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1 McDaniel, SusanLes femmes dans un Canada en voie de vieillissement: une approche féministeLe vieillessement de la population est un des thèmes majeurs de discussion en cette fin de XXe siècle, tous les pays développés étant engagés dans le processus. Certains redoutent l'insuffisance des ressources requises pour le bien-être des personnes âgées; d'autres considèrent le vieilli...1989
2 McDaniel, SusanNew stork rising? Women's roles and reproductive changesAnyone who has not been living in a remote cave will know that reproduction in the past decade has been changing rather dramatically. These changes have occurred on several fronts. Writing as a sociologist, I shall emphasize the social aspects of these changes, looking first at some of the changes ...In vitro; Birth rate; Artificial insemination1989
3 McDaniel, SusanReconceptualizing the nuptiality/fertility relationship in Canada in a new ageFirst comes love; then comes marriage; along comes Joanie with a baby carriage. This straightforward temporal sequence so long taken for granted in North America may no longer be valid. With marriage rates declining, birth rates at an historic low, births occurring outside legal marriage, and dramat...Marriage; Family; Feminist1989
4 McDaniel, SusanWomen inventors in Canada: research and interventionWhat is an inventor or an invention? In this essay, we use the definition of the Canadian Patent Act, which considers a patentable invention to be a new or improved product or process or a new application of an existing product or process. An invention must be technically feasible - it must -"work" ...Patent; Inventions; Creativity1989
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