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26 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: July 2013 to September 20132013Quarterly progress report; July 2013 to September 2013; DE-FE0001243; CO2 management; oxyfiring; CO2 capture; Unconventional fuels; Uinta Basin; Utah; Oil shale; Oil sands; Greenhouse gas control; NER; NEER; GHG; In situ; Ex situDisclaimer: "This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for th...
27 Clean and secure energy from Utah's oil shale and oil sands resources: Environmental, legal and policy framework2010-04-28ICSE; Land use; Water availability; Produced water; Utah; Colorado; Colorado RiverThis poster addresses major challenges to land use, water availability, and produced water.
28 Commercial oil shale leasing under the energy policy act: An analysis of when, where, and how2008-03-12Oil shale; Oil sands; PEIS; EPA; BLM; FLPMA; RD&D; Research, Demonstration, & Development; Tar sands; Utah; Colorado; WyomingDiscussion of the alternatives for oil shale development outlined in the Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement issued by the Bureau of Land Management.
29 Conjunctive surface and groundwater management in Utah: Implications for oil shale and oil sands development2011-12-31Unconventional fuel development; Conjunctive water use; Surface water; Groundwater; Utah; Utah water law; Oil shale; Oil sandsUnconventional fuel development will require scarce water resources. In an environment characterized by scarcity, and where most water resources are fully allocated, prospective development will require minimizing water use and seeking to use water resources in the most efficient manner. Conjunctive...
30 Core-based integrated sedimentologic, stratigraphic, and geochemical analysis of the oil shale bearing Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah2011-04Utah; Green River Formation; Lake Uinta; Mahogany zone; Lake evolution; Oil shale development; Uinta BasinAn integrated detailed sedimentologic, stratigraphic, and geochemical study of Utah's Green River Formation has found that Lake Uinta evolved in three phases 1) a freshwater rising lake phase below the Mahogany zone, 2) an anoxic deep lake phase above the base of the Mahogany zone and 3) a hypersali...
31 CRS report for Congress: Developments in oil shale2008-11-17Green River; Oil shale formation; Colorado; Utah; Wyoming; Oil; Oil shale; Diesel; Jet fuel; Department of Energy; DOE; Synthetic fuels; Petroleum; Energy Policy Act of 2005; EPAct; BLM; Oil research, development, and demonstration; RD&D; Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement; PEIS; Oil shale ...The Green River oil shale formation in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming is estimated to hold the equivalent of 1.38 trillion barrels of oil equivalent in place. The shale is generally acknowledged as a rich potential resource; however, it has not generally proved to be economically recoverable. Thus, it ...
32 Current activity in oil production from U.S. tar sands1979-06-12Oil Production; U.S. tar sands; UNITAR; Oil shale; Tar sands; Utah; Oil recovery; Heavy oil; Gas; Hydrocarbon material; Viscous crudes; Oil deposits; Texas; California; New Mexico; KentuckyIn a 1978 paper "Important for the Future" issued by UNITAR, reference was made to a quotation from a study by Resources for the Future, entitled "Energy in the American Economy: 1850-1975," by Messrs. Schurr and Netschert. The quotation is: "Relatively simple calculations of the volume of oil shale...
33 Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of Salt Lake County: sub-county analysis2006-12Salt Lake County; Projections; Estimates; Aging population; Baby boom; Utah; Salt Lake Aging Services; Kennecott LandThis paper is an examination of the shifting geographic distribution of the population within Salt Lake County over time as well as an analysis of the spatial distribution of its demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. It builds on the county-level analysis included in a separate section of t...
34 Depositional heterogeneity and fluid flow modeling of the oil shale interval of the Upper Green River Formation, Eastern Uinta Basin, Utah2008-03-12Green River Formation; Eastern Uinta Basin; Utah; Oil shale; Sedimentology; Sequence stratigraphy; Mahogany zone; Depositional heterogeneity; Fluid flow modelingDiscussion of depositional and sequence stratigraphic characterization of the upper Green River Formation based on core and well log correlation and production modeling of the richest zone (Mahogany) based on sedimentological and other information.
35 Depositional setting and preliminary oil-shale resource potential, southwestern Uinta Basin, Utah1982Oil shale; Uinta Basin; Utah; Green River; Oil yield; Lake Uinta; Mohogany zone; Kerogen; Sheep Pass; Elko Basins; Nevada; Strawberry Structure; Strawberry ReservoirThis report characterizes the potential oil-shale resources underlying those lands west of the Green River in the southwestern Uinta Basin, Utah. The principal evaluation technique has been the calculation of oil yield from oil-well sonic and density log data available in this area. Subsurface corre...
36 Downhole hydraulic mining system1985-07-31Oil-bearing sands; Oil field; Wellbore; Downhole hydraulic mining system; California; Utah; Kentucky; New Mexico; Canada; Venezuela; Oil; Deposits; Strip miningThe downhole hydraulic mining system is designed to exploit deposits of oil-bearing sands that are not economically producible using current oil field or mining technology. In most cases, the hydrocarbon in the reservoir is too viscous to flow into the wellbore naturally and applications of heat (st...
37 Earth Energy Resources corporate presentation2008-02-22Oil sands; Earth Energy; Ophus Process; PR Spring, Utah; Bitumen; Oil sand mining; Tailings ponds; Extraction processes; Utah; Water consumption; Athabasca, Canada; Vernal, Utah; Simplot Phosphate MineForward looking statements--Earth Energy Resources, Inc.: This presentation and the Company's website referenced in this presentation contain forward-looking statements including expectations of future production and components of cash flow and earnings. Investors are cautioned that assumptions used...
38 Earth Energy Resources Inc.2006-09-21Uinta Basin; Oil sands; Athabasca; Tailings ponds; Water usage and supply; Emulsion treating; Concurrent Reclamation; Natural Gas; Process heating fuel; Infrastructure; Product transportation; Production issues; Ophus Process; Bitumen; Tar sand; UtahIssues facing oil sand production: -Issues facing Athabasca producers -Likely issues facing Uinta Basin producers -Technology advancements will provide the keys to unlock the oil sands in the USA
39 Earth Energy Resources, Inc. oil sands production in Utah: Continued development2009-02-27Oil Sand; Utah; Hydrocarbon Energy Environmental Gap; HEEG; Earth Energy; Oil sand production; Ophus Process; Oil sand deposits; Bitumen extraction; Oil sand mining; EER Spring Mine Site; Vernal, UtahOverview of Earth Energy Resources, Inc.'s continuing oil sands development activities in Utah, presented at the 2009 Western U.S. Oil Sands Conference by D. Glen Snarr, President & Chief Financial Officer, Earth Energy Resources, Inc.
40 Ecoshale: Environmental alternative fuels2008-11-13Unconventional fuel; Oil industry; Oil shale; Utah; Colorado; Wyoming; Tar sand; Red Leaf; Duchesne County; Uintah Basin; Carbon County; Emery County; Grand County; Ecoshale; In-capsule process; Kerogen; Alternative Fule; Environmental; In-capsule; Economic
41 Energy resources map of Utah (no. 68)1983-05Map 68; Utah; Energy Resources map; Gilsonite; Oil shale; Oil-impregnated rock; Geology; Oil and natural gas
42 Historic Fort Douglas at the University of UtahFort Douglas; UtahThe majority of the fort was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1970. The University of Utah Fort Douglas Heritage Commons is also an Official Project of Save America's Treasures, a public-private partnership between the White House Millennium Council and the National Trust for Historic Pres...
43 Lithologic logs and correlation of coreholes P. R. Spring and Hill Creek oil-impregnated standstone deposits Uintah County, Utah1975-08lithologic logs; correlation of coreholes; P. R. Spring; Hill Creek; oil-impregnated sandstone deposits; UtahThis report of investigation presents the lithologic logs and correlation of 16 coreholes drilled in 1973 in the P. R. Spring and Hill Creek oil-impregnated sandstone deposits, southeast Uintah County, Utah. The program was conducted under Grant No. GO 122094 from the U. S. Department of the Interio...
44 Mineralogy of oil shale in the upper part of Parachute Creek member of the Green River Formation in the Eastern Uinta Basin, Utah1976Parachute Creek; Green River Formation; Uinta Basin; Utah; X-ray diffraction; Oil shale; Curly bed; Wavy bed tuffs; Mahogany zone; Naval Oil Shale Reserve No. 2; Federal Prototype Oil Shale Leas Tract Ua; Smectite; MineralogyThe relative abundance and distribution of major and minor minerals have been determined by X-ray diffraction for samples of Green River Formation oil shale in three drill cores from the eastern part of the Uinta Basin, Utah. The samples in each core are from the same rock stratigraphic interval bet...
45 Naval petroleum and oil shale reserves1996Naval Petroleum Reserve; Oil shale reserves; California; Wyoming; Utah; Colorado; Naval Petroleum Reserves Production Act of 1976; Annual Report; 1996 fiscal yearDuring fiscal year 1996, the Department of Energy continued to operate Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1 in California and Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 3 in Wyoming through its contractors. In addition, natural gas operations were conducted at Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 3. All productive acreage owned b...
46 Oil impregnated carbonate rocks of the Timpoweap Member Moenkopi Formation, Hurricane Cliffs area, Utah and Arizona1979Oil impregnated rocks; Hurricane Cliffs; Utah; Arizona; Timpoweap Member; Triassic Moenkopi Formation; Timpoweap Canyon; Hurricane, UtahOil impregnated rocks crop out at several localities near the Hurricane Cliffs in southwestern Utah and adjacent Arizona. The most significant petroliferous deposits occur in the Timpoweap Member of the Triassic Moenkopi Formation in Timpoweap Canyon and the Hurricane Cliffs south of Hurricane, Utah...
47 Oil-impregnated sandstones of Raven Ridge, Vernal, Utah1972Oil-impregnated sandstone; Raven Ridge; Vernal, Utah; Uinta Basin; Utah; Colorado; Wasatch Formation; Green River Formation; Uinta FormationThe area of this report is in the northeastern part of the Uinta Basin of northeastern Utah and northwestern Colorado. The area covers approximately 52 square miles of what is regionally called Raven Ridge. Raven Ridge, a series of hogback ridges, trends northwest-southeast, and includes three Eocen...
48 Organic and pyritic sulfur determination in oil shale1983-03-01H2S; Pyritic sulfur; Oil shale; Kentucky; Ohio; Colorado; Utah; Wyoming; Oil shale deposits; SulfurSulfur forms in oil shale are defined according to their reduction rates to H2S in the presence of hydrogen-donor solvents. A linear increase in temperature with time is applied to a reaction system of oil shale and hydrogen-donor solvents. The different temperatures at which H2S is detected corresp...
49 Overburden map and thickness determinations, Sunnyside oil-impregnated sandstone deposit, Carbon and Duchesne Counties, Utah1986Oil-impregnated sandstone; Sunnyside deposits; Carbon County; Duchesne County; UtahThis investigation into the overburden and oil-impregnated sandstone thicknesses within the Sunnyside deposits, Carbon and Duchesne Counties, Utah is done under Contract No. YA-553-CT0-1059 between the Utah Geological and Mineral Survey and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management.
50 Salt Lake City census 2000 atlas2011-03Demographics; Salt Lake City; Utah; CensusThis volume presents the basic demographic characteristics of residents of Salt Lake City as recorded in the 2000 Census of Population and Housing. Every ten years these federal governm ent counts of people are the basis of congressional apportionment and political redistricting. Data in this volume...
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