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1 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Complex ac susceptibility studies of the disordered molecular based magnets V(TCNE)x: role of spinless solventThe effect of different spinless solvents on the magnetism of V(TCNE)x . y(solvent) (TCNE= tetracyanoethylene) is studied by temperature (T) dependent ac susceptibility above 2.3 K. Though V(TCNE)x.y(CH2Cl2) has a critical temperature Tc -400 K, for V(TCNEx.y(C4H8O), Tc -205 K and the coercive field...Magnetization; Spin; Temperature1993
2 Ehleringer, James R.Ecosystem physiology responses to global changeMost ecosystems exposed to double ambient C02 show higher peak season net carbon uptake than those growing at current-ambient C02. For grasslands, above-ground biomass increased by an average of 14%, although individual responses for a given system and year range from negative to +85%. The wide ran...Global change ; Ecosystem physiology; Carbon budget; Temperature; Water availability; Nitrogen deposition; Ozone1999
3 Miller, Joel StevenFerrimagnetic ordering of a methylthio-substituted planar porphyrin based electron transfer salt, octakis(2,3,7,8,12,13,17,18-methylthio)porphyrinatomanganese(III) tetracyanoethanideThe direct redox reaction between tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) and a planar porphyrinatomanganese(II), octakis(2,3,7,8,12,13,17,18-methylthio)porphyrinatomanganese(II), MnIIOMTP, produced a polymeric electron transfer salt (ETS), that has been structurally and magnetically characterized. The ETS belon...Magnetic; Temperature; Coupling2000
4 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Forthcoming attractionsMagnets made from molecules and ions having spins in p orbitals have only been discovered in the past decade. Their solubility in organic solvents and room temperature manufacture means that they should find a variety of applications.Electron; Temperature; Magnets1994
5 Didier, Richard C.Linking microclimate and energy use with a low cost wall mounted measurement systemUrban microclimate plays a critical role in overall urban energy demand and efficiency. At the building scale, energy use and internal conditions are directly impacted by local microclimate. The direct link between building energy use and local microclimate is through building envelope heat fluxes. ...Microclimate; Energy; Temperature; Humidity; Arduino; EnergyPlus2016-06
6 Miller, Joel StevenMagnetic behaviors of the metamagnetic and ferromagnetic phases of [Fe(C5Me5)2][TCNQ] (TCNQ = 7,7,8,8-tetracyano-p-quinodimethane). Determination of the phase diagram for the metamagnetic phaseThe detailed magnetic behaviors of the ferro- (1FO) and metamagnetic (1MM) phases of [FeCp*2][TCNE] (Cp* = pentamethylcyclopentadienide; TCNE = tetracyanoethylene) aligned parallel to the applied magnetic field, H, were obtained using eicosane (E). The Tc for 1FO is 3.1 K from the maximum in the fr...Properties; Temperature; Ordering2006
7 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Magnetic phase diagram of a molecule-based ferrimagnet: weak ferromagnetism and multiple dimensionality crossoversA detailed study of the magnetic behavior of the molecule-based magnet, [MnOEP][HCBD], (OEP=mesooctaethylporphyrinato, HCBD=hexacyanobutadiene) from 1.7 to 20 K was performed. The earlier reported magnetic transition at 19.6 K, ascribed to a crossover from a one-dimensional Heisenberg-like ferrimag...Transition; Temperature; Magnetization1997
8 Miller, Joel StevenMagnetization and static scaling of high-Tc disordered molecular-based magnet V(tetracyanoethylene)x¢y(CH3CN) with x ~ 1.5 and y ~ 2)We report field (H) and temperature (T) -dependent magnetization (M) of a member of the new class of high-Tc molecular-based magnets V(tetracyanoethylene)x .y(solvent) with Tc in an accessible range (solvent =CH3CN). The M (H) at low T saturates slowly with increasing H. The random magnetic anisotro...Temperature; Magnetic; Random1993
9 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Organic and molecular ferromagnetsUnlike common ferromagnets such as iron, nickel, cobalt or even cobalt-samarium and Nb-Fe-B, it is extremely rare for a discrete molecule, especially an organic or polymeric material, to have cooperative magnetic interactions. Since the mid-1980s a few such materials have been prepared which demon...Magnetic; Magnetization; Temperature1992
10 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Specific heat of decamethylferrocenium tetracyanoethanide (DMeFc)(TCNE)We report the specific heat C(T) of (DMeFc)(TCNE) for temperatures 3 K < T < 50 K. We observe an anomaly at Tc-4.82 K corresponding to a transition to a three-dimensional (3D) macroscopic ferromagnet. A broad maximum at = 15 K corresponds to an exchange interaction of J = 35 K along the chain axis. ...Temperature; Ferromagnetic; Magnetic1989
11 Miller, Joel StevenSpin crossover behavior of [FeII(isoxazole)6][BF4]2--a structural study[FeII(isoxazole)6][BF4]2 undergoes two reversible spin crossover transitions at 91 and 192 K and the single crystal structure determination reveals two different iron sites, Fe1 and Fe2, in a 1 : 2 ratio, with Fe1 attributed to the 91 K transition, and Fe2 attributed to the 192 K transition. This is...Transition; Magnetic; Temperature1999
12 Miller, Joel StevenStructure and magnetic properties of MnII[N(CN)2]2(pyrazine). An antiferromagnet with an interpenetrating 3-D network structureMn[N(CN)2]2(pyz) (pyz = pyrazine) orders antiferromagnetically at low temperature and possesses intralayer u-NCNCN and interlayer u-pyz ligands that form a pseudo-ReO3 interpenetrating network structure.Dicyanamide; Polydentate; Temperature1998
13 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Three-dimensional ordering, spin excitations, and dilution effects in the quasi-1-D ferromagnetic (DMeFc)(TCNE)The linear chain S = (1/2) molecular ferromagnet decamethylferrocenium tetracyanoethanide [(DMeFc) (TCNE)] has been studied by frequency-dependent ac susceptibility experiments. (X')(T) and (X") (T) exhibit maxima in the temperature range of 4.8 - 4.9 K, which corresponds to the transition tempe...Temperature; Transition; Magnetic1991
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