76 - 100 of 105
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76 Orton, CodyPresynaptic bouton and postsynaptic Kenyon cell claw morphology with synaptic plasticity in drosophilaMy thesis aims at determining whether or not neural activity affects connectivity in the Drosophila melanogaster olfactory circuit. Specifically, I am testing whether sensory activity is required for Projection neurons and Kenyon cell morphology. Therefore, my primary and central question is: does s...2021
77 Christensen, KianaQuantifying Patterns of Squamate Dental ComplexitySquamate reptiles are ideal subjects for investigating relationships between diet and dentition patterns because they exhibit wide dietary diversity and taxonomic abundance. Most previous research is qualitative and limited to a basic assessment of the influence diet has on dentition (Hotton, 1955; ...2020
78 Ellis, James H.Refractory status epilepticus and chronic kidney disease in a large pedigree due to a variant in the mitochondrial encoded trna phenylalanine (MT-TF) geneMitochondrial disorders present with a wide spectrum of neurological manifestations. Clinical syndromes are described largely by phenotypic indicators. Epilepsy is a common but not universal feature. Myoclonus epilepsy with ragged red fibers (MERRF) is a common clinical syndrome that presents with e...2018
79 Bader, CecilyThe Response of Arabidopsis Mutant BPS1-2 on Salt MediaHow would our world change if salt tolerance could be engineered in plants? The Arabidopsis mutant bps1-2 has been shown to respond differently on salt media than a nonmutated plant would. In normal conditions, the bps1-2 mutant will arrest development in the root and shoot shortly after germination...2017
80 Excell, KaterinaThe role of amyloid precursor protein in a model of alzheimer's diseaseAlzheimer's disease (AD) is a devastating disorder that leads to deterioration of cognition and memory. The prevalence of AD dramatically rises with age, and is also much greater in individuals with trisomy 21 (Down syndrome, DS). Many gene products are overexpressed in DS by virtue of having three ...2022
81 Nau, AdamThe role of heparan sulfate in maintaining stereotyped birdsongSong learning in Zebra Finches (Taeniopygia guttata) occurs during a critical period between 30-90 post hatch days, and involves acquisition of an acoustic model and a sensorimotor period of increasingly improving imitation of this model. Young birds sing highly variable songs early during this pe...Birdsongs - Research; Zebra finch - Research; Songbirds - Behavior; Heparan sulfate; Taeniopygia guttata; Neural circuitry2016-04
82 Russell, NicoleThe Role of Introns Within Alpha Conotoxin Genes in Cone SnailsCone snails, of which there are more than 600 species, have attracted a lot of attention. Cone snails, found in warm tropical waters across the world, are predators and produce venoms comprising diverse toxins. These toxins, termed conotoxins, have been the subject of a great amount of research. Whi...2016
83 Wang, ZhirongThe role of the autism-associated gene kirrel3 in synapse formationAlterations in the gene Kirrel3 are repeatedly associated with intellectual disability and autism. Kirrel3 regulates synapse formation in C. elegans but the role of Kirrel3 in synapse formation in the mammalian brain is unknown. In mice, Kirrel3 is expressed in specific cell types throughout the bra...Autism -- Genetic aspects; Synapses; Kirrel3 gene; Synapse formation2015-04
84 Wheeler, MayaRole of WNT-Dependent Neurogenesis in Functional Recovery Following Spinal Cord InjuryIn humans and other adult mammals, spinal cord injury leads to a permanent loss of motor and sensory function. The biggest obstacle to recovery is the inability of severed axons and neurons to regenerate. During embryogenesis, all vertebrates have a population of neural stem cells called radial glia...2019
85 Kannan, Sarmishta DiraviamThe Role that Lysosomes and Autophagy play in Alveolar soft parts Sarcoma, clear cell Sarcoma and Synovial SarcomaSarcomas are cancer of the connective tissue and are very deadly group of cancers. Two of the sarcoma types, alveolar soft parts sarcoma (ASPS) and clear cell sarcoma (CCS) have a unique vacuolar morphology. This unique morphology is absent in synovial sarcoma (SS). We believe that the unusual morph...2017
86 Nguyen, NamRoles of Transient Receptor Potenitial Ankyrin-1 and Vanilloid-3 in Endoplasmic Reticulum stress and Cytotoxicity in Lung Epithelial CellsAir pollution is a growing global health issue with considerable local relevance. In particular, exposure to wood smoke particulate matter (WSPM) is associated with the development and exacerbation of chronic inflammatory conditions and irreversible damage of the airways and alveoli. However, exact ...2020
87 Hunter, SamuelSignaling Role of the Hamp Domain in the Escherichia Coli Serine ChemoreceptorThe chemoreceptor Tsr enables Escherichia coli to track serine gradients in its environment. Binding of serine to the periplasmic domain propagates a signaling conformational change through other domains of the chemoreceptor molecule to modulate the activity of CheA, a kinase associated with t...Chemoreceptors - Research2016-07
88 Blair, Coral DeanSnakes as a possible winter reservoir for Western equine encephalitis virusviruses; equine; snakes1964
89 Yang, KevinThe Soluble (PRO) Renin Receptor does not Influence Lithium-Induced Diabetes Insipidus but does Provoke Beigning of White Adipose Tissue in MiceEarlier we reported that the recombinant soluble (pro) renin receptor sPRR-His upregulates renal aquoporin-2 (AQP2) expression, and attenuates polyuria associated with nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) induced by vasopressin type 2 receptor (V2R) antagonism. Patients that receive lithium therapy ...
90 Peterson, MikalSomatic chromosome pairing in interspecific drosophila hybrid and hybried rescue crossesHomologous chromosomes of somatic tissue pair together in Drosophila. One current model proposes that somatic pairing starts in an undirected manner; when sites on the chromosome, called "buttons", come into contact and pair. Then, after this initial pairing, the rest of the chromosome then synapses...2022
91 Olivia HansonSpinal cord injury-induced neuropathic pain & the gut microbiome: a reviewMost spinal cord injuries (SCI) result in spinal cord injury-induced neuropathic pain (SCINP). SCI-NP is a major healthcare concern given the extensive burden it places on both patients and the healthcare system. This, coupled with the lack of effective and available treatments for those suffering f...2022
92 Auduong, PriscillaSpinal muscular atrophy modeled in drosophila melanogasterSpinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is the most commonly inherited cause of death in children (Park, Kariya, & Monani, 2010 for review). This disease is characterized by a loss of motor neurons which leads to muscle degeneration, paralysis, and eventual death by respiratory failure (Monani, 2005 for revie...Spinal muscular atrophy - Research; Drosophila melanogaster - Researcher2012-05
93 Hahm, SuhyunStressors of varying properties induce differences in the modulation of behavior and biologyStress induces enduring behavioral and biological consequences. Despite its pervasiveness, the biological and neural processes underlying its effects remain largely unknown. The existing literature generally examines the repercussions of stress from the aspect of a single stressor; however, stressor...2022
94 Skedros, Gregory AthanasiosStructural and material changes in the sheep radius from newborn to adult: Functional adaptation versus developmental constraintBones that exhibit marked changes in structural and material characteristics during ontogeny are potentially useful for studying the mechanisms that produce functional adaptations. The diaphyseal region of the sheep radius was examined because it is relatively simply loaded in cranial-caudal bending...Functional adaptations - Sheep; Developmental constraint - Sheep; Ontogeny2015-08
95 Enriquez, Trisha Pauline DiazSubstrate use within the drosophila melanogaster species subgroupEffective sensory perception is a vital aspect of survival for living organisms such as Drosophila. More specifically, olfaction, or the sense of smell, is essential because the detection of odors allows it to find potential food, danger, or specifically, where to lay eggs. This review will examine ...2021
96 Watkins, Ryan DavisSuppression of lymphangiogenesis using VEGF-C trapThe lymphatic system is responsible for controlling systemic fluid buildup. Lymphangiogenesis is a dynamic process involving sprouting, and maintaining new lymphatic vasculature. Vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C) is as a key growth factor that induces lymphangiogenesis by binding VEGF re...Lymphatics - Growth; Vascular endothelial growth factors - Antagonists; Lymphangiogenesis; VEGF-C trap2014-05
97 Rowe, Ana BrunsThe suppression of signal-switching defects in the Escherichia coli serine chemoreceptorThe model bacterium Escherichia coli contains a chemotaxis system that allows the cell to change its swimming behavior in response to its environment. As the cell swims, transmembrane chemoreceptors detect concentration changes in attractant and repellent compounds and transmit signals across the in...2023
98 Domagala, DrueSynthesis of protacs to inhibit toll-like receptorsThe immune system is the body's defense against pathogens. Since it has to be able to withstand the fast-evolving nature of microscopic invaders, the immune system has a variety of mechanisms to recognize and destroy them. One way that pathogens are recognized is through toll-like receptor (TLR) sig...2022
99 Judd, David PaulTelomere proteins of Drosophila melanogaster: HipHop and MSK81DNA molecules encoding two proteins, HipHop and MSK81, were cloned into bacteria so as to make large amounts of these proteins that bind to telomeres of Drosophila (fruit fly) chromosomes. The goal was to determine whether known DNA binding motifs are present in HipHop and MSK81. Understanding how t...Biology2012-05
100 Roestenburg, JessicaTesting the Perceptual Salience of Spectral Content in Zebra Finch SongBirds actively adjust the resonance properties of the upper vocal tract during singing, which results in specific harmonic structures of song elements. To what degree upper vocal tract filtering is relevant for the perceptual salience of song is poorly understood. This research utilizes (1) a biolog...2018
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