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1 Henderson, Thomas C.; Hansen, Charles D.A fault tolerant sensor schemeMulti-sensor systems pose the problem of how to coherently and efficiently treat the data provided by the various sensors. However. the availability of greater numbers of sensors also broadens the ability to build fault tolerant sensor systems. We define a framework in which sensors can be abstractl...Multi-sensor systems; Logical sensors1983
2 Subrahmanyam, P.A.FUNLOG = functions + logic: a computational model integrating logic programming and functional programming (Rev. May 1983)Funlog, a computational model which attempts to integrate functional programming and logic programming is described. The model supports computations with infinite data structures without the introduction of complex control issues at the user-level. Control characteristics are improved as compared wi...FUNLOG; Functional programming; Logic programming1983
3 Lindstrom, Gary E.The key node method: a highly-parallel alpha-beta algorithmA new parallel formulation of the alpha-beta algorithm for minimax game tree searching is presented. Its chief characteristic is incremental information sharing among subsearch processes in the form of "provisional" node value communication. Such "eager" communication can offer the double benefit of...Key node method; Alpha-beta algorithm; Minimax; Game tree searching1983
4 Henderson, Thomas C.Pattern recognition in a multi-sensor environmentCurrent pattern recognition systems tend to operate on a single sensor, e.g., a camera. however. the need is now evident for pattern recognition systems which can operate in multi-sensor environments. For example, a robotics workstation may use range finders. cameras, tactile pads, etc. The Multi-se...Pattern recognition; Multi-sensor; Multi-sensor Kernel System; MKS1983
5 Henderson, Thomas C.Some experiments with the 3-D hough shape transformThe application of the Hough shape transform to the problem of the identification and localization of objects in 3-space is presented. The rotation-invariant Hough transform is defined which permits the determination of the geometric transformation from the model to the detected object. Given a samp...Hough shape transform1983
6 Subrahmanyam, P.A.TRACIS: transformations on Ada for circuit synthesis a report on the methodology for a silicon compilerThis report describes in detail, the ongoing design and implementation of a transformation system, for compiling specifications of integrated circuits into silicon. There are many levels in this process, and the area that we focus on produces target specifications of asynchronous and synchronous con...TRACIS; transformation system1983
7 Organick, Elliott I.Transformation of Ada program units into silicon (Fourth Semiannual technical report 83 Apr 1 - 83 Nov 15)This report, augmented with several appended papers and supplementary reports describes the most recent six months of work on the research project, "Transformation of Ada Programs into Silicon". This report is also the last of the series to be rendered under the current contact.Transformation; Ada program units; Silicon1983
8 Organick, Elliott I.; Lindstrom, Gary E.Transforming an Ada program unit to silicon and verifying its behavior in an Ada environment: a first experimentMicroelectronics technology has advanced so rapidly and been so successful that we are new having to build large systems with a multitude of diverse, interacting components. Some components of these systems exhibit distinct architectures and may, in fact, be implemented following different choices o...Transformation; Ada program units; Silicon1983
9 Organick, Elliott I.; Lindstrom, Gary E.Transparent interface between software and hardware versions of ADA compilation unitsThe Ada-to-Silicon project at Utah is developing a methodology (and associated software and hardware) for the high level testing of Ada compilation units that are represented as hardware components (circuitry). There are two motivations for this research.Ada-to-Silicon; ADA compilation units1983
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