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1 McDaniel, SusanChallenges to health promotion among older working womenThe work site, has, been a place of successful health promotion among; certain groups, most notably men in management. The potential of work site health promotion among women, particularly among' older working women, remains unexplored.. Given women's greater longevity and women's likelihood of spen...Workers; Longevity; Aging1988
2 McDaniel, SusanMedical culture and health politics: the Ontario debateThe 1986 doctors' strike in Ontario brought into stark relief many of the issues that have been latent in Canadian health politics for several decades. In this paper, an analysis from a sociological perspective is offered of the issues involved in the 1986 doctors' strike. Issues are discussed i...1988
3 McDaniel, SusanOlder women: their quest for justice and peaceMyths, misconceptions and stereotypes about women and about older people combine in ways that prevent us from noticing some promising new developments in the quest for justice and peace. A popular stereotype sees the person working toward peace and justice as youthful, and significantly, often male....Women; Peace; Justice1988
4 Fogel, Alan DaleResearch in review: the development of nurturance in young childrenAn important, perhaps essential, adult characteristic is the motivation and ability to be a skillful and sensitive caregiver. This ability is the core of effective parenting and is also needed by nonfamily child care providers, caregivers for the handicapped and elderly, loving partners, and even pe...Nurturance1988
5 Cashdan, Elizabeth A.Technological change and child behavior among the !KungHow does change in one part of a social system affect other parts? This is the central question that must be answered in order to understand the process through which culture changes. This paper is about a small piece of the problem. It investigates how changes in subsistence economy affect child be...Child behavior; Technological change; Foraging groups; Settled groups1988
6 McDaniel, SusanWomen's roles and reproduction: the changing picture in Canada in the 1980'sThe social roles of women have always been affected by their reproductive roles. Recently in Canada, as well as elsewhere, several challenges to traditional thinking about women's roles and reproduction have emerged. These challenges have called into question the models typically used to analyze wom...Childbearing; Motherhood; Childcare1988
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