26 - 50 of 896
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26 The child support incentive program: constraints and the capacity for organizational cheating by street-level bureaucrats2010-12Textir_etd
27 Childhood undernutrition within the dry zone of Myanamr: does geographic location influence health outcomes?2017Textir_etd
28 Children's and adolescents' narrative accounts of harming: assuming and mitigating blame2013-08Textir_etd
29 Children's distress during hospital procedures: the role of child life specialists2015Textir_etd
30 Children's emotional security in response to marital conflict: the role of emotions and strategies in parents' conflict2010Textir_etd
31 Children's narrative accounts of being hurt: self-referential focus and consideration of the perpetrator's experience2013-08Textir_etd
32 Choosing good news or bad news: task importance and task diagnosticity as moderators of optimists' and pessimists' preferences for positive and negative feedback2008-10-28Textir_etd
33 Climate change, asymmetric costs, and the challenge to the capitalist system of production: a macroeconomic perspective2015Textir_etd
34 Climatic influences on two cienega complexes from northern baja california: a ~45,000 year paleoecological record2016Textir_etd
35 Collaboration and support in diabetes management across adulthood: the roles of of attachment and diabetes distress2018Textir_etd
36 The collective action problem of capitalists and the relative autonomy of the state2015-08Textir_etd
37 Commitment regimes: the intersection of violence and development2014-05Textir_etd
38 Common property and cosmology: conservation incentives among the miskitu of nicaragua2015Textir_etd
39 Community design variations in students' environmental walking supports2009-05-17Textir_etd
40 Community property law and cohabitation rates2013-05Textir_etd
41 Comparative concepts and methodology used in the study of the family in France and in the United States1939-05-27Textir_etd
42 Comparative explanations of East Asia's growth using neoclassical and post-keynesian models2013-12Textir_etd
43 Comparing urban vegetation cover with summer land surface temperature in the Salt Lake Valley2017Textir_etd
44 The competitive effects of charter schools in Utah2013-05Textir_etd
45 Complementarity in marriage: evidence from perception and behavior and associations with interaction and relationship outcomes2012-05Textir_etd
46 Complex spatial updating in simulated low vision2010-02Textir_etd
47 Conditioned punishment by S- associated with three discrimination training procedures1968Textir_etd
48 Confirming the dissociative subtype of posttraumatic stress disorder in a sample of traumatized justice-involved youth2016Textir_etd
49 Consequences of being unable to categorize: the impact of racial ambiguity on spontaneous trait inferences2018Textir_etd
50 The conservation of the natural resources of the United States, as a national problems1913Textir_etd
26 - 50 of 896