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1 Brunvand, Erik L.A comparison of modular self-timed design stylesState-machine sequencing methods in modular 2-phase and 4-phase asynchronous handshake control are compared. Design styles are discussed, and the sequencers are tested against each other using a medium-scale minicomputer test design implemented in FPGAs. Seven 4-phase sequencers are tested. In these...Self-timed; State-machine sequencing; Asynchronous handshake control1995
2 Warner, Homer R.A Computer-Based Diagnostic Model for Individual Case ReviewBiomedical Informatics1995
3 Smith, Kent F.A fast parallel squarer based on divide-and-conquerFast and small squarers are needed in many applications such as image compression. A new family of high performance parallel squarers based on the divide-and-conquer method is reported. Our main result was realizing the basis cases of the divide-and-conquer recursion by using optimized n-bit primiti...Squarer; Parallel squarers; Divide-and-conquer; MOPS; CMOS1995
4 Mathews, V. JohnA new model of perceptual threshold functions for application in image compression systemsThis paper discusses the development of a perceptual threshold model for the human visual system. The perceptual threshold functions describe the levels of distortions present at each location in an image that human observers can not detect. Models of perceptual threshold functions are useful in ima...1995
5 Brunvand, Erik L.A partial scan methodology for testing self-timed circuitsThis paper presents a partial scan method for testing control sections of macromodule based self-timed circuits for stuck-at faults. In comparison with other proposed test methods for self-timed circuits, this technique offers better fault coverage than methods using self-checking techniques, and re...Self-timed circuits; Testing1995
6 Brunvand, Erik L.A partial scan methodology for testing self-timed circuitsThis paper presents a partial scan method for testing control sections of macromodule based self-timed circuits for stuck-at faults. In comparison with other proposed test methods for self-timed circuits, this technique offers better fault coverage than methods using self-checking techniques, and ...1995
7 Sobh, Tarek M.A survey on sensor classifications for industrial applicationsThe importance of sensors in industrial applications is a result of the introduction of many robotics, automation, and intelligent control techniques into factory floors. Research and improvements need to be continuously performed to meet the challenges in automation and manufacturing applications i...Sensor classifications; Industrial applications; Sensors1995
8 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive volterra filters using orthogonal structuresAbstract- This paper presents an adaptive Volterra filter that employs a recently developed orthogonalization procedure of Gaussian signals for Volterra system identification. The algorithm is capable of handling arbitrary orders of nonlinearity P as well as arbitrary lengths of memory N for the sys...1995
9 Gondolo, PaoloAGAPE, a microlensing search in the direction of M31: status reportThe M31 galaxy in Andromeda is the nearest large galaxy after the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds. It is a giant galaxy, roughly 2 times as large as our Milky Way, and has its own halo. As pointed by some of us [1, 2] and independantly by A. Crotts [3], M31 provides a rich field of stars to searc...AGAPE; Andromeda Gravitational Amplification Pixel Experiment; Microlensing; MACHO; Massive compact halo objects1995
10 Mathews, V. JohnAn optimal design procedure for intraband vector quantized subband codingAbstTact- Subband coding with vector quantization is addressed in this paper. Forming the data vectors from both between and within the subbands is considered. The former of these two schemes is referred to as interband coding and the latter as intraband coding. Interband coder design is relatively ...1995
11 McDaniel, SusanApproche sociologique feministe pour l'ettude de la fecondite.L'essor d'une perspective feministe de la fecondite provient de plusieurs endroits et se situe a des niveaux varies. Avant d'esquisser ceux qui serviront de base aux discussions de ce chapitre, une breve histoire de ce contexte parait de mise. Il y a une vingtaine d'annees, alors que les sciences...Fecundity; Feminist sociology1995
12 ARL Circulation Data 1995-20151995; 1996; 1997; 1998; 1999; 2000; 2001; 2002; 2003; 2004; 2005; 2006; 2007; 2008; 2009; 2010; 2011; 2012; 2013; 2014; 2015
13 Warner, Homer R.Assessing the Behavioral Impact of a Diagnostic Decision Support SystemBiomedical Informatics1995
14 Stringfellow, Gerald B.Atomic force microscopy study of ordered GaInPExamines the nature of the steps on the surface of gallium indium phosphide lattice layers matched to gallium arsenide substrates using atomic force microscopy. Temperatures of organometallic vapor phase epitaxy used; Relation of height of steps with misorientation angle; Link of supersteps with the...Surface chemistry; Lattice theory1995
15 Stringfellow, Gerald B.; Williams, Clayton C.Atomic ordering of GaInP studied by Kelvin probe force microscopyThe atomic ordering of GaInP has been established and studied by a variety of methods, including transmission electron microscopy, cathodoluminescence, and photoluminescence. In this work, a Kelvin probe force microscope _x0002_KPFM_x0003_ has been employed to image several GaInP samples previous...Cathodoluminescence; Photoluminescence; Surface morphology1995
16 Brunvand, Erik L.Automatic rapid prototyping of semi-custom VLSI circuits using actel FPGAsAbstract : We describe a technique for translating semi-custom VLSI circuits automatically into field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) for rapid prototyping to develop a system. Using an array multiplier as an example of this translation, the VLSI circuits are designed using a cell-matrix based envi...1995
17 Carter, John B.Avalanche: A communication and memory architecture for scalable parallel computingAs the gap between processor and memory speeds widens, system designers will inevitably incorporate increasingly deep memory hierarchies to maintain the balance between processor and memory system performance. At the same time, most communication subsystems are permitted access only to main memory ...Avalanche; Computer memory; Memory architecture1995
18 Carter, John B.; Davis, Al; Kuramkote, Ravindra; Stoller, Leigh B.Avalanche: A communication and memory architecture for scalable parallel computingAs the gap between processor and memory speeds widens?? system designers will inevitably incorpo rate increasingly deep memory hierarchies to maintain the balance between processor and memory system performance At the same time?? most communication subsystems are permitted access only to main m...Avalanche; Communication architecture; Memory architecture1995
19 Mallat, ChibliAventures à BeyrouthThis little book, published in limited edition in 1997, was written in 1995 by Chibli Mallat and illustrated by Tamer Mallat, then age 5.1995
20 Miller, Jan D.Axial flow reversal and its significance in air-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) flotationIn recent years the potential of air-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) flotation for fine coal cleaning has been demonstrated both in pilot plant testing and in a plant-site demonstration program. Further improvements in the ASH technology will depend, to some extent, on improved understanding of the co...Flotation; zero axial velocity; computational fluid dynamics1995
21 Coley, Phyllis D.Benefits and costs of defense in a neotropical shrubBenefits and costs are central to optimality theories of plant defense. Benefit is the gain in fitness to reducing herbivory and cost is the loss in fitness to committing resources to defense. We evaluate the benefits and costs of defense in a neotropical shrub, Psychotria horizontalis. Plants were ...Cost of defense; Growth-defense trade-off; Exclosures; Field experiment; Herbivory; Panama; Psychotria horizontalis; Rubiaceae; Tannins; Toughness; Tropics1995
22 Silverman, RandyBernard C. Middleton, MBE (1924-2019):Bernard Chester Middleton was born in London in 1924 to Doris Hilda Webster, a secretary to a well-known barrister, and Regent Marcus Geoffrey Middleton, a talented bookbinder. At the age of thirteen in 1938, Bernard earned a trade scholarship to attend the Central School of Arts and Crafts in Londo...1995
23 Hansen, Charles D.Binary-swap and shear-warp volume renderer on the T3DLarge parallel machines give today's scientists the ability to compute very large simulations which may generate equally large data. Not only does having visualization tools on the parallel system allow the scientist to take advantage of the large memory to visualize the data, the processing power a...Volume rendering; Binary-swap1995
24 Hansen, Charles D.Binary-swap volumetric rendering on the T3DThis paper presents a data distributed parallel raytraced volume rendering algorithm and its implementation on the CRI T3D. This algorithm distributes the data and the computational load to individual processing units to achieve fast and high-quality rendering of high-resolution data. The volume dat...Volume rendering; Binary-swap; Ray tracing; Parallel rendering1995
25 Seger, Jon; Davidson, Diane W.Biological richness of desertsA desert is "waterless," "treeless," "barren," "remote," "uninteresting," and "presumably uninhabited," according to the authoritative Oxford English Dictionary. The word is derived from deserere, a Latin verb meaning "to leave." In English, to desert is still to "abandon," "forsake," or "fail." Bec...Desert life; Desert biodiversity1995
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