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1 Panangaden, PrakashA category theoretic formalism for abstract interpretationWe present a formal theory of abstract interpretation based on a new category theoretic formalism. This formalism allows one to derive a collecting semantics which preserves continuity of lifted functions and for which the lifting functon is itself continuous. The theory of abstract interpretation i...Formal theory; Theoretic formalism; Lifted functions1984
2 Panangaden, PrakashAbstract interpretation and indeterminacyWe present a semantic theory that allows us to discuss the semantics of indeterminate operators in a dataflow network. The assumption is made that the language in which the indeterminate operators are written has a construct that allows for the testing of availability of data on input lines. We then...Semantics; Indeterminate operators1984
3 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive nonlinear digital filter with sequential regression algorithmThe purpose of this paper is to introduce an adaptive nonlinear digital filtering algorithm which use the sequential regression (SER) method to update the second order Volterra filter coefficients in a recursive way. Conventionally, the SER method has been used to invert large matrices which result ...1984
4 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive realizations of the maximum likelihood processor for time delay estimationAbstract-This correspondence introduces an adaptive realization of the maximum likelihood (ML) processor for time delay estimation (TDE). Also presented is a modified ML processor, which requires less computations but still performs better than the other when implemented in an adaptive way. Widrow'...1984
5 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive realizations of the phase transform for time delay estimationABSTRACT This paper introduces two recursive realizations of the Phase Transforn (PHAT) processor for tine delay estimation (TOE), using a simple one-pole lowpass filter and the least mean square (LMS) adaptive filter, respectively. It is shown that these adaptive methods are very effective in redu...1984
6 Riesenfeld, Richard F.; Smith, Kent F.An experimental system for computer aided geometric designThe main goal of this proposed level-of-effort project is to extend present capabilities in the area of Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD) and to develop custom VLSI support for some special geometric functions.Computer aided geometric design; CAGD; VLSI; Very large scale integration1984
7 Miller, Jan D.Comparison of process alternatives for gold recovery from cyanide leach solutionsBoth conventional and nonconventional process alternatives for gold recovery from cyanide heap leach solutions are discussed in terms of possible flowsheets. Conventional process alternatives include carbon adsorption and zinc dust precipitation, while nonconventional process alternatives include re...conventional; exchange; flowsheet1984
8 Riesenfeld, Richard F.Computer aided designThe report is based on the proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation in September 1981, as part of the Coordinated Experimental Computer Science Research Program. The sections covering the budget and biographical data on the senior research personnel have not been included. Also, the sec...1984
9 Miller, Jan D.; Wan, Rong YuEnhanced ferric sulphate leaching of copper from CuFeS2 and C particulate aggregatesSignificantly faster leaching kinetics for ferric sulphate are achieved for particulate aggregates of CuFeS2 and C than for CuFeS2 itself. The effect of carbon particles upon the rate of dissolution of chalcopyrite has been increased by a factor of 4 (after 10 hours' leaching), depending upon the ...Reaction; chalcopyrite; electrochemical1984
10 Miller, Jan D.Fast flotation with an air-sparged hydrocycloneThe status of the research programme on air-sparged hydrocyclones at the University of Utah is presented. Fast flotation of coal, oil shale, and copper porphyry ore has been demonstrated with capacities far exceeding those of conventional flotation cells. In addition to the performance characteris...cells; capacity; froth1984
11 Miller, Jan D.Hydrophobic character of semisoluble salt minerals with oleate as collectorThe effects of temperature, oxygen partial pressure, and solution chemistry can have a significant effect on the hydrophobic character of semisoluble salt minerals with adsorbed oleate. Measurements of bubble-attachment time and contact angle reveal the sensitivity of these hydrophobic surfaces to c...flotation; solution; oleate1984
12 Henderson, Thomas C.Implementing multi-sensor systems in a functional languageWe discuss a methodology for configuring systems of sensors using a functional language. To date no such general methodology exists, and existing multi-sensor systems have been hand-crafted around a particular application. Our main point is that the use of abstraction and of functional language fe...Multi-sensor systems; Multisensor systems1984
13 Henderson, Thomas C.Logical sensor systemsMulti-sensor systems require a coherent and efficient treatment of the information provided by the various sensors. We propose a framework the Logical Sensor Specification System, in which the sensors can be abstractly defined in terms of computational processes operating on the output from other se...Logical sensor systems; Multi-sensor systems; Multisensor systems; Logical Sensor Specification System1984
14 Hansen, Charles D.; Henderson, Thomas C.MKS: a multisensor kernel systemThe multisensor kernel system (MKS) is presented as a means for multisensor integration and data acquisition. This system has been developed in the context of a robot work station equipped with various types of sensors utilizing three-dimensional laser range finder data and two-dimensional camera da...Multisensor kernel system; Spatial proximity graphs1984
15 Horch, Kenneth W.; Tuckett, Robert P.; Burgess, Paul RichardNeural signal for the intensity of a tactile stimulusThe effect of indenting the skin at different rates on the perceived intensity of the stimulus was studied by indenting the skin of the fingertip with two triangular waveforms, given as a pair. The subjects were asked to judge which member of the pair was more intense. Perceived intensity was foun...Skin; Indentation; Nerve impulses1984
16 Bhanu, BirRepresentation and shape matching of 3-D objectsA three-dimensional scene analysis system for the shape matching of real world 3-D objects is presented. Various issues related to representation and modeling of 3-D objects are addressed. A new method for the approximation of 3-D objects by a set of planar faces is discussed. The major advantage of...3-D objects; Representation; Shape matching; Scene analysis system1984
17 Miller, Jan D.Selectivity considerations in the amine extraction of gold from alkaline cyanide solutionsIt has been discovered that gold can be extracted from alkaline cyanide solution with primary, secondary, and tertiary amines by adding certain Lewis base modifiers, such as organic phosphorus oxides. Under these circumstances, gold can be extracted at about pH 10, commensurate with the pH of cyan...Gold; amines; alkaline cyanide; extraction1984
18 Miller, Jan D.Selectivity considerations in the amine extraction of gold from alkaline cyanide solutionsIt has been discovered that gold can be extracted from alkaline cyanide solution with primary, secondary, and tertiary amines by adding certain Lewis base modifiers, such as organic phosphorus oxides. Under these circumstances, gold can be extracted at about pH 10, commensurate with the pH of cyani...Gold; amines; alkaline cyanide; extraction1984
19 Keller, Robert M.Semantics of networks containing indeterminate operatorsWe discuss a denotational semantics for networks containing indeterminate operators. Our approach is based on modelling a networks by the set of all its possible behaviors. Our notion of behavior is a sequence of computational actions. The primitive computational action is an event: the appearance o...1984
20 Bhanu, BirShape matching of two-dimensional objectsIn this paper we present results in the areas of shape matching of nonoccluded and occluded two-dimensional objects. Shape matching is viewed as a "segment matching" problem. Unlike the previous work, the technique is based on a stochastic labeling procedure which explicitly maximizes a criterion ...Shape matching; Two-dimensional objects; Segment matching1984
21 Miller, Jan D.; Wan, Rong YuSignificance of carbon properties in the enhanced ferric sulfate leaching of CuFeS2/C aggregatesAcid ferric sulfate solution has been used for heap and dump leaching of low-grade chalcopyrite ores and is being considered as a possible lixiviant for the hydrometallurgical processing of copper sulfide concentrates. For many years, researchers have attempted to explain the leaching behavior of ch...Ferric sulfate; CuFeS2; particulate carbon1984
22 Pickett, Forrest B.Simulation of CellsA self-timed cell set and library for the design of integrated circuits is presented. The cell set and library are two different cellular methods of designing integrated circuits. These have been incorporated to form a hybrid system which exploits the advantages provided by each. The cell set an...Self-timed; Cell set1984
23 Mathews, V. JohnSpectral leakage suppression properties of linear and quadratic windowingAbstract-It is shown that the leakage suppression properties of segment averaging spectrum estimation methods using hear windows and equivalent quadratic windows are asymptotically the same, under the assumption that segments relatively far apart are uncorrelated. Thus, for large data lengths, one ...1984
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