -1/2 transition of 9 3Nb in barium sodium niobate (BSN) between 300 and 650 K. The spectra are inhomogeneously broadened in the incommensurate (/) phase between T7 = 580 K and r c = 540 K as well as in the quasicommensurate (QC) phase ...NMR; Spectra; Barium sodium niobate; Line shapes1994
2 Mecklenburg, RobertA dossier driven persistent objects facilityWe describe the design and implementation of a persistent object storage facility based on a dossier driven approach. Objects are characterized by dossiers which describe both their language defined and "extra-linguistic" properties. These dossiers are generated by a C+-f- preprocessor in concert ...Persistent object storage facility; Dossier driven1994
3 Sobh, Tarek M.A general review, graphical environment, and applications for discrete event and hybrid systems in Robotics and Automation1994
4 Sobh, Tarek M.A graphical environment and applications for discrete event and hybrid systems in robotics and automationIn this paper we present an overview for the development of a graphical environment for simulating, analyzing, synthesizing, monitoring, and controlling complex discrete event and hybrid systems within the robotics, automation, and intelligent system domain. We start by presenting an overview of di...Intelligent system domain; Graphical environment1994
5 Weinstein, DavidA morphing algorithm for generating near optimal grids: applications in computational medicineWe apply morphing to t h e problem of generating the initial mesh for finite element simulations. This algorithm reduces mesh adaptation time by integrating physical and geometric constraints to provide a near optimal initial mesh. We apply this method to large-scale bioelectric field problems invol...Morphing algorithm; Bioelectric field problems1994
6 Bruderlin, BeatA new approach to tolerance analysisTolerance analysis is seen as part of a more general problem, namely handling data with uncertainty. Uncertain geometric data arises when interpreting measured data, but also in solid modeling where floating point approximations are common, when representing design tolerances, or when dealing with l...Tolerance analysis1994
7 Furse, Cynthia M.; Gandhi, Om P.A simple convolution procedure for calculating currents induced in the human body for exposure to electromagnetic pulsesAbstract-The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) and frequency dependent finite difference time-domain (FD)2TD methods have been previously used to calculate internal electric (E) fields and induced currents for exposure of the anatomically based model of the human body to electromagnetic pulses (E...1994
8 Mathews, V. JohnA stability condition for certain bilinear systemsAbstract-This correspondence derives a simple sufficient condition for the output of a discrete-time, time-invariant bilinear system to be bounded whenever the input signal to the system is bounded by a finite constant.1994
9 Mathews, V. JohnA stability result for RLS adaptive bilinear filtersAbstract- This letter considers recursive least squares (RLS) adaptive nonlinear filtering using bilinear system models. It is shown that the extended RLS adaptive bilinear filter, as well as the equation-error RLS adaptive bilinear filter, are guaranteed to be stable in the sense that the time aver...1994
10 Sobh, Tarek M.; Henderson, Thomas C.A unifying framework for tolerance analysis in sensing, design, and manufacturingIn this work we address the problem of tolerance representation and analysis across the domains of industrial inspection using sensed data, CAD design, and manufacturing. Instead of using geometric primitives in CAD models to define and represent tolerances, we propose the use of stronger methods t...Tolerance representation; Tolerance analysis; Industrial inspection; Sensed data; CAD design1994
11 Ogburn, Joyce L.Acquiring minds want to know: smart systems, smart booksThis article will outline a specific suggestion both to aid some basic acquisitions functions and their management. It will focus primarily on use of vendors, vendor performance and business terms. I have several suggestions for improvement, which were touched on briefly in the first article, based...Libraries; Acquisitions; Vendors1994
12 Horch, Kenneth W.Action potential classification with dual channel intrafascicular electrodesUsing recordings of peripheral nerve activity made with carbon fiber intrafascicular electrodes, we compared the performance of three different recording techniques (single channel, differential, and dual channel) and four different unit classification methods (linear discriminant analysis, temp...Carbon fiber intrafascicular electrodes; Dual channel recording1994
13 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive bilinear predictorsThis paper considers an extended recursive least squares (RLS) adaptive bilinear predictor. It is shown that the extended RLS adaptive bilinear predictor is guaranteed to be stable in the sense that the time average of the squared a-posteriori prediction error signal is bounded whenever the input...1994
14 Bruderlin, BeatAn interactive N-Dimensional constraint systemIn this paper, we present a graph-based approach to geometric constraint solving. Geometric primitives (points, lines, circles, planes, etc.) possess intrinsic degrees of freedom in their embedding space. Constraints reduce the degrees of freedom of a set of objects. A constraint graph is created wi...Geometric constraint solving1994
15 Flynn, John J.Antitrust policy and health care reformAmong the economic and political challenges facing the United States today, none is more significant - yet difficult to resolve - than the complex puzzle of how to reform the delivery of health care services. A consensus appears to have been reached that reform should extend health care coverage to ...1994
16 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Ives, Jeffrey T.; Stockham, Thomas G.Automated film reader for DNA sequencing based on homomorphic deconvolutionAn automated reader for electrophoresis based DNA sequencing methods is described that provides fast and accurate sequence determination. Digitized sequencing lanes are processed with homomorphic blind deconvolution in preparation for peak detection, interlane alignment, peak refinement and base cal...Sequence Analysis; Electrophoresis; Automated Film Reader; Homomorphic Deconvolution1994
17 Warner, Homer R.Automated Transformation of Probabilistic Knowledge for a Medical Diagnostic SystemBiomedical Informatics1994
18 Warner, Homer R.Automated Transformation of Probablistic Knowledge for a Medical Diagnostic SystemBiomedical Informatics1994
19 Smith, Kent F.Automatic rapid prototyping of semi-custom VLSI circuits using FPGAsWe describe a technique for translating semi-custom VLSI circuits automatically, integrating two design environments, into field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) for rapid and inexpensive prototyping. The VLSI circuits are designed using a cell-matrix based environment that produces chips with densi...Semi-custom; VLSI circuits1994
20 Beckerle, Mary C.Biochemical and molecular characterization of the chicken cysteine-rich protein, a developmentally regulated LIM-domain protein that is associated with the actin cytoskeletonLIM domains are present in a number of proteins including transcription factors, a protooncogene product, and the adhesion plaque protein zyxin. The LIM domain exhibits a characteristic arrangement of cysteine and histidine residues and represents a novel zinc binding sequence (Michelsen et al., ...Zyxin; Cysteine-rich proteins; cCRP; Actin; LIM domains1994
21 O'Rourke, Dennis H.Biochemical heterozygosity and morphologic variation in a colony of papio hamadryas hamadryas baboonsThis analysis examines the association between genetic heterozygosity and individual morphologic variation in a captive population of Papio hamadryas hamadryas consisting of 403 juveniles and adults. The population structure of the colony was artificially generated and maintained and is thus rigoro...Population genetics; Polygenic; Inbreeding1994
22 Gardner, Reed M.Biological Signals and Small Voltages (Letter)Biomedical Informatics1994
23 Friedrich, FrancesCapacity demands of automatic processes in semantic primingIn three experiments, we examined the effects of prime-target stimulus onset asynchrony (SSA) and the proportion of related primes and targets (relatedness proportion, or RP) on semantic priming when the prime was either named or was searched for a specific letter . In Experiment 1, with an RP of ....Semantic priming; stimulus onset asynchrony1994
24 Silverman, Randall H.Carol Twombly on typeThe appeal of an inviting building begins with its solid architectural space. So too with typography, that all-too-often unnoticed "architecture" implicit in the conveyance of the printed word. Viewed under magnification, bold, vertical stems clearly support cross bars like studs; spherical bowls op...Typography; Type designer; Typeface1994
25 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshCase studies in symbolic model checkingThe need to formally verify hardware and software systems before they are deployed the real world has been recognized for several decades now. This is especially true of concurrent systems that are even more difficult to debug than sequential systems. For example, many of the protocols that get emp...Symbolic model checking; Hardware verification; Software verification1994
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