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1 Sobh, Tarek M.; Henderson, Thomas C.A dynamic framwork for intelligent inspectionCAD Computer Aided Design typically involves the design manufacture and inspection of a me chanical part. The problem of reverse engineering is to take an existing mechanical part as the point of departure and to inspect or produce a design and perhaps a manufacturing process for the part. ...CAD; Manufacture; Inspection; Intelligent inspection1992
2 Sobh, Tarek M.; Henderson, Thomas C.A dynamic recursive structure for intelligent explorationWe suggest a new approach for inspection and reverse engineering applications. In particular, we investigate the use of discrete event dynamic systems (DEDS) to guide and control the active exploration and sensing of mechanical parts for industrial inspection and reverse engineering. We introduce dy...Intelligent exploration; Discrete event dynamic systems; DEDS; Dynamic recursive finite state machines; DRFSM1992
3 Sobh, Tarek M.; Henderson, Thomas C.A dynamic recursive structure for intelligent inspectionWe suggest a new approach for inspection and reverse engineering applications. In particular we investigate the use of discrete event dynamic systems DEDS to guide and control the active exploration and sensing of mechanical parts for industrial inspection and reverse engineering?? We introduce...Intelligent inspection; Discrete event dynamic systems; DEDS; Industrial inspection; Dynamic recursive structure1992
4 Cohen, ElaineAdaptive isocurves based rendering for freeform surfacesFreeform surface rendering is traditionally performed by approximating the surface with polygons and then rendering the polygons This approach is extremely common because of the complexity in accurately rendering the surfaces directly Recently?? several papers presented methods to render surface...Freeform surface rendering; Isocurves1992
5 Cohen, ElaineAdaptive isocurves based rendering for freeform surfacesFreeform surface rendering is traditionally performed by approximating the surface with polygons and then rendering the polygons. This approach is extremely common because of the complexity in accurately rendering the surfaces directly. Recently, several papers presented methods to render surfaces ...Freeform surface rendering; Isocurves1992
6 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshAsynchronous circuit verification using trace theory and CCSWe investigate asynchronous circuit verification using Dill's trace theory as well as Milner's CCS (as mechanized by the Concurrency Workbench). Trace theory is a formalism specifically designed for asynchronous circuit specification and verification. CCS is a general purpose calculus of communicat...Trace theory; Verification; CCS1992
7 Sobh, Tarek M.Autonomous ObservationWe address the problem of observing an agent. We advocate a modeling approach for the visual system and its observer, where a discrete event dynamic system (DEDS) framework is developed and "events" are defined as ranges on parameter subsets. The dynamic recursive context for finite state machines (...Observation; Manipulation process1992
8 Sobh, Tarek M.Autonomous observationWe address the problem of observing an agent?? We advocate a modeling approach for the visual system and its observer where a discrete event dynamic system DEDS framework is developed and events are de ned as ranges on parameter subsets?? The dynamic recursive context for nite state machine...Autonomous observation1992
9 Akella, VenkateshCFSIM: A concurrent compiled-code functional simulator for hopCPControl intensive ICs pose a significant challenge to the users of formal methods in designing hardware. These ICs have to support a wide variety of requirements including synchronous and asynchronous operations, polling and interrupt-driven modes of operation, multiple concurrent threads of executi...CFSIM; Hardware design; hopCP1992
10 Bruderlin, BeatConstraint objects - integrating constraint definition and interactionThis paper describes the implementation of a new constraint-based technique for direct manipulation in interactive CAD, which will simplify the design process, especially in the early stages. We introduce so called Constraint Objects and Parameter Objects which constitute an object-oriented view on ...Constraint objects; Parameter objects1992
11 Bruderlin, BeatConstraint objects ? integrating constraint definition and graphical interactionThis paper describes the implementation of a new constraint??based tech?? nique for direct manipulation in interactive CAD which will simplify the design process especially in the early stages We introduce so called Constraint Objects and Parameter Objects which constitute an object??oriented ...Constraint objects1992
12 Orr, Douglas B.Dynamic program monitoring and transformation using the OMOS object serverIn traditional monolithic operating systems the constraints of working within the kernel have limited the sophistication of the schemes used to manage executable program images. By implementing an executable image loader as a persistent user-space program, we can extend system program loading capabi...Program monitoring; Object/Meta-Object Server; OMOS1992
13 Orr, Douglas B.; Mecklenburg, Robert; Hoogenboom, Peter J.; Lepreau, JayDynamic program monitoring and transformation using the OMOS object serverIn traditional monolithic operating systems the con?? straints of working within the kernel have limited the sophistication of the schemes used to manage exe?? cutable program images By implementing an exe?? cutable image loader as a persistent user??space pro?? gram we can extend system prog...Program monitoring; OMOS object server1992
14 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshDynamic reordering of high latency transactions in time-warp simulation using a modified micropipelineTime warp based simulation of discrete-event systems is an efficient way to overcome the synchronization overhead during distributed simulation. As computations may proceed beyond synchronization barriers in time warp, multiple checkpoints of state need to be maintained to be able to rollback inva...Asynchronous design; Micropipelines; Dynamic instruction reordering; Time warp simulations1992
15 Free form surface analysis using a hybrid of symbolic and numeric computationDetailed analysis of many mathematical properties of sculptured models has been hindered by the fact that the properties do not have the same representation as the surface For example unit tangents surface normals and principal curvatures are typically computed at prede??ned discrete sets of ...Surface analysis1992
16 Bruderlin, BeatGDI reference manualGDI is a dialog interface tool library for C + + applications. It facilitates the design and implementation of graphical, object-oriented user interfaces for workstations equipped with a graphical display, a mouse and a keyboard. GDI's design allows for its portability onto a multitude of platforms....GDI; Dialog interface tool library1992
17 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshHigh level optimizations in compiling process descriptions to asynchronous circuitsAsynchronous/'Self-Timed designs are beginning to attract attention as promising means of dealing with the complexity of modern VLSI technology. In this paper, we present our views on why asynchronous systems matter. We then present details of our high level synthesis tool SHILPA that can automatic...Self-timed; VLSI1992
18 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshHOP: A formal model for synchronous circuits using communicating fundamental mode symbolic automataWe study synchronous digital circuits in an abstract setting. A circuit is viewed as a collection of modules connected through their boundary ports, where each port assumes a fixed direction (input or output) over one cycle of operation, and can change directions across cycles. No distinction is ma...HOP1992
19 Cohen, ElaineHybrid symbolic and numeric operators as tools for analysis of freeform surfacesFreeform surfaces are commonly used in Computer Aided Geometric Design?? so accurate analysis of surface properties is becoming increasingly important In this paper we de ne surface slope and surface speed?? develop visualization tools?? and demonstrate that they can be useful in the design proc...Freeform surfaces1992
20 Cohen, ElaineHybrid symbolic and numeric operators as tools for analysis of freeform surfacesFreeform surfaces are commonly used in Computer Aided Geometric Design, so accurate analysis of surface properties is becoming increasingly important. In this paper we define surface slope and surface speed, develop visualization tools, and demonstrate t h a t they can be useful in the design proces...Freeform surfaces; Hybrid operators1992
21 Zachary, Joseph L.Metamusing on object persistenceThe need to "open up languages" has led to object-oriented programming languages with object-oriented implementations. By encapsulating the fundamental aspects of a language semantics within a set of default classes and giving t h e programmer t h e flexibility of deriving new versions of these base...Metamusing; Object persistence1992
22 Richardson, William F.; Brunvand, Erik L.The NSR processor prototypeThe NSR Non Synchronous RISC processor is a general purpose processor structured as a collection of self timed units that operate concurrently and communicate over bundled data channels in the style of micropipelines?? These units correspond to standard synchronous pipeline stages such as Instr...Self-timed Systems; Asynchronous systems; Micropipelines; FPGAs; RISC processor1992
23 Richardson, William F.; Brunvand, Erik L.The NSR processor prototypeThe NSR (Non-Synchronous RISC) processor is a general purpose processor structured as a collection of self-timed units that operate concurrently and communicate over bundled data channels in the style of micropipelines. These units correspond to standard synchronous pipeline stages such as Instructi...Self-timed Systems; Asynchronous systems; Micropipelines; FPGAs; RISC processor; NSR1992
24 Orr, Douglas B.OMOS - An object server for program executionThe benefits of object-oriented programming are well known, but popular operating systems provide very few object-oriented features to users, and few are implemented using object-oriented techniques themselves. In this paper we discuss a mechanism for applying object-oriented programming concepts to...OMOS; Object server1992
25 Orr, Douglas B.; Mecklenburg, RobertOMOS ? An object server for program executionThe benefits of object-oriented programming are well known but popular operating systems provide very few object oriented features to users and few are im plemented using object oriented techniques themselves In this paper we discuss a mechanism for apply ing object oriented programming co...OMOS; Object server1992
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