26 - 50 of 200
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26 An investigation of the cognitive effects of bifrontal electroconvulsive therapy in the treatment of severe depression2011-08Textir_etd
27 An investigation of the effects of opportunities to respond and intelligence on sight word retention using incremental rehearsal2012-08Textir_etd
28 An investigation of types and awareness of psychological problems of male adolescents with autism spectrum disorders who have been treated for psychiatric disorders2012-08Textir_etd
29 An investigation of uridine on depressive symptoms and neuropsychological test performance in youth ages 13-21 with bipolar disorder2015Textir_etd
30 Autism symptom presentation in toddlers during brief observations: what can we see in ten minutes?2012-08Textir_etd
31 Baby boomers' perceptions of body image and feelings of self-worth2018Textir_etd
32 Benchmarking dialectical behavior therapy for male veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder: a pilot study2008-07Textir_etd
33 Biographical predictors of the educationally disadvantaged veteran's use of G. I. Bill training benefits1971Textir_etd
34 Biracial and biethnic women’s perceptions of parental attitudes regarding their bodies: a qualitative investigation into body image2017Textir_etd
35 Call in the ref: the impact of an interest-regulating strategy on the reading of uninteresting texts2017Textir_etd
36 Can multimedia pretraining promote deep learning with interactive technologies?2009-06-17Textir_etd
37 The case conference: an evaluative study1971Textir_etd
38 Categorizing content in digital resources for education: developing a rubric to represent the selection and use of online materials2019Textir_etd
39 Centerfold syndrome: exploring the constructs of heterosexual male sexual self-schemas2010-05Textir_etd
40 Characteristics of adolescent and adult females with autism spectrum disorders and normal-range intellectual abilities: an exploratory study2014-05Textir_etd
41 Co-occurring anxiety in adults with autism spectrum disorder: use of diagnostic codes to measure prevalence and associations between anxiety and intellectual ability, adaptive behavior, and employment2017Textir_etd
42 Complex and simplex melodies as retrieval cues for High and low imagery, aggressive or neutral words1977Textir_etd
43 The complexities of power in feminist multicultural psychotherapy supervision: a qualitative study2014-08Textir_etd
44 Computerized screening system: an application of the relevant comparison test in the detection of deception2016Textir_etd
45 Connection as central: exploring the meaning of social justice activism for sexual minority women and transgender individuals2013-08Textir_etd
46 Contributing factors to academic success among student VeteransTextir_uspace
47 The correlation between teacher self-efficacy among seminaries and institutes seminary teachers and student outcomes2012-12Textir_etd
48 Counselor recall of specific details: implications for counseling and counselor training1988Textir_uspace
49 Delivery of applied behavioral intervention to children in rural communities via teleconsultation and the rethink autism web-based video treatment program2017Textir_etd
50 Development and validation of the concept-oriented reading instruction fidelity of implementation instrument2010Textir_etd
26 - 50 of 200