76 - 100 of 170
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76 The lead up to restriction and contemporary immigration2023Textir_htoa
77 Liberal norm compliance and postcommunist central asia: comparative study of tajikistan and kyrgyzstan vis-À-vis the united nations convention against torture and its optional protocol2017Textir_etd
78 The little hoover commission and consequential State Government Reorganization1970Textir_etd
79 Looking backward: a critical appraisal of communitarian thought (Book Review)2001-09-17Textir_uspace
80 Markets of sorrow, labors of faith2013-01-01Textir_uspace
81 Military voting and the law: procedural and technological solutions to the ballot transit problem2007-01-12Textir_uspace
82 Modeling officer perceptions of body-worn cameras: a national survey2022Textir_etd
83 Monumental failure: the navajo tribe and radiotoxic wastes2012-05Textir_htoa
84 Moving beyond the Lipset hypothesis: examining the correlation between economic development and democracy2009-05Textir_etd
85 Multiculturalism of Fear (Book Review)2003-10-16Textir_uspace
86 National identity as a causal element of explanation and prediction in realist theory as reflected in the social construction of Germany2011-05Textir_etd
87 National security culture and alliance: the U.S.-Japan alliance after the cold war2016Textir_etd
88 Nonstate armed group negotiation in civil wars, 1946-20112016Textir_etd
89 Normalcy and ableism in international relations: a disability critique of Norms2019Textir_etd
90 Online and blockchain voting in Russia as a form of electoral coercion and authoritarian resilience2024Textir_htoa
91 The operational code of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton2016-05Textir_htoa
92 Organizational structure and framing process in the Chilean University student movement2015-05Textir_htoa
93 Pacific islanders: students left behind or forgottenTextir_htoa
94 Parity and primacy in perspective : a second Anglophone decline or a second American century?2013-05Textir_htoa
95 Patterns of ethnic cleansing in the balkans2019Textir_etd
96 Penn Central Transportation Company v. New York City: easy taking-clause cases make uncertain Law.2006-06-16Textir_uspace
97 Permissiveness and control (Book Review)1981-10Textir_uspace
98 Place attachment, climate change, and threat perceptions of Utah Wilderness2022Textir_htoa
99 Planning in Utah local government1950Textir_etd
100 Political Assassination: The History of an Idea1966-08Textir_etd
76 - 100 of 170