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1 Gouraud, HenriA programmer's guide to PDP-10 eulerThis manual describes the EULER language as implemented on the DEC PDP-10 computer. EULER is a block-structured language, similar to Algol-60 but simplified by omitting type declarations and by altering the way procedures are defined and called. PDP-10 EULER includes features for list-and array-mani...EULER language1970
2 Watkins, Gary ScottA real time visible surface algorithmWith the increasing use of computer graphics, a need is growing for a processor capable of displaying solid objects. Environmental simulation and architectural modeling are only two areas that would benefit from such a diplay processor. This dissertation describes an algorithm designed for such a ...Surface algorithm1970
3 Newman, William M.An experimental display programming language for the PDP-10 computerAn experimental language for display programming, called DIAL, has been developed for the PDP-10 and the UNIVAC 1559 display. It is experimental in the sense that it was originally conceived as a means of testing out some ideas, and the best way to test them seemed to be to produce a language that ...Display programming; DIAL; Display Algol1970
4 Wehrli, RobertARCAID: The ARChitects computer graphics AIDARCAID?The ARChitect's Computer Graphics AID?is one part of a two-part research program at the University of Utah under the direction of David C. Evans. ARCAID is a specification for the organization of computer processes including data and procedures for the use of architects, engineers, and other...ARCAID1970
5 Seror, Denis D.D.C.P.L. - A distributed control programming languageIn this thesis, a computation is considered a system of asynchronously cooperating "independent" programs (coroutines) linked by paths of in formation along which messages are sent. A programming language called DCPL, a Distributed Control Programming Language, in which such computations may be ex...Distributed control programming language; DCPL1970
6 Logan, Nelson StanleyMaster schedule building and the flexibly scheduled schoolThis paper contains a model of a technique for increasing the quality of educational and instructional opportunity for all students. This model is developed around the flexible or modularly scheduled secondary school. Also included is a procedure containing a computer program, with which the adminis...Flexible scheduling; Flexibly scheduled school; Modularly scheduled school1970
7 Templeton, Frederick E.Optimal control of a process with discrete and continuous decision variablesThe task of dynamic optimization consists of manipulating the inputs to a dynamic system (i.e., one in which the state varies with time) so that the system performs in an advantageous manner. This paper presents a systematic technique for solving the problem of optimally controlling a converter ais...Dynamic optimization; Decision variables; Converter aisle; Copper smelter1970
8 Mahi, RobertScheduling multiprogammed computer systems: an analytical approachIn a multiprogrammed computer system, several jobs are using the facilities of the system at the same time. However, a given facility (or resource) is generally only allocated to one user at a time- But, while working, jobs generate requests for some facilities and liberate other facilities; thus, c...Multiprogrammed computer system1970
9 Mahi, RobertVisible surface algorithms for quadric patchesThis paper describes two algorithms which find the visible portions of surfaces in a picture of a cluster of three-dimensional quadric patches. A quadric patch is a portion of quadric surface defined by a quadratic equation and by zero, one or several quadratic inequalities. The picture is cut by pa...surface algorithms; quadric patches1970
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