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26 Coley, Phyllis D.Intraspecific variation in herbivory on two tropical tree speciesLevels of herbivory on young and mature leaves were determined for two tree species, Trichilia cipo (Meliaceae) and Cecropia insignis (Moraceae), in a lowland rain forest of Panama. Saplings of both species were studied in light gaps, and in addition, Trichilia was studied in the understory.Cecropia insignis; Trichilia cipo; Herbivory; Intraspecific variation; Panama; Temporal distribution; Treefall gaps; Tropical forest; Understory1983
27 Lindstrom, Gary E.The key node method: a highly-parallel alpha-beta algorithmA new parallel formulation of the alpha-beta algorithm for minimax game tree searching is presented. Its chief characteristic is incremental information sharing among subsearch processes in the form of "provisional" node value communication. Such "eager" communication can offer the double benefit of...Key node method; Alpha-beta algorithm; Minimax; Game tree searching1983
28 Battin, Margaret P.Least worst death: selective refusal of treatmentIn recent years "right-to-die" movements have brought into the public consciousness something most physicians have long known: that in some hopeless medical conditions, heroic efforts to extend life may no longer be humane, and the physician must be prepared to allow the patient to die. Physician re...Death; Dying; Right to die; Natural death1983
29 Bastiani, MichaelLoss of axons in the cat optic nerve following fetal unilateral enucleation: an electron microscopic analysisBetween the 48th day of gestation (E-48) and maturity, the number of axons in the cat optic nerve is reduced by approximately 50%. On the basis of an electron microscopic assay, the axon population of the E-48 nerve was estimated to be 328,000. In contrast, estimates from two normal adults were 159,...Ganglion cell death; Retinofugal projection; Retinal ganglion cell axons1983
30 Brown, Francis HaroldThe lower Omo basinThe boundaries of the Lower Omo Basin have been mapped by Fuchs (1939) and by Butzer (1970, 1971) in a general way. The structural features and physiography of the eastern and central part of the Lower Omo Basin are best expressed on the maps of Davidson et al. (1973). Walsh and Dodson (1969) have m...1983
31 Warner, Homer R.Medical Data Acquisition Using an Intelligent MachineBiomedical Informatics1983
32 Blair, David F.Metal centers of cytochrome c oxidase: structures and interactionsStudies directed toward the elucidation of the structures of the metal centers in cytochrome c oxidase are reviewed. Progress towards an understanding of the interactions between these centers and their spatial distributions within the protein will also be presented. Our studies are based primarily...1983
33 Horch, Kenneth W.; Tuckett, Robert P.; Burgess, Paul RichardNeural signal for skin indentation depth. I. Changing indentationsPsychophysical tests on human subjects showed that judgments of skin indentation depth made when the fingertip was indented at rates from 0.2 to 16 mm/set were quite insensitive to changes in indentation velocity. Similar results were obtained on the forearm at indentation velocities of 0.4 to 16...Skin; Indentation; Nerve impulses1983
34 Horch, Kenneth W.; Tuckett, Robert P.; Burgess, Paul RichardNeural signal for skin indentation depth. II. Steady indentationsThe glabrous skin of the monkey's hand was stimulated with a waveform that indented the skin at a rate of 0.4 mm/set, held the skin steadily or nearly steadily indented for 12 set or longer, and then retracted back to the starting position. Recordings were made of activity in single afferent fibe...Skin; Indentation; Nerve impulses1983
35 Frederick, Jeanne M.Neurotransmitter properties of the newborn human retina.Human retinal tissue from a newborn was examined autoradiographically for the presence of highaffinity uptake and localization of the following putative neurotransmitters: dopamine, glycine, GAB A, aspartate, and glutamate. In addition, the dopamine content of this newborn retina was measured by ...Newborn; Human Retina; Neurotransmitter Properties; Photoreceptors1983
36 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Noise in highly correlated commensurate charge transfer saltsWe present the results of a study of the frequency (f) dependent noise power for commensurate charge transer salts with strong coulomb repulsion. f-1 noise is observed with increasing currents. Excess f-1 noise is measured for samples which were chemically doped to form solitons. Frequency indepe...Noise power; Charge-transfer salts1983
37 Sperry, John S.Observations on the structure and function of hydathodes in Blechnum lehmaniiThe fronds of many ferns in the Polypodiaceae (Ogura, 1972) and Cyatheaceae (Weiler, cited in Lippmann, 1925) possess swollen vein endings associated with specialized adaxial epidermal cells. Their structure is similar in all ferns (Gardiner, 1883; Potonie, 1892; Poirault, 1893; Goebel, 1930; Gutten...Hydathodes; Blechnum lehmannii; Root pressure; Secretion1983
38 Flynn, John J.Old wine in new bottles: some observations about current monopolization litigationLawyers seldom have the luxury of speaking in generalities. The particulars of the cases and the client's problems we deal with usually limit our immediate concerns and thinking to the facts at hand. Facts, unlike the generalities law professors are allowed to dispense in the classroom or the unrea...Lawyers; Assumptions; Analysis1983
39 Cashdan, Elizabeth A.On territoriality in hunter-gatherersCashdan's intention of using an evolutionary framework to examine cross-cultural variations in territorial defense is admirable, but her argument about the applicability of available models, her own model, and the data used to support it (CA 24:47-66) are all severely flawed. Specifically, Cashdan ...Defense; Organisms; Behavior1983
40 Mathews, V. JohnOn using the short-time unbiased spectrum estimation algorithm for estimating time delays and magnitude squared coherence functionsThis paper introduces novel applications of the short-time unbiased sprectral estimation (STUSE) algorithm, which adds biased estimates to yield unbiased spectral estimates. It is shown that STUSE algorithm is an effective tool for estimating time delays and magnitude-squared coherence (MSC) functio...1983
41 Pershing, David W.; Slaughter, David MichaelParameters influencing the evolution and oxidation of sulfur in suspension phase coal combustionStoker coal-fired boiler furnaces are significant in terms of coal consumption and environmental impact; however, they have received relatively little research attention. This paper describes the results of a two-year study on the formation of sulfur oxides in the suspension phase of a coal-fired s...Stoker coal-fired furnaces1983
42 Bastiani, MichaelPathfinding by neuronal growth cones in grasshopper embryos I. Divergent choices made by the growth cones of sibling neuronsWe are interested in how the growth cones of identified neurons navigate in the central nervous system of the grasshopper embryo. The behavior of identified growth cones was observed as a function of developmental time by (i) periodically removing embryos from synchronized clutches of eggs and (i...Neuropil; Axonal; Cell1983
43 Bastiani, MichaelPathfinding by neuronal growth cones in grasshopper embryos: II. Selective fasciculation onto specific axonal pathwaysIn the previous paper (Raper, J. A., M. Bastiani, and C. S. Goodman (1983) J. Neurosci. 3: 20-30) we showed that the growth cones of two sibling neurons, the G and C cells, follow the same route in the developing grasshopper neuropil until they reach a stereotypic choice point. Here their growth con...Neurons; Axons; Neuropil1983
44 Henderson, Thomas C.Pattern recognition in a multi-sensor environmentCurrent pattern recognition systems tend to operate on a single sensor, e.g., a camera. however. the need is now evident for pattern recognition systems which can operate in multi-sensor environments. For example, a robotics workstation may use range finders. cameras, tactile pads, etc. The Multi-se...Pattern recognition; Multi-sensor; Multi-sensor Kernel System; MKS1983
45 Vardeny, Zeev ValentinePhotoinduced IR active vibrations in trans-(CD)x: a three-mode systemIn a recent Letter Blanchet et al.? have extended photoinduced absorption measurements of frYms-polyacetylene to lower energy than obtained before 2 for both isotopes, (CH)x and (CD)X. While in (CE)X three strong ir-active vibrations (IRAV) are photoinduced, only two IRAV were observed in (CD)X, at...Photoinduced absorption; IR active vibrations1983
46 Vardeny, Zeev ValentinePicosecond trapping of photocarriers in amorphous siliconTrapping of photoexcited carriers in the picosecond and subnanosecond time domains was studied by measuring the decay of photoinduced absorption (PA) in a-Si, a-Si:F, a-Si:H, and a-Si:H:F. We found that when the midgap density of states decreases, both the trapping time and its temperature dependenc...Photocarriers; Amorphous silicon; Picosecond trapping; Photoinduced absorption1983
47 Olivera, Baldomero M.Poly(ADP-ribosylation) of a DNA topoisomeraseA DNA topoisomerase activity, copurifying with poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase from calf thymus, >95% inhibited if extensive poly(ADP-ribosylation) is allowed to occur. The inhibited DNA topoisomerase, which has drastically different elution properties on hydroxylapatite, can be reactivated by mild alka...Nicotinic acid; ADP-ribosylation; Turnover cycle; Synthetases1983
48 Gardner, Reed M.Pulmonary Function Laboratory - Personnel QualificationsBiomedical Informatics1983
49 Gardner, Reed M.Pulmonary Function Testing in the Office, in the Clinic, and in Group ScreeningBiomedical Informatics1983
50 Flynn, John J.Reaganomics and antitrust enforcement: a jurisprudential critiqueThere are few judges, psychoanalysts or economists today who do not begin a consideration of their typical problems with some formula designed to cause all moral problems to disappear and to produce an issue purified for the procedure of positive empirical science. But the ideals have generally reti...Ethics; Morality; Antitrust Law1983
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